The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4727: Battle slag

Anubi, under the wrath, was extremely horrible, almost incarnate in the darkness, and the sphinx suddenly burst into the air.

In a twinkling of an eye, it turns into a giant creature about 100 feet tall.

With the expansion of this body, the atmosphere of endless darkness erupted from him and continued to spread with him as the center.


The darkness sweeps like a tidal wave, just for a moment, it will cover the sky above the super war league.



"Humble ants daring to hurt the gods of the great cemetery and kill them."

A sacred spirit smashed out of the lion's body and squatted in the sky, rushing to the battleship of the War Alliance.

puff! A white bone was shot by a laser and turned into a fly ash.

In a blink of an eye, there is a spirit that directly penetrates the warships of the War Alliance.

Oh, la la la.

The battleship was broken directly into slag, turned into pieces of scrap iron, and fell from the sky.


Just a few breaths of time, the whole sky turned into such a scene, countless battleships turned into scrap iron, and fell into the blue smoke.

"A group of slag, I want to use this means to attack the **** of the great cemetery."

"It’s really whimsical."

Arnu snarls.

The already splendid Sphinx is even more terrifying at this moment.

At this time, within the alliance, it has become a mess.

"This is the **** of the cemetery?

Why are the demons in the dark to attack our war leagues? ”

"This is a provocation and cannot be tolerated."

"Remove the superhero's restrictions and dispatch superheroes, otherwise my Super League will be difficult to stand in the world."

A group of people were filled with indignation and screamed at the table, and they were furious.

"It’s good to say that when we are in Super League, are there only these heat exchangers?

When my superhero comes out, what gods will die. ”

"Commander, start the Ares plan, and let the world tremble at the foot of my war league."

"Yes, the commander, this ugly thing is really odious, and it is standing at the foot of our war league."

It is also said that they are the core figures of the War Alliance. In the shadowy eyes, it seems that a certain decision has been made, speaking to the man at the center of the round table.

"Okay, start the Ares program."

The voice of the commander of the War Alliance sank and said secretly.

Immediately, the core members of a group of war leagues, with a look of excitement, pressed the palm of their hand at the same time with a mark in front of them.


A burst of light flashed out.

Focusing on the round table, it began to spread.


The light disappeared, and at the same time the round table was completely sunken.

Below, it is a broader space.

However, in this space, all are glass containers.

And among the containers, there are people standing like sleeping people.

"Start the Ares command."

"No. 1 God of War, dispatched."

The commander of the War Alliance is sound and orderly.

It seems that under this power, it is easy to get in touch with the predicament.


As the voice of the commander of the War Alliance fell, a low voice appeared.

Then, in this space, one of the most front glass containers was unsealed.

Then, there was a staff member wearing protective clothing, holding a blue business cube directly, and pressing the top of the head in the glass container.


The blue crystal blends into the body at once.

At this time, the man opened his eyes directly.

"God of War 1, go, destroy the enemy of the War Alliance."

The commander of the war league is stunned.

It seems that everything is in its own control.


The figure slowly shifted his gaze, and then jumped out and flew directly out of the War League.

At this time, outside the void.

Long Fei looked at the crazy slave, and he looked as usual.

The **** of the cemetery should have the look of the **** of the cemetery.

At least, it seems that there is some value now.

"Anu, quick fix."

Longfei said.

These exist, this kind of attack, not to mention the dragon fly, is to deal with the level of the master of Xiao Yuer, no difference is equal to none.

Relative to the ascent, perhaps the lethality is not bad, before the opening of Xianmen, in this world, enough to dominate.

But once faced with real masters, this kind of attack is nothing but a car.

"Good master, look at it, I will bombard this war alliance into a slag."

Anu said.

Do not dare to disobey.

Even if he is mad again, killing and then violent, Longfei a word, let him instantly lose his temper.

The next moment, on the body of the lion, more darkness is released.

In the twinkling of an eye, the entire war league was overshadowed.

And he himself seems to be incarnate in a black hole, a dark creature, released from his body, the impact of the claws and the claws toward the direction of the war.

"Big bad guys, this guy turned out to be so strong.

However, this breath makes people feel very uncomfortable. ”

Xuan Yu looked stunned.

Looking at Longfei is even more obsessive.

At the time, Arnu’s means of exerting her gave birth to her heart.

But such a powerful person is willing to be a slave in front of Longfei.

What does this mean?

Explain that Longfei itself is even more horrible.

"The **** of the cemetery belongs to the power of darkness.

And the practice that you cultivated has a general meaning.

Nature is a natural resistance to this power. ”

"But don't mess around, such a super beater, I have other plans."

Longfei said.

After seeing the means of Anu, in the mind of Longfei, the instinctive thought of the throne of the white bone.

I thought of my own white bones.

Today, this army is still recuperating.

But it won't take long before it can be reborn and overbearing.

And they return, because of the limitations of the system, there is a high probability that there is no way to fight for a long time.

But now there is Anu, the **** of the cemetery, just to give them a place to be.

Even under the influence of the power of the dark power cemetery of Anu, it is possible to make a breakthrough for the White Bone Corps.

But now, this is just a guess. If you want to implement it, you have to wait until you solve it.

In a twinkling of an eye, Longfei looked at the crazy slave, and thought: "Mom sells the batch, is it wrong?"

There is no avenger in this war alliance?

Only some super hot, or some genetic warriors? ”

Longfei’s heart is inevitably somewhat lost.

Thinking of the infinite glove that I got before, Longfei’s heart is extremely dumped with the power of the complex.

Only after the system changed, these forces were also annihilated.

It can be said that among the entire system, except for the Wanshen Building, everything else has been annihilated.

The former war league can disappoint him.

He is eager to see things and does not appear.

But at this time, a figure flies directly out of the void.

In the blink of an eye, Longfei’s eyes must be, at this moment, he actually perceives the original power.

Yes, it is the original power in the universe cube.

But in the next moment, Longfei’s eyes were extremely disappointing.

"Grass, I thought it was a savvy Lord. I didn't expect it to be a battle."

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