Long Fei looked at Chen Zhong with a shame on his face, with a chill in his heart, followed by gastrointestinal peristalsis, and a natural reaction followed.

But Long Fei still had no seizures, but his face was getting more gloomy.

But Huo did not see it.

He was still immersed in Chen Zhong's answer at this moment.

Suddenly, my anger erupted like a volcano:

"Shuzi, bitch, how can you shamelessly." Huo Du screamed in his heart.

But he did not want to be outdone, and said quickly:

"Master, in fact, I have a younger sister, Huo Jingjing, and an aunt, Li Jingjing, and a cousin, Zhang Jingjing. I don't know what ... what do you think ..."

Long Fei turned his eyes sharply.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

For the two, Long Fei was completely speechless.

"Dutum shut up for me. I said, I want to be quiet. It's quiet!" Long Fei burst into a drink, and really didn't want to say one more word to the two.

What makes Long Fei's unexpected is that Huo Du is still incessant, as if determined to:

"Since adults like it, Huo will not hide it anymore. My insider ... named Quiet." Huo Du's expression of righteousness Ling Ran seemed to be willing to give everything for Long Fei.

But Long Fei, it was a slap between the backhands.


"Go away." Long Fei yelled.

Suddenly, Chen Zhongle became smiley.

As if in this scene, he had expected it.

Huo Du also reacted at this time:

"Damn, this **** deliberately pitted me!" Huo Du hate.

At this moment, he finally understood why Chen Zhong had complicated this issue before. Why didn't he know that Long Fei just didn't want to talk. However, he was led by Chen Zhong to a rhythm, and he was caught in the trap of each other.

Suddenly, the two men faced each other silently and fought again.

Long Fei didn't have time to bother, and the whole person sat directly on the suspended world with a little thought in his heart.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, projected in front of Long Fei:

"Master Longfei, our controller wants to invite you to the center of the system." It is Zuo Si.

After Zuo Si appeared, he was shocked to see that the entire capital city was destroyed. Although they have calculated that this hundred capital cities must not be able to keep it. But I did not expect that it was destroyed so thoroughly by Long Fei.

"The system center invited me?" Long Fei glanced, his eyes suddenly flashed.

The moment before, Long Fei's heart just wanted to see the system center of the higher world. In the end, there was something good. I didn't expect someone to send a pillow when I wanted to sleep.

For a moment, the gloom on Long Fei's face disappeared.

Instead, it is an expectation.

"Yes, our controller knows that you are extremely powerful and does not want to be your enemy, so I just want to invite you. And there is indeed one thing in our system center that wants to trouble you. But you can rest assured that it will not Let you help in vain. "Zuo Si said.

With pride on his face.

In his view, there are no people in the world who can't be hired by their system center.

What he didn't know was that as soon as he said this, six eyes locked him instantly.

"Uh ... what's wrong? Is it because Zuo said something wrong?" Zuo Si paused for a moment, not understanding why everyone made such an expression.

"No, okay. Since it is the center of the system, I gave this face to Long Fei." Long Fei readily agreed, without any hesitation.

"It's over. The expression of this evil star is obviously my heartbeat. I have a feeling that the center of the system is going to be unlucky. Hey, is it good to live well? If you are idle, you have to provoke him? I do n’t know if it ’s easy Is God difficult? "Chen Zhong's eyes showed mercy, and he stayed in the lock for a moment, his heart silent.

"In the past, I still felt that in the center of the system, there are countless powers that can reach heaven and earth, and have the power of the heavens and the earth. Now, what am I wrong? You are not only capable of reaching the sky, but you are also dead. The Lord of Darkness Hurrying to drive away the Lord, you dare to pick it up and wait for the bad luck. "Huo Du was also sad, and made a gesture of hands folded, as if praying for the center of the system.

Long Fei, of course, did not know that he had formed such a person in the minds of the two men. If you know, absolutely slap the two people over the cover without saying a word.

After a while, the suspended world set sail again.

In an instant, disappeared into this world.

At that time, the world of the heavens, in the realm of the sun.

At this time, the Great Sun World had fallen into a deep water. The sky is broken, and the scorching sun in the air has been cut in half, like a stream of fire, flowing endlessly hot breath, falling between heaven and earth.

The strong men of the Dayang world, exhausting all their power, can only resist with difficulty.

"King, what should we do?"

"In this way, it will not be long before our Dayang World will be completely destroyed."

"The goddess has already repaired the sun, but there is no news as soon as they go, I am afraid that they will not be able to carry it in the next wave of attack."

Sadness was written on the faces of countless strong men in the great world.

This battle has been going on for several months and they have been unable to support it.

War is disaster.

Especially now they are facing super strong players they have never encountered before. If it weren't for their realm king's arrival in time, their Dayang Realm would have been destroyed now.

And their king is not others, it is Long Yingdao.

"Don't be afraid, I am there, the Dayang world will be able to keep it. My mother went to the sun and believes that it will return soon. As for this battle, just leave it to me." Long Yingdao said, his body There is a set of divine costumes given by Long Fei.

"And me. Fighting brothers, father and son soldiers." Another figure appeared, the breath was extremely fierce.

It is Dragon Invincible.

"Brother." Long Yingdao had a joy on his face, but then he looked sad again.

"Are you injured?" Long Yingdao panicked.

"Anyway, they came with a master. I was on a par with him, and even suppressed by him for a few minutes. In the end, I could only rely on the detachment of the disc to retreat," Long Wudi said.

"What? Even you aren't your opponent?" Long Yingdao was surprised.

Dragon's invincible means has already exceeded the level of the king of the king, even if it is invincible, it is not enough.

"This should not be a person from Wanjie. I can't see the origin of each other, but they are really strong." Long Wudi said.

"However, no matter how strong we are, we can never retreat. Otherwise, Dad will be shameless? He only has our two sons. If we all lose, how can we make Dad a man in the future." He also said that the light of evil in his eyes flickered as if to devour the whole world.

"Brother, have you said that Dad has recently sent us a few more mothers and sisters, if only we could create ten eight younger brothers, we don't have to work so hard." Long Yingdao shook his head.

Dragon Invincible froze, looking at Dragon Ying Road staggeringly.

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