Even the people around Long Fei, who were being held behind by Long Fei, were also aggressive at this time.

Look at Long Fei, look up at Chen Zhong again, as if in doubt, who is true or not.

"Long Fei, you dare to show up. Okay, good. Originally, the palace was still upset. Where did you go to find you? I never thought you would come to the door."

"But this is the best. I will let you watch it with your own eyes. The people in this city are dying in front of you one by one."

Jingtian Palace said coldly.

"So what, a group of ants who are looking for their way." Chen Zhong said lightly.

Still maintains a high stance.

Long wind blew his hair on both sides, and it showed a kind of attitude that I was invincible and lonely.

As Chen Zhong's voice came down, those who were lucky enough to survive below were all filled with fear.

"Long Fei, what do you mean? Since you have already appeared, then this dark power should be entrusted to you for slaughter." Mo Ying said, with a somewhat high attitude in his tone.

Moreover, there is a sense of command.

"What kind of thing do you dare to say this kind of thing. Are you the name of the dark butcher? Are you joking?"

He can pretend, others can misunderstand that he is Long Fei.

But he must not admit it himself.

After all, Long Fei is now standing below.

If he did admit it, that would be a death hunt. Compared to this dark council, Long Fei's horror has already penetrated into his bone marrow.

"Presumptuous, Long Fei, do you know who you're talking to?" Mo Ying's face sank, as if he didn't expect the other party to give such a response.

"Go! You know nothing about the word strong."

"Ignorance is a sin."

"But take your ignorance as a means of provoking the dark butcher, and that is to add to the sin." Chen Zhong said, his eyes more and more indifferent.

Below, a slight chuckle emerged from the corner of Long Fei's mouth.

I have to say that Chen Zhong's words were just right.

Called a textbook style.

"This guy!" Long Fei murmured in his heart.

But what made Long Fei even more speechless was Mo Ying's reaction, and even Long Fei felt unhappy.

It seems that in Moying's cognition, the central word of their system is the oracle, and others must obey unconditionally. As everyone knows, what Long Fei hates most is this kind of self-righteous and supreme person.

"Presumptuous, Long Fei, although your means are good. But you must know, I am the person at the center of the system. You have already offended the Dark Council. Do you still want to challenge the authority of my system center? Obediently obedient, leaving the people in Jingtian Palace, otherwise, the old man will inevitably go to the center, and then you will have no way to heaven, no door to the ground. "Mo Ying said, eyes full of threat.

In the void, Chen Zhong sneered at the heart of the suspended world.

Others don't know Long Fei's temperament, but he has touched the door.

Long Fei can't stand the threat, no one can do it. Even in the original Tianneng auction, Long Fei didn't look at it.

A system center that can block Long Fei's footsteps?

Of course not.

However, he also knew that it was enough to pretend to force a successful wave of hatred. If he continued, he would be seen through, and he would surely die.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhong's eyes glanced at the Heavenly Palace Lord, and then glanced at Ying Ying, seeing that both sides have brewed their emotions to the extreme, burning in anger, a thrill in their hearts, an acceleration, directly above the void Knelt down:

"Sir, I said so, am I right?"


In an instant, everyone's eyes could be full of surprise.

No one is surprised.

Their eyes followed Chen Zhong's direction. In the end, they all stopped on Long Fei.

"Sir ... you ... are you the Dark Butcher?" Jingtian Palace's face changed.

"You, it turned out to be you. Long Fei, since you are a dark butcher, why didn't you watch the Jingtian Palace's shot just now and remain indifferent?" Mo Ying asked for a moment, then asked.

But the people around Long Fei felt dreamy at this moment, extremely shocked, and extremely grateful.

They knew that it was precisely what they had said before that they let Long Fei go and save their lives. Otherwise, their results will necessarily be the same as those of other people. They will either die and die, become ash, or they will have broken limbs and live fortunately.

Puff puff.

Suddenly, these people knelt directly, with respect and awe in their eyes, and looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei pouted, and his heart became soothing.

"Did you make a mistake, and you still know that you will give me the final performance." Long Fei thought to herself.

It can be said that when Chen Zhong came out, he successfully transferred all his attention to Long Fei. For this result, Longfei naturally enjoyed it.

After all, Long Fei's gaze that others looked up to, although he didn't care, he wouldn't mind.

But at this moment, a sound of mourning and cursing appeared suddenly:

"Why, why! You are clearly in the crowd and why you haven't shot."

"That's why we're like this if you shot early."

"Dark butcher, I think it's caused us disaster. Anyway, I'm already like this, there is no difference between being alive or dead. Today, I will reveal his face and let the world know that the so-called The dark butcher has a reputation. "

Among the crowd, several voices were full of resentment. Their eyes were full of hatred.

Long Fei looked cold and looked at it:

"Oh, when I was screaming that all disasters were caused by me, did you ever think you would be the result?"

"Since you all want to give me up as a scapegoat, why should I save you?"

"However, since you want to die so sincerely, I will fulfill you."

The next moment, Long Fei moved forward, came directly to this person, and stepped out.


The mountain shook for a while, and the person who had been vocal about Long Fei before was also stepping into powder under the foot of Long Fei.

"Who else? Who else has enough life? Tell me as much as you can. Although I won't save you, I can kill you." Long Fei said coldly.


Suddenly, there was silence.

Everyone knows that Long Fei is definitely not just talking, even the people who complained before shut up directly at this time, and did not dare to say a word, for fear that Long Fei would be angry and send them to death.

"Long Fei, you have the courage to dare to kill in the city. Believe it or not, I will report it to the center and start hunting you down." Mo Ying said.

Long Fei twitched.

He's seen idiots, but he's never seen anyone with an IQ offline.

"Just now, you gave me a choice. Then now, I also give you a chance to kneel down or die!" Long Fei said, his voice was firm and unbearable.

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