The whole world is full of wailing and sorrow.

At this moment, it was as if the sky was sobbing and the earth was sad.

Endless creatures are crying and howling at this moment!

Long Fei's eyes were cold, as if he hadn't heard of it.

But Chen Zhong's face was a bit unbearable. He knew that Long Fei was here to make trouble. But he felt that such a shot was really too cold-blooded.

After all, there are still many innocent people in this world.

He glanced at Long Fei and quietly put away his strength.

Long Fei still did not ask.

Seeing this scene, his heart relaxed slightly.

In the same way, those figures were shot out from under the earth in an instant under the burst of violent power at this moment.

Bang bang bang...

Several figures fell directly in front of Chen Zhong.

But at this moment they still have the demeanor of a strong man before half a point.

"This is your arrogant capital? Play with the rest? Come, you play with me and see?" Chen Zhong sneered.

Under the stimulation of his words, several people who had already been seriously injured blushed at this moment, unable to lift a breath, and passed out directly.

"It's too careless, is the world at this level?" Chen Zhong was condescending, his eyes full of contempt.

Indeed, he does have this capital now.

It can be said that he is now suppressing so many strong men between backhands, this kind of strength is enough to make them look up.

"Who are you? Our Mad God Realm has no grievances with you. Why do you want to attack us?" Someone asked with a look of resentment.

"If I have no grievances and no enmity, I can't come to make trouble? If that's the case, why should I cultivate this strength?" Chen Zhong bullied Wubi.

Long Fei also shined.

Although this logic is straightforward, it is a bit dehumanizing and self-conscious. But it does explain the heart of most people.

The purpose of cultivation is just that. If the cultivation base is strong and you still need a reason to do things, then what else is cultivation used for?

Long Fei knew that the purpose of his own practice was that no one would dare to control his will, and no one would dare to touch his relatives around him. To put it bluntly, he practiced all the way to protect him.

Of course, he also wanted to explore an answer.

And now Chen Zhong's answer made Long Fei's heart clear.

Cultivation means being at ease. As long as you have a clear conscience, what should not be done?

Frankly speaking, Chen Zhong's answer is a bit overbearing, but this is not the case in this world, the weak and the strong! Moreover, Long Fei is sure that this crazy **** world must have been adhering to such an idea at the beginning, otherwise how would he be willing to do things for the respected world and embarrass him.

So, now is a cause and effect. Even if the Mad God Realm was destroyed before his eyes, Long Fei did not have any psychological burden. On the contrary, let Long Fei settle a wish and solve a cause and effect.

" are too vicious. Can relying on your cultivation base to run rampant? How innocent is my Mad God Realm?" Someone yelled at Chen Zhong angrily.

"You will be condemned by the gods. You are strong, but there will surely be someone stronger than you. You are now so against my mad **** realm, so one day someone will target you and the world you are in."

"You are arrogant in front of us, if my crazy **** is here, you are afraid that you will not even dare to let go!"

"Wait for death, even if we die, my Mad God Realm will not succumb. There will be countless people who will stand up to fight. Because my Mad God Realm will never succumb!"


Several people spoke one after another, with determination in their eyes, as if life and death had been put aside, and they had no longer cared about life and death.

Chen Zhong's eyes flickered.

To be honest, the words of a few people made him feel that he was a squatter now.

But at this moment, Long Fei spoke:

"Why, do you now feel that you are innocent? Fearless life and death?" Long Fei sneered.

This sentence directly attracted everyone's attention.

"When you plundered other worlds, why didn't you think they were innocent?"

"Why didn't you feel that they were innocent when you obeyed your orders, swept the world, fought for him, and flattened other worlds?"

"When you conquered Phoenix Valley, expedition to the ancient world, and besieged Longting, why didn't you think they were innocent?"

Long Fei asked three times in a row, and every time he tried to punish his heart, it seemed to be a sharp blade, directly tearing away their disguise.

"I'm still talking about the strength of character now? Very good! Since you are not afraid of death, then I will fulfill you." Long Fei said, the sneer on his face was even more frigid and fearful.

As Long Fei's voice fell, the expressions on the faces of several people were unpredictable.

Even with a bit of panic.

Because of this problem, they have never considered it. Not only have they not considered it, but they even take it for granted.

"You... are you here for revenge?" Finally, someone reacted and asked.

In one word, everyone's faces became extremely complicated.

They also said earlier that someone would definitely suppress them, but now they are begging for a fish. Because the appearance of Long Fei and Chen Zhong was just as they said, to sanction and retaliate against them.

"Are you from Longting?"

"Impossible, the Dragon Court was beaten to annihilation. It is difficult to gain a foothold in the ten thousand realms. How could there be a strong like you? This is absolutely impossible."

"I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe it!"

A few hysterical roars appeared at this time, and their eyes were filled with absolute shock. They had never thought of such a day.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that everyone has to pay for what they do. How you have treated me Longting, today I will treat you Mad God Realm." Long Fei said lightly, then Wei Wei look up:

"No one can come!" He added, full of stern and determination.

And Chen Zhong understands now. Feelings are here for revenge. Originally, he thought he was too cruel before. But now, this emotion disappeared instantly.

Even, he felt that he had extra time for these people to talk nonsense.

"Damn, it turns out that you used to take action against Long Ting. Then there is so much nonsense, come and die!" Chen Zhong shouted, and between his backhands, a palm fell directly.


The aura of horror erupted directly in this palm, destroying the heavens and the earth, with supreme horror.

But at this moment.

A mass of blood suddenly burst out above the sky in the distance.

There was a kind of arrogant world in the blood, the only domineering domineering.

"Dare to come to my mad **** world to take revenge? Very good! But if you want to move my mad **** world, you have to see if you have the qualifications?"

Suddenly, a voice appeared from the blood.

In the next instant, a scarlet devil's claw broke out in the **** color, relying on it upward, solidified Chen Zhong's palm onto the void.

And Long Fei's eyes were also condensed.

Mad God...coming!

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