Nezha raised his spear. On top of the spear, a corpse had been penetrated. Under the expression of terrifying terror, there was a kind of unwillingness.

He never thought that Nezha was so terrified that he had no chance to shoot, and he was already under the gun.

As soon as he died, the magical shadows above the void also stopped suddenly at this moment.

Start to shrink back.

Although they were clamoring, they were not stupid. The strength shown by Nezha was terrifying, and they didn't even see how Nezha shot, but their people were already dead.

"How did he ... did any of you see him shot?"

"Terror, although his system power is weak, but his combat power is not limited to the system power. Retreat, we are pitted. The man told us before that his power is only on the edge of the unparalleled system. There is no sense of crisis. "

"Damn, withdraw quickly."

For a moment, their hearts were horrified. For them, this feeling is tantamount to wandering on the edge of life and death. So in an instant, their fighting intentions have been completely eliminated, and wherever they dare to shoot, they will soon retreat.

But they want to go, will Nezha let it?

"Hun Tuo, don't you come out yet? Well, since you don't come out, then I will kill you out." Nezha said, stabbing again.


"Do not!"

A screaming sound fell as the lance penetrated the body.

However, there is still no movement in this magic palace, and obviously no one came out of it.

"Not yet, then I will see, how many people do you have to kill me." Nezha's fighting intentions have soared to the extreme. He believed Long Fei's words. Since Long Fei said he could do it, he must do it.

So, now in front of Nezha, there is no second way, the only word is kill.


Another shot.

There was still no movement, Nezha's eyes gradually became scarlet, and the violent heart burst out again.

"Not coming? Not coming yet? Kill, kill, kill!"

Nezha's voice fell, and the figure immediately shuttled through the void above the demon palace. Each blink will take away a person from the magic palace.

He has killed red eyes now, as long as the gate of the Demon Palace does not open, he will continue to kill.

In the floating world, Long Fei was expressionless.

But Xuanzhu and others did have some concerns:

"Long Fei, the breath on Nezha's body has become so cruel, will there be no problems if you go on like this?" Xuan Lian asked.

"No, on the contrary, it is what he must experience in this state now. Did n’t you see that the more cruel and brutal his body, the stronger his physical strength will be. It is the power I gave him that is true. Look, Nezha still has a long way to go, and a spirit world cannot be satisfied at all. "Long Fei counted.

No one else can see it, but Long Fei is transparent.

Now Nezha, the power of the flesh, has just erupted.

But this surge of power will inevitably make his heart burst into anger. Therefore, he needs countless battles to make his heart down.

Therefore, the state shown by Nezha is completely within his expectations.

Xuan Lian heard the words and nodded. I didn't say more, I just looked at Nezha.

She was curious to know where under the means of Long Fei, Nezha could torture.

Look at this time, Nezha has been numb, and the spear is free to follow his heart. At this time, he was holding a spear in one hand, which was already covered with hundreds of corpses.

At this moment, the people of Hunduo Magic Palace had truly felt powerless. Faced with the mad killing of Nezha, they had only endless panic in their eyes.

"No, don't come over."

"Why, why is he so strong? The devil? Why does the devil not come out."

"Aren't we already abandoned, no!"

A miserable voice circled the void, haunting. They were originally demons, so now this sound sounds a bit cold. Coupled with the pictures on the field, it really became a magic cave.

A piece of purgatory!

But all this, for Nezha, there is no feeling. There is only one thought in his mind now, that is to blow up the magic palace.

And he also didn't know that he had begun to change now, and his gleaming blues and violent forces broke his clothes.

Nezha's footsteps continued, and he walked towards the gate of the magic palace step by step.

In the suspended world, Long Fei's eyes are getting brighter and brighter:

"Finally coming!" Long Fei's voice was excited.

"What is coming?" Xuan Yu was unclear, so he looked at Long Fei.

"Hey, of course, the real power of Nezha is finally bursting out. Look, today's Nezha will definitely open your eyes." Long Fei kept a little mysterious and said lightly.

These forces once belonged to him.

But for him, it was a little tasteless and rarely used. So now the power of the system is condensed and passed to Nezha, but the horror of this power is really inspired.

Look at Nezha. At this time, Nezha's body is visible to the naked eye.

Above his back, terror forces burst through the skin directly, and finally condensed into a pair of arms.

But above this arm, full of Qinglin, terror is undoubtedly.

Similarly, a pair of heads were born on his neck.

This head is the same as Nezha's original appearance, but it is hidden between the blue and blue, but there is also the shadow of the unicorn.

Yes, this is the power of Kirin. And it is the power of Qilin ancestor blood. Xinghe Wanjie, Qilin can be as famous as Zulong, and its strength is self-evident.

Nezha also reacted at this time, his heads faced each other, and then he looked at his newly bred arm, and a violent anger broke out in his eyes.

"I'm afraid the breath, Brother Longfei, is this the strength you have prepared for Nezha? I feel that if Nezha had this power before, no one in the Eighth World could bear his punch." Xiao Yuer sighed.

At the same time looking at Long Fei, little stars appeared in the eyes.

Because this power is strong, but it is also given to him by Longfei.

"Hahaha, be more confident and take the feeling away. Now that the power of Nezha, even with brute force, can break through the world barrier of the eighth world. As for those who you say, even shot in front of Nezha I do n’t have any qualifications. However, if you think that now is the strongest state of Nezha, then you look down upon me. Wait and see, Nezha will give you a surprise. "Long Fei did not explain much.

He was extremely confident about the strength he gave to Nezha.

The next step is to watch the performance of Nezha.

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