Long Fei's voice was full of contempt, with endless taunts on his face.

Seriously, Long Fei initially felt irritated, but they did not die. It can be seen that the corpses in the floating world of the other party are fake, and they surrendered directly to Jingtian Palace without restraint.

At that moment, Long Fei's intention to kill had already breeded.

Absolutely intolerable.

But at this moment, no one dared to respond to Long Fei's words. Long Fei is too domineering, the means are cruel and violent, beyond their cognition.

Even the Master of the Shocking Palace, his face has become more cautious now.

A cloud of darkness surrounded him, covering his cheeks. But his figure was instinctively receding.

This is enough to show that the current Long Fei has caused fear in his heart.

"Long Fei, what exactly are you doing? Why can you behead them without using the power of the system?" Finally, the master of Jingtian Palace said.

After all, he represented the dark council, and naturally it was impossible to retreat without a fight.

"Kill them? Need a system?" Long Fei said, looking up.

In this sentence, the wind he said was light and light, but it fell into the ears of everyone, but it was like a thunder.

Suddenly, in the dark council, riots were directly caused:

"What? The power of the system is not used? Is it pure physical power?"

"Oh my God, how is this possible. Even a person with a refining system can't do it, how can he do it?"

"Did he say that he has obtained a very high system level, and it is impossible to directly transform his physical body into infinite power?"

The voices of countless dark councils came out, shocked and flustered.

When Jingtian Palace heard Long Fei's answer, he growled in a low voice.

"No, he did not use any system power. This power is not a system power. So, the power he uses is most likely not the power of the seventh world." Shen Tiangong said.

Long Fei's expression froze slightly.

Secretly, this shocking palace person is still a bit optimistic, even if he shot from himself, he guessed so many.

At this moment, the people in the hustle and bustle of the city became even more amazing and dazzled.

Especially Mo Ying, his face suddenly became extremely pale.

"What? Not in the seventh world? No wonder, no wonder he dare not respect his husband."

"It's over, it's over. If he really isn't a seventh-world person, then my identity will not pose any threat to him. After he solves this seventh-world person, I'm sure there will be nothing. Good end. "

"No, I have to inform the other city that a higher level center must be supported."

Mo Ying's body was in the middle of the ground, and he was constantly struggling. The confusion in his heart made him afraid to stay here for half a minute.

But before his body came out of the earth, a figure fell directly from the sky.

It is Long Fei.


Long Fei stomped and directly stepped Mo Ying's body into the depths of the earth again. This time, it was even more violent than before, and the strength was even greater.

It can be said that only one head of Mo Ying is still leaking out, and his entire body has completely fallen.

"Did I make you move? Didn't you want to see Lao Tzu's move to solve the shocking palace? Then open your dog's eyes and take a good look at this. Before I can solve it, you move, I will hit you." Long Fei Whispered.


As if Mo Ying is now a string puppet in his hands, let him stand, he can't squat. Let him kneel, he can't lie on his stomach.

"Long Fei ..." Mo Ying groaned endlessly.

However, this sound had no effect on Long Fei at all.

At this time, Chen Zhong looked down at Mo Ying, with pity on his face:

"Why is it so stupid? Why is it so stupid? You didn't know anything about the power of this evil star before, why do you know it now, so struggling so desperately?" Chen Zhong thought to himself.

But more is fortunate.

He was grateful for his choice.

Then, his gaze turned to Jingtian Palace again:

"Isn't it good to be lingering? It's good to wait for this evil star to reap and cut you a little bit. Isn't it good for you to die again? What kind of psychological process is it that makes you far away to death? Alas." Chen Zhong sighed.

Before today, he never thought that the Dark Council would send a first-level presence to deal with Long Fei.

Moreover, today they came to this noisy city, they just wanted to exchange for a more advanced floating world, but did not expect, but triggered such a tragedy.

"Well, I have to remember today, starting today, I am going to write a book and pass it on. The name is called, the time to slash the leek with Shaxing." Chen Zhong thought for nothing.

But at this moment, Long Fei's figure moved.

In the dry land, the scallions were generally rushed directly into the void.


Long Fei rushed, but the people in the dark council started to retreat.

Human shadow, tree name.

Long Fei could be called the Dark Butcher, and they already made them extremely scared. Now they have seen Long Fei's violent means again, and the fighting spirit in their hearts disappeared for a moment.

Now they have only infinite fear of Long Fei, and they have no idea of ​​shooting.

It was the master of Jingtian Palace. At this time, the figure suddenly took a step back, entered his palace, and watched Long Fei coldly:

"Long Fei, there is something urgent in this palace today. Let's fight another day," said the master of Jingtian Palace.

At this moment, he had already resigned and had no intention of staying at all. He was afraid to fight Long Fei at all.

Long Fei stunned:

"What the hell? This is about to run away?" Long Fei moved slightly.

This scene is too out of line.

Because before, it was those lower-level dark cities. When they faced themselves, they were all disdainful and totally disrespectful to themselves.

But now, no matter it is the system level or the strength attribute, they are all higher level, but they chose to retreat without fighting. This makes Long Fei's heart feel particularly puzzling.

But they do n’t understand, they do n’t understand, they want to go, but Long Fei cannot let them go.

"Another day? If you say another day, it ’s another day. Then I ’m not very shameless? And, I just said, let the old thing look at you. You have to go now, do n’t you just demolish my desk?

"Say, don't you look down on me?" Long Fei's face flickered, and the eyes of eternal life passed directly through the endless darkness and fell directly on the body of Jingtian Palace.

Pedal stare.

For a moment, the main figure of Jingtian Palace exploded a few steps. The panic on his face was more intense.

"No, what is this gaze? A gaze can actually cause fear in my heart. No, absolutely can not fight." Jingtian Palace master's mind turned sharply.

Without saying a word, just turn around and control the suspended palace and leave.

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