This is a city isolated in the galaxy.

Looking at the past from afar, it is full of dilapidated and desolate feeling, it seems that in the baptism of endless years, it has left a strong stroke here.

"What a strong sword spirit!" Long Fei sighed with emotion.

Just stopping, just taking a look, Long Fei felt the sharpness in it.

This city looks like a sword.

The sword hangs in the void, and the sword is the city.

Simply put, this sword is a world, and the world is a sword.

"My lord, it's just a mere city, just look at me!" Chen Zhong looked at the world in front of him, it was just a city, and his heart suddenly felt contempt.

"Are you sure?" Long Fei asked.

This sword city made him feel strange.

Although he was not afraid in his heart, he still wanted to understand.

But before he could say his thoughts, Chen Zhong actually took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"Of course, if I can't solve even a city, what face do I have to stay with the adults." Chen Zhong was confident and felt that everything was under his control.

Upon seeing this, Long Fei nodded.

"Then you go!" Long Fei said.

Long Fei really didn't want to see Chen Zhong's abuse. It's just a pity that Chen Zhong's aggressive posture seemed like Long Fei was unhappy if he didn't agree.

In desperation, Long Fei could only nod his head and let go.

Chen Zhong's face was horizontal, and his breath suddenly began to change.

This power is the power of the mad **** before.

"Listen to the world in front of me, I am the ancestor of the mad god, hurry out and surrender, otherwise, kill without mercy!"

Chen Zhong's voice instantly spread across the void.

Long Fei has a black line.

Too arrogant.

This is also aimed at others, if someone dared to be so arrogant outside the ancient world, there is no other word, going up is definitely going up.


At this moment, the sound of swords rang suddenly appeared.

The air suddenly became gloomy and cold.

In the entire void, the stars within a radius of thousands of miles also suddenly changed, originally still shining light, but at this moment, it seemed to melt into the darkness.

The entire galaxy has also become silent.

It seems that some unknown power has already enveloped here.

Chen Zhong's face still has infinite arrogance.

It completely explains what is called a mad god!

It can only be said that he is more arrogant than the true mad **** now, and the essence of the mad **** is undoubtedly revealed.

However, he didn't notice at all, Long Fei's face became a bit strange.

At this time, Long Fei's attention was no longer in front of him, but on the galaxy.

As soon as Jianming's voice appeared, Long Fei felt extraordinary. In an instant, Long Fei felt that the area where he was standing at this time had become a place for sword practice.

As if turning around, there are countless long swords coming through the air.

"Sword formation? It seems that this sword city is not as simple as I thought." Long Fei said.

Chen Zhong couldn't perceive this kind of power, and it was too simple for Long Fei. His dantian three thousand Dao, previously under the abyss, he recondensed it through the emperor crocodile.

And among these three thousand ways, there is something about the power of kendo.

Simply put, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of the avenue. Sword Dao is definitely an extremely tyrannical existence among the three thousand Dao, so Long Fei will naturally not underestimate it.

Therefore, at the moment when the void changed, Long Fei had already sensed it.

"Chen Zhong, be careful." Long Fei reminded.

Although Chen Zhong has always regarded himself as a running dog under his sect, for so long, Long Fei has regarded him as his own, and naturally does not want to see him in danger.

"My lord, don't worry, a small town can't stop my punch." Chen Zhong said.

The next moment, Chen Zhong's aura violent, and a wave of tyrannical powers exploded from him:

"No one has come out, right? In that case, don't blame me for being merciless!" Chen Zhong had a determination to push everything in his eyes.

This time, he made up his mind to find face for himself and let Long Fei take a high look at himself.

But at this moment.

His voice just fell, but a sword light suddenly exploded from the void.

A sword swept across, whizzed out from the sword city, and directly slashed towards Chen Zhong.


The explosion directly penetrated into the void, and the power gathered in Chen Zhong's body was suddenly pierced, and disappeared without a trace in the void in an instant.

Chen Zhong was stunned, but he hadn't realized what was going on, the void under his feet also shook, and then a hole appeared under his feet instantly.


Suddenly his body lost its support and fell directly from above.

At this moment, Long Fei took a shot, grabbed it casually, grabbed Chen Zhong's figure, and pulled it back again.

"Sword City is not something you can provoke, leave quickly, or die!" A voice also came out at this time.

At the same time, there seemed to be tens of thousands of wills in the sword city at this moment.

In this scene, Long Fei was moved.

But Chen Zhong still hadn't come out of the shock before. At this moment, his face is full of bitterness.

What is face slap?

This is a face slap.

Obviously he was ready to finish the abuse of the other party, just want to take this opportunity to be arrogant. But I didn't expect that it would be such a result in the end.

It was over before he took the shot.

But the other party just made a sword.

"This... how is this possible. Sir, this is false, isn't it pitiful that the world of cultivation is weak? How come one is better than one?" Chen Zhong asked.

He felt that his faith was being tortured.

"Although the level of cultivation in the world of cultivation is not even a bit worse than that of the supreme world. But it does not mean that there are no strong people in this world." Long Fei said lightly.

With that said, he stepped forward:

"You people from Jiancheng have been to the Star Sea?" Long Fei asked.

Long Fei was moved.

The people here are very strong!

Moreover, there is more than one.

It can be said that there are no weak people in this city.

If nothing else, the sword intent and fighting intent that they just broke out can explain everything.

Therefore, Long Fei's heart is now moved in his heart, and that is to accept them. Think about the legion that you have now, if there is another sword repair legion, then the force will instantly rise.

However, all of this has a premise.

That is, they have never been to the sea of ​​stars.

If they had ever been, it would prove that they had also taken action against Long Ting. Long Fei could not tolerate such a thing.

"How about it?" The previous voice fell.

"If you haven't been, we can talk about it. As long as you surrender to me, I can let you go and Sword City. But...if you go, there is nothing to say, only death!" Long Fei calmly Said.


A voice appeared in the sword city, and then in an instant, a sword light fell from the sky.

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