The fourth world, the fifth world, the sixth world.

At this time, the three worlds directly convened cross-border meetings.

"The people of our world have been destroyed, are those outside the realm really so strong?" This is the giant of the fourth world, with a kind of arrogance in his voice, as if questioning.

"Adult, this is also our point of doubt. According to the news that our people circulated, some shadows were posted back. They all seemed to be wiped out by one person."

"Yes, lord, I suspect this person is very likely to have a relationship with Long Ba Tian."

People from the fifth and sixth world said.

The face is also full of panic and anxiety.

Because, whether it is the people of the fourth world, or the figure that killed them, they are terrible and terrible, giving them a feeling of being unable to face.

"You just need to take precautions. According to this person's style of behavior, he will never be willing to give up. His next course of action must be the seventh world, the sixth world, and then come layer by layer. The Sixth World is going, and when they come from the Seventh World, they will be completely wiped out by then. "The giant of the Fourth World said.

There was a sudden flash of joy in the faces of the Sixth World.

"Thank you, sir, I will make arrangements to let that group of people come and go." The people of the Sixth World quickly promised.

The giants of the Fourth World nodded, and this meeting ended.

What they do not know is that at this time, Long Fei, and the floating world where he is, have come to the front of the sixth world.

Far away, Long Fei can clearly perceive that there is a layer of systematic blessing behind it to shield and protect the entire world.

"You guys are waiting for me here, I'll take a look." Long Fei said, he wanted to try at this moment, does his own system really have this kind of authority, can arbitrarily shuttle regardless of the world level.

Bei Qi stopped naturally, and he had already guessed Long Fei's idea. At this moment, he also wanted to see what means Long Fei could achieve so calmly.

As for others, it's natural to guess Long Fei's thoughts at this time, just looking at it faintly.

I saw Long Fei's figure swiftly and quickly, and within a few steps, I arrived before the barriers of the Sixth World.

He stretched out his hands and touched slightly, and he felt a powerful force begin to bounce back, seeming to be in conflict.

Long Fei did not stop, but continued to increase efforts.

However, the greater the strength of Long Fei, the stronger the rebound force is, as if it were a spring, which is proportional to the force exerted by Long Fei.

After a moment, Long Fei stopped his movements.

"The world barrier is a layer of identity test, and it is the same as the system center. However, it does not prompt. If I use brute force to break the boundary, it is not difficult, but if I use the taboo of the world to give this world barrier Interrupt, I am afraid that at least 10% of the people in this world will die. "Long Fei thought to himself.

Long Fei is not a Virgin bitch, but also not a murderous demon.

He could not care about the life and death of these people, but he didn't want to take action for no reason and let these people die under his own means.

So, in a flash, Long Fei denies this idea.

Although he has absolute power to break through this layer of defense, Long Fei does not want to use it.

"In this case, you can only try the power of the system." Long Fei thought.

Thinking of this, Long Fei quietly began to use the power of the system.

In an instant, Long Fei felt that the barrier in front of him suddenly disappeared, without any obstacle at all, and his body entered the world directly.

"Sure enough!" Long Fei must be happy in his eyes.

There is no hindrance.

It's just that as soon as the power of the system spreads, it penetrates directly without hindrance.

This shows that the so-called authority is a joke in front of him.

What authority does not have authority, is totally useless to him here. Because of everything, as he guessed, his highest position was supreme.

At least, this so-called world-level authority is completely useless to him.

Thinking of this, Long Fei turned around and left the place.

For him now, the most important thing is the Fifth World. Today, it is nothing more than experimenting with this world.

After a while, Long Fei returned to the floating world.

"how about it?"

Bei Qi asked.

"No authority." Long Fei said.

There are only four words and no extra explanation.

"Eh, I know. Although you are special, you can pass through the seventh world at will, but the levels between the worlds are different. It seems that I can only apply." Bei Qi lamented.

Immediately, he stopped the movement in his hand, and took out the identity symbol of the person who controlled the center of his system from his own hand, and he began to operate.

"I said, no authority." Long Fei repeated again.

What's more, they were all surprised, and they didn't seem to understand why Beiqi should conduct such an operation now.

"Don't you say you don't have permission? You don't have permission, I don't apply, how do I enter this world?" Bei Qi shook his head and retorted.

Long Fei laughed bitterly.

It is necessary to explain, but at this moment, Chen Zhong suddenly said:

"Adult means that this world has no authority for adults. That is to say, what level of world, in the eyes of adults, is like a fake, completely useless, and you still apply for it?" Chen Zhong said, Looking at Long Fei.

Long Fei cast an appreciative expression.

Now, now Chen Zhong has figured out his thoughts.

"Is that true?" Bei Qi still couldn't believe it.

Long Fei nodded.

Bei Qi's face fell silent for a moment, feeling that his three views had been completely refreshed, and even looking at Long Fei's eyes was full of wood.

This result, he never thought of it. Even said, never thought about it.

"Still stunned, just go." Long Fei said.

Bei Qi nodded, filled with surprise.

At this moment, he had no thoughts in his heart. He felt that the existence of Long Fei was a bug, a bug that transcended the entire supreme world. Otherwise, what could be said so arrogantly, without the four words of authority.

Soon, the suspended world started again, and it was away in an instant.

At this time, in the sixth world, the system center city.

"What happened just now, it seems that someone forcibly entered the world, but suddenly it returned to normal." The controller of the system center said.

"No? The authority of our Sixth World is here. The other person wants to come in, either by brute force or by authority. If it is by brute force, it will definitely cause a strong shock. But if it is If you have the authority, you can only be the one in the world above, "said one of the people in the room.

"Maybe it is my illusion. However, let's not be taken lightly. The powerhouses of the above world will come soon. By then our sixth world will become the battlefield. , Here is the bombing. "The system center's controller said, his eyes murky.

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