Complete defeat!

Complete defeat without any suspense.

For the first time, in the true sense, let Long Fei know what it means to have nothing to fight back.

Do not!

It should be said that there is no comparison.

The other party basically didn't adopt any method to target it, but directly attributed his power to invisible.

As if he said it himself, under the ruins, everything is back to zero.

Yes, it is zero.

If his method, his strength, has an absolute damage value, it can be directly reduced to zero when it falls on the opponent.

And returning to zero means that nothing happened and return to normal.

This power is really terrifying.

"What are you going to do?" Long Fei calmly asked.

In this situation, there is no suspense. In front of the opponent, he has no power to fight back.

"Don't worry, I have no malice towards you. If I am malicious towards you, you now have returned to your essence and become a part of this world of ruins." The middle-aged man said.

Long Fei fell silent.

no offence?

Your appearance is already the most malicious!

Another point is that Long Fei is completely unsure of what kind of mentality the other party is here, and doesn't know what the other party's purpose is.

If only to humiliate yourself.

Obviously, the other party has succeeded.

"Don't be so hostile to me, we may not be enemies. At least for now, you are not qualified to be my enemy." The middle-aged man said again.

Long Fei opened his mouth, but when the words reached his lips, he realized that he didn't know what to say.


I used all my power and never hurt the other party a bit. In this case, where is the qualification! Seeing Long Fei's silence, the middle-aged man said again: "You don't have to be scornful. It's good. I stayed in this world without trees. You are the first one to hurt me. Of course, this is the main reason. The film world is too weak, I didn’t

Minsi went out to have a look. "The middle-aged man said.

Very plain, as if talking about trivial things.

Long Fei was speechless.

I have defined this middle-aged man as not a human series!

What is this called?

The world is too weak and I am not interested in understanding it at all!

How confident is this to have the courage to say this?

For the first time, Long Fei had a new understanding of acting.

Low-key, has always been the most awesome show off.

"By the way, continue with the original question, do you really plan to go on?" the middle-aged man suddenly asked.

"What's inside?" Long Fei asked.

He also saw that the other party did not intend to embarrass himself.

"Inside... there is nothing." The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said.

Long Fei was taken aback.


What are you thinking about without anything?

"Don't have this expression, although there is nothing in it. But this place is extremely mysterious. I have obtained the power of returning to the market from it." The middle-aged man said.

Long Fei turned around violently and looked at the black hole in front of him.

Stormy seas are set off in my heart.

In this case, it is false to say that you are not excited.

He had seen the strength of a middle-aged man with his own eyes, he had no cultivation at all, but he was able to put his violent power into nothingness with every gesture.

If you can get this kind of power, isn't it really invincible?

But Long Fei is not stupid. This person first said that there is nothing here, and now that he said that, there must be some secret that he didn't know.

"Who are you?" Long Fei asked.

Now that he was sure that the other party would not shoot himself, Long Fei also settled down.

"I said, I am the master of the ruins, you can call me the ruins!" The middle-aged man said, seeming to fall into reminiscence, and said lightly.

"Xu? What is the post universe you said?" Long Fei asked again.

This is the first time he heard this title and noun. But inexplicably, he had an impulse to understand in his heart, as if a certain power in his body had a close relationship with the "post-universe" that Ruo said.

"What you want to know is here. If you go in, you may be able to find the answer, and even gain a kind of power. Of course, there is another possibility, to die inside." The middle-aged man said.

Long Fei's expression instantly became serious.

I have to say that the result of this indeterminate multiple selection made Long Fei feel a little confused.

"Didn't you say that there is nothing in it?" Long Fei asked back.

"Naturally. For many people, there is nothing in it. But for many people, there is nothing in it." said the middle-aged man.

"What do you mean? Is this gender discrimination or era discrimination?" Long Fei asked back.

This kind of thing is the most terrifying, and some people just set it up and they are confused, and the future is unknown.

What if you are some people like this?

Will you die inside when you enter this?

"Don't tell. It all depends on yourself. If you enter inside and there is nothing, then there is nothing. If you enter inside, you can see anything, that's your chance." Xu said.

"Then you still ask me if I want to go in? Do you know something?" Long Fei asked again.

If it hadn't been for this man to suddenly appear, Long Fei would have already jumped in now, and the outcome is unknown.

"I know it's the same as if you don't know, the point is that you have made a choice, right?" Xu said.

There was a faint smile on his face.

Long Fei's expression was silent.

Yes, he has indeed made a choice.

Especially seeing the terrifying power in the ruins, Long Fei wanted to enter it to find out. He just wanted to know what was there in it. Can make Ruins so powerful.

Thinking of this, Long Fei turned around violently, then stepped into it.

"Tianqi Huanyu, it's coming again, I hope you can gain something." Xu said lightly.

Then the figure behind became illusory again and disappeared in an instant.

Let's talk about Long Fei, entering this infinite black hole at this moment.

Of course, there is a reason why Long Fei can do so without turning back now, because he has now recovered his strength. Under such circumstances, if Long Fei looks forward and shrinks, it is not him.

At this moment in the black hole, Long Fei looked at him, dumbfounded.

Nothing at all!

"Am I one of those people?" Long Fei felt a little unwilling.

Why is there no gain in the power that others can get?

But without waiting for Long Fei to think about it, suddenly an extremely ancient and vicissitudes of life appeared in this black hole. This breath is extremely strange, with a strong sense of breaking white, as if it is a feeling of embarrassment after the destruction of a world.

But this feeling is even stronger.

Floating in this world, there was an emotion that made Long Fei feel infinite sadness in his heart. "Grass, what's the matter? Do I really want to die here like some people?" Long Fei thought in his heart, his face changed drastically.

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