At this moment, the entire void was filled with a rattling emotion.

The war is about to start.

People outside Jiancheng rushed to Zhong Ziqi's side one after another.

They... are ready to fight.

On the contrary, it was Long Fei, who didn't respond at this time, just watched quietly.

"My lord, won't you take action?" Chen Zhong regained consciousness at this time and said lightly.

This time, he was much more honest. He kept silent about what happened just now, as if he hadn't done anything.

"This is an opportunity. This group of people is actually not weak, but Jianxin was stupefied by the sword master. This sword city is a kind of protection for them, but it is also a ball cage."

"So, the current battle is a confrontation between contemporary kendo and the way of the sword master. This is their business and has nothing to do with me." Long Fei said lightly.

"No, isn't the adult going to push Xinghe horizontally? If you make a move, where does the trouble need to be." Chen Zhong asked again, looking curious about the baby.

It was not alone at all with the look of the woman who was grieving.

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Long Fei's voice fell cold.

Chen Zhong's words are very reasonable. Time is the most important thing for me now. It is not difficult for him to rush to kill such things.

But now, Long Fei is willing to give Zhong Ziqi a chance, or to give this group of swordsmen a chance.

Nothing, that is, he needs such a group of sharp sword repairs to give himself the vanguard of the war. Imagine that in the future, there will be such a group of swordsmen who are looking forward to open the way for themselves. This is much higher than Chen Zhong's simple clamor. of

Thinking of this, Long Fei couldn't help but look at Chen Zhong with a look of disgust.

Chen Zhong was shocked.

Intuition tells him that this look is not easy.

"It's over, is this Killing Star trying to find someone to replace me? Damn, this Killing Star who crosses the river and tears down the bridge and turns his face after wearing pants, I..." Chen Zhong was infinitely sad.

But when he was half talking, he suddenly stopped again.

Because Long Fei had already retracted his gaze, his expression seemed to be contemptuous.

"Is it because I failed to pretend twice before, which made him lose confidence in me? Yes, it must be so." Chen Zhong's eyes quickly rotated, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind at this moment, surging infinitely Remedy.

Soon, his eyes lit up.

"Sure enough, complaining is useless. This Killing Star is moody and you can't treat him in the light of ordinary people's thinking. What I want to do now is not to fight for favor, but to show my own value." Chen Zhong thought in his heart.

As soon as he thought of this, he turned his eyes and looked towards the void:

"What kind of sword master, a man of fame and reputation. In front of my adults, who would dare to be the master? You, get me down and die, and hand over the mark obediently. Otherwise, there is no need for this sword city today." Chen Zhong Suddenly speak.

But his voice fell, and the whole void fell silent.

Long Fei has a black line.

"Chen Zhong, what are you doing?"

Long Fei was speechless.

He has said that this is a battle between swordsmanship, and he never thought about making a move. So naturally, he didn't mean to let Chen Zhong act.

"Master, rest assured, as the most loyal running dog under your sect, I will definitely promote your majesty. No one can surpass your majesty. You are invincible, and you are the most brilliant in this galaxy." Chen Zhong looked on. Seriousness.

Such words about Longfei were even more eloquent in his mouth, sentence after sentence, without any sense of disobedience.

Long Fei's expression was a little slow.

Wearing everything, not flattering.

Although Chen Zhong is not very useful, his ability to brag makes Long Fei very useful.

"Get down, I have seen your loyalty. However, they have no capital to pretend in front of me. So, you don't have to worry at all." Long Fei said lightly.

Then, he looked at Zhong Ziqi:

"Zhong Ziqi, the opportunity has been given to you. Today, if your kendo can overthrow him, then you are a well-known kendo spokesperson, and you will charge for me in the future, and you will have a place. But if you can't even solve him, then, just Qualified to follow me."

"My lord, don't worry, my sword has recovered. Even if the sword city collapses today, I am willing to rectify the name of the sword." Zhong Ziqi said quickly.

Chen Zhong retreated with a satisfied expression.

He quietly looked at Zhong Ziqi:

"Eh, no matter how talented you are, no matter how strong your cultivation base is, it's useless. You don't understand the heart of this killing star." Chen Zhong thought proudly in his heart.

He now feels that he has straightened his identity. His existence has never been for Long Fei to conquer the world. But... it was forced by Long Fei.

Knowing this, he felt a sense of finding the true meaning of life in his heart. All the unhappiness that had pervaded his heart before disappeared completely at this moment.

At this time, the Lord of the Sword City also experienced a great change.

A series of sword shadows flickered in the void, surrounding him.

"Have you finished talking nonsense? Zhong Ziqi, and you, do you know what this is? This is kendo belief. I have eight thousand swordsmanship kendo beliefs. Now they are integrated. You... are still qualified to speak swords in front of me. Is it?" The sword master was crazy, and the blatant voice spread throughout the void.

Zhong Ziqi's face was solemn, and he shook his middle sword.

But that's it, the long swords in their hands still burst out a feeling of the current enemy.

Even Chen Zhong's face became surprisingly solemn, and he came directly behind Long Fei under instinct.

But Long Fei's face remained as usual, without any change.

There is also no intention to make a move.

"Take it to death!" At this moment, the voice of the master of swordsmanship suddenly fell, and then a sword swept away.


Click, click, click!

Under this sword, a sword penetrated the galaxy, and the sound of endless cracking burst out in the galaxy.

Zhong Ziqi and others directly resisted with their swords, and Jian Mang burst out violent destructive power in the void again.

The blockbuster galaxy dimmed in an instant, and was directly wiped out by this power, as if it had never existed before.

Bang bang bang!

In the next instant, the figures of Zhong Ziqi and others flew directly from above the void.

"How is it possible?" Chen Zhong shouted.

In this period of time, even Long Fei gave birth to a person who loves talent. If the other party is really so unbearable, can he still move Long Fei?

But now, he couldn't hold a sword under the sword master's hands.

And he can even feel that the sword of the current sword master seems to be able to kill everything, destroying everything to a tyrannical posture.

The faces of Zhong Ziqi and others also looked guilty.

"My lord...I..." Zhong Ziqi said with difficulty, a scar on his body was shocking, dripping with blood, and even vitality passed by.

"Don't blame you. I didn't expect that he still has this method." Long Fei waved his hand and interrupted Zhong Ziqi.

"Hahaha, are you still pretending to be calm? I can defeat them with this sword, and I can kill you with the next sword!" The Sword Master said again.

"Cut me? Why? With the faith of your eight thousand people?"

"Oh, I'm not telling you. I really don't look down on you. I stopped playing this stuff many years ago. I didn't expect you to still enjoy it.

"Eight Thousand Swordsmen? To be honest, I broke it with one sword!"

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