In front of Long Fei, the mighty galaxy seemed to have no distance.

Although his voice is very soft now, it seems to be above the galaxy, and the endless galaxy is on the ground.

"It's you? You are still alive!"

At this moment, outside the galaxy, Zhou Zun's voice came over again.

In this sentence, there is infinite shock.

"You are not dead yet, how could I be one step ahead. Or, do you want to try it now?" Long Fei titrated against him, not giving one step.

He did not expect that Zun Zhou would be so direct. After only a moment to kill the three talents of the noble world, the opponent directly noticed it, and even straddled the endless galaxy, descending to his own will.

But it doesn't matter. For Long Fei, it was just an accident, nothing more.

"Huh, dog stuff, I was just a clone that made you worse than dead. You still don't know how to live, and you dare to provoke the power of the deity?" Zun Zhou's voice came.

"At the beginning? You said it was at the beginning. Now, you try?" Long Fei sneered.

Indeed, the original respect for Long Fei was very strong. In other words, it was as if he was still facing the Profound Emperor in Wutian Continent, the gap in between was like a **** and a mortal.


At first it did not mean permanent.

Now Long Fei has absolute confidence to face everything.

"Things that do not live or die. If it weren't for the deity who couldn't walk away now, do you think you still have the right to stand here and talk?" Hearing Long Fei's tit-for-tat, he was also angry.

"Why? Afraid? Anxious? Don't say so many useless. You can't leave, but you want to create an imitation, so that you can dominate Galaxy and become justified. But imitations are imitations after all. I am the orthodox, you are the rebel minister!" Long Fei said coldly.

As he spoke, his heart moved, and Jie Wang Yin appeared directly in his hand.


At this moment, under the urging of Long Fei, the seal of the world king shined on the world, all the stars were eclipsed, and the world was blank. It seems that in this square galaxy, this realm king's seal is the supreme thing, any light and any existence must be ashamed of themselves, and dare not Yingfeng.

"What? The Seal of the Realm King? How is it possible that the Seal of the Realm King is in your hands? How is this possible?" Zun Zhou's voice changed, shocked.

Moreover, it is also mixed with endless greed and desire, as if wanting to cross billions of galaxies and claim it for yourself

"Nothing is impossible. As I said, this Galaxy Ten Thousand Realms, I am orthodox, and you are a rebellious minister. With me, the Galaxy Ten Thousand Realms will not be under your control after all." Long Fei said proudly.

At this moment, he was deliberately stimulating Zun Zhou.

If Zun Zhou was willing to come here at this time, Long Fei couldn't ask for it.

Killing Zun Zhou, the Ten Thousand Realms he ruled before became directly in Long Fei's bag. When the system mission is completed, he will just head to the ancient world.

The province is like now, a waste of time.

"Tread through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find. Unexpectedly, the deity who has been searching for millions of years will actually be in your hands. Long Fei, would you dare to fight with me?" Zun Zhou laughed, his voice heard Can't wait.

But Long Fei fell silent, did not respond, and his eyes became deeper.

Zhong Ziqi and others did not dare to speak.

Even Long Fei was silent, they knew better what level they were, naturally they didn't dare to speak. But what they didn't know was that the Eye of Long Fei's Eternal Life had already left.

"Why? Don't you dare to speak? Boss, in this case, I will force you to come. I will give you three days. If you don't come to the realm, the deity will fight the ancients. I don't think you will come. "Zun Zhou threatened.

But at the moment his voice fell, Void suddenly shook: "The power of eternal life? You actually control the power of eternal life?"

"Zun Zhou, keep him, anyway, keep him!"

Two voices appeared.

At the same time, Long Fei also retracted his gaze: "No wonder it is so arrogant, there is a helper beside it. But it doesn't matter, I will definitely come to the venerable world after three days." Long Fei responded indifferently.

He is using the Eye of Eternal Life at this moment, just to lock the position of Zun Zhou.

Unexpectedly, he could still meet people from the Promise Temple.

Of course, Long Fei has no doubts about the identity of the other party. People who can call out the power of eternal life in one mouthful can even analyze it through his eyes.

Except for the people in the Promise Temple, Long Fei couldn't think of the second answer.

As for Zun Zhou's position, naturally, he couldn't hide it from Long Fei. Originally, this place was already close to the venerable world, and now coupled with the power of Longfei's Eye of Eternal Life, it was naturally easy to lock the opponent out.

"Unexpectedly, you actually got good fortune. But it's useless. The waste is still waste. The deity controls the civilization of the era and created my era. Even if you are against the nature, there is only a dead end in front of the deity." At this time, Zun Zhou's voice came again.

Long Fei no longer responded.

There is no need at all.

With a fist, Long Fei directly smashed the galaxy, exploding the world, chaosing the world.

But at this time, under the void, everyone still remained silent. They said nothing, but their eyes were tightly locked on Long Fei.

At this moment, Long Fei's will is where their swords are going.

And they had already heard it out, what Long Fei wanted to do now was to attack the noble world.

And this is exactly what they expected. In other words, they have waited too long for this day.

"Sword Master, you lead five thousand sword repairs, and follow the direction I gave you to go to the ancient world. Standing sword outside the ancient world, guard this world. As for the creatures of your sword world, you can rest assured, I will arrange Chen Zhong to take care of them. "Long Fei said.

The sword master nodded dumbly.

At this moment, he realized the power of Long Fei, which was unparalleled. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it. Even dared to face Zun Zhou.

Although Zun Zhou had not come before, the supreme majesty in his words had already made him clear that even in his heyday, he was definitely not the enemy of Zun Zhou's move.

Long Fei faced Zun Zhou, but he was able to face it calmly, and even took the initiative to smash the galaxy and silence the opponent's voice. This alone can prove Long Fei's power.

"Zhong Ziqi, you lead the remaining three thousand people to wait for me in Dujiedi, wait for me to clean up Wuliangtian, and then go to you." Long Fei said.

Very firm.

Since there were only three days, then Long Fei would naturally not let go of Wuliangtian and Dujiedi. Not surprisingly, except for these two places, the Galaxy Myriad Realms are basically under Zun Zhou's control. As long as Zun Zhou is destroyed, the Realm King's Seal is naturally at your fingertips.

Therefore, in these two places, Long Fei is bound to go.

"Yes!" Zhong Ziqi quickly agreed.

He didn't ask more, since this was Long Fei's order, all he had to do was to obey it unconditionally.

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