The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4730: The Avengers

Longfei looked calmly in front of his eyes, but he was already excited.

Hulk Hulk.

Yes, this is the Hulk, an explosive muscle, with a horrible breath, exactly in line with the Hulk in memory.

However, Longfei did not expect that the Hulk would have such a terrible force. Even the **** of a cemetery in the Taiyi Jinxian Peak can be beaten.

Of course, this does not mean that the slave is weak.

It can only be said that this is the case.

"Big bad guys, what power does this big guy have? Why do you feel his flesh, even my sword lotus can't be worn?" Xuanyu sucked in a cold air, and the throat was full of shock.

Between this day, the first is Anu, and now it is Hulk.

Has already washed his three views.

Anu is better, although the power is relatively dark, but it is also the strength of cultivation.

But Hulk, that is the real mortal body, there is no spiritual change in the body.

But this kind of existence has made her feel unmatched.

Longfei laughed and said nothing.

This kind of thing is too difficult to explain, even if it is said, they may not understand.

Tell them about genetic warriors? Will they be quantum mechanics?

It is tantamount to teaching a spell to a mortal.

They simply can't understand.

Moreover, regarding the Avengers, there are also many unknown places in Longfei’s mind. Can only say that they are a group of freaks. Whether it is the US team or Hulk, it is a sudden change in the body to become a superhero. As for the black widow and the eagle eye, although there are not many introductions and strengths, but it should be mortal, at most, the combat power is extraordinary, but this is the case, still showing a good fighting power in the complex.

However, this power is not enough to make Longfei move.

What really makes Longfei feel the expectation is the power of infinite rough.

Only that kind of power is enough to make Longfei go further.

As for the people of Fulian, although Longfei has the mind to receive them from the special army, now, just a Hulk, is not enough to make Longfei be too excited.

As soon as I read this, Longfei’s figure fell directly and came to the top of the Super League.

"Hulk Hulk?"

"The Avengers?"

"Is this your card?" Long Fei mouth smirked.

Not cold, but disdain.

The reunion may not be weak, but that is also the reunion of the year. What about today?

The US team is gone, Iron Man is gone, the widow is gone, and Raytheon is gone.

With that left, Hulk and Blush can get it.

But with these two people, it is impossible to threaten themselves.

"Hurricane. Kid, do you know how many powerful creatures from the universe have been reunited?"

"Do you think you can have something to end?"

"There are all the gods that have been killed. You think that you can escape a death? Impossible, any who wants to endanger the survival of the earth will die under the link of the Union."

The members of the War League said coldly, and their faces were high-spirited.

As if the reunion came out, the result was already doomed.

"God? The **** who killed Lao Tzu did not have 100,000 or eight thousand. If the reunion is a heyday, maybe I am interested in just being with you, but now, how many are there in the reunion?"

"Who can stop Laozi from a knife?" Longfei sneered, disdain.

The voice can't be dropped.

The green figure below moved again.


The figure flashed and rushed directly to Longfei.

"Master is careful!" Anu also snorted.

It is also full of anger.

Thinking that he was so fat in front of Longfei, and without the slightest effort to regain his hand, he had a sense of ultimate humiliation in his heart. In particular, Hulk’s last poor God gave him all the superiority in his heart and stepped on the ground.

Now, Hulk is aiming at Longfei.

And as the dog running under the dragon's door, the first reaction is that if he can't show his own value.

Then, there is no qualification for even a dog.

For a moment, Anu moved, and the Sphinx slammed into the sky and rushed from the deep pit, trying to block Hulk.

However, Hulk is too fast.

Under the influence of huge power, it only took a hundredth of a second to directly rush to the front of Longfei.


Hulk punched out and landed directly on Longfei.

"Definitely, the Hulk’s power is relatively complete in these years, and the power of the original stone has changed the genes in the body. It is now more violent than before."

"We have already analyzed, the Hulk is now punching, can blow our super battleship, can blow a small satellite, even if the giants who want to destroy the earth, can not stop the giant giant punch ""

"Hey, I’m taking it for myself. I dare to take my war league as a soft persimmon."

In the war league, everyone in this moment burst into the light.

It’s incredibly fast.

They have already determined that Longfei is under this boxing and must die without a place of burial.

"No!" On the other side, Xiao Yuer was also exclaimed.

If you can't make it, you want to rush out.

Then, it is even more straight out of the chain snake, want to arrest Hulk.

But at this time, an arrow directly breaks through the void, directly hitting the chain snake soft sword.


Xiao Yuer was caught off guard, and the chain snake in the hand was attacked by this force, and the whole person was rolled out.

Xuanzang is also a panic in his eyes, and he and the jade jade one after the other, while the sword.

Similarly, there is a resurgence of people in the void.

A shield runs directly through the void and directly bombards the sword.

The sword was sharp and was actually blown away by the shield.

On the other hand, it is a red power group.

This power directly imprisons the power of Xuan Yu, making Xuan Yu unable to break free.

The same is true of Anu’s side. Just rushing out of the sky, above the void, he came down directly to a group of lightning, and he threw him down.

For a time, everyone's attacks were stranded, and they could only watch the Hulk Hulk, and slammed into the dragon.

On the other side of Longfei, there is still no wave in the eyes.

Only when the blush wire and the thunder appeared, there was a slight fluctuation.

After that, there is no change at all.

Until Hulk’s punch fell directly to the dragon in less than a centimeter.

Longfei finally moved.

"too slow!"

"Your strength is good enough to kill the repairers of the Taiyi Jinxian level."

"For me, it's still not enough."

"Invincible punch, out!"

Longfei's lips whispered, and then, in the horrified eyes of Hulk, he directly punched a punch and touched Hulk.



The sky roared, the darkness fell, and under the fist of Longfei, it returned to calm.

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