Playing Thunder in front of Long Fei?

This is just a joke.

Long Fei once surrendered the Primordial Dragon, and the power of Ancient Lei Ze was under his control. It can be said that he has become the ancestor of Thunder.

Not to mention what kind of thunder of the sky, even if the galaxy turns into a sea of ​​thunder, there will be no pressure on Long Fei.

It wouldn't even cause him any harm at all, at best it was like taking a bath in a natural hot spring, nothing more.

But Wang Xiong is different.

Even if he is a traverser, controlling the power of the sky, he can't hold the power of Lei Ze of Long Fei at all.


The thunder is stunned, and the shining is empty.

Wang Xiong's screams were also continuous, and his wailing voices were everywhere in the galaxy.

"No! Tenjo Bodyguard!"

Wang Xiong struggled and used his methods to mobilize the power of the heavens, trying to block the thunder falling from the sky.

However, it is useless at all.

The beams of light were directly disillusioned.

The power of this heavenly rule, in front of this thunder, has no resistance at all, and it collapses instantly.

Suddenly, Wang Xiong's 108 celestial bars, except for the power he had previously used against Long Fei, the remaining one hundred and six had no radiance.

But after spending so much power, Lei Ze finally dissipated.

"Asshole, you dare to humiliate me like this. Chilian Pluto, Old Man, what are you waiting for, don't you want to take action, do you want to wait for him to kill me, and then break it down?" Wang Xiong shouted.

His anger exploded to the extreme.

But he knew better that now Long Fei was no longer something he could deal with.

With one blow, the verdict is reached.

In front of Long Fei, his power was not at the same level at all.

Chi Lian, that is, the woman, Gu Hou, that is the old man, the faces of the two of them also changed drastically at this time. For an instant, they were directly sluggish on the spot.

This is not a battle at all.

It is crushed.

Of course, it's not that they haven't thought about making a move, but they dare not. Long Fei's power can kill Wang Xiong in seconds and suppress it backhand. Is such an existence really something they can deal with?

Totally impossible.

So facing Wang Xiong's clamor at this time, they simply ignored it. Before life and death, everything is imaginary.

Although Wang Xiong is not dead now, it is just an illusion now.

They know very well that the power can wipe out the sky bar before. So even if Wang Xiong was beheaded, it was only a matter of thunder.

But now, Thunder has disappeared.

They don't think this is because Long Fei's power is dying, on the contrary, they think this is Long Fei deliberately.

"Humiliating you? You think too much. Your existence is not worthy of me to humiliate. Of course, it's not that you are too weak, but I am too strong." Long Fei said, shaking his head.

The reason why he kept his life now.

But because of what he said before, he wanted to give him a knife.

"I said before, you cut me a knife, I should pay you a knife, now is this time." Long Fei's conversation turned, and before speaking, Long Fei directly took out the Blade of the Realm King.

As soon as the edge of the world king came out, the faces of the three Wang Xiong changed drastically.

"Friends of Taoism, people in other countries are all guests. I'm just joking with you. Today, I still have a kid in my family to be trained, so I'll leave." Chi Lian said, turning around and leaving.

"Oh, it's fun to have friends coming from afar. I'll kill chickens and sheep, and we won't be drunk or scatter them at night." The same goes for Gu Hou. After a word, he turned and left.

Did not dare to stay at all.

As for Wang Xiong, he was even more unbearable. He dared not say a word, turned and left.

Unfortunately, they wanted to leave, but Long Fei would not let them do so.

"Would you like to leave? Although you don't know what your purpose is to garrison this immeasurable sky and massacre the traversers. But since I am here today, everything has come to an end."

"Because the protagonist can only be me!"

Long Fei said lightly, and then swiped a knife.

There is no fancy and no skill.


A spatula flashed back into the sky.

"No!" Wang Xiong screamed in horror.

But it's useless at all. Under this knife, everything is doomed.


As soon as the blade light passed, it fell directly on Wang Xiong, and instantly cut in the waist. After a breath, Wang Xiong's body was directly above the void, turning into powder, disappearing without a trace.

Long Fei looked into the distance again.

This direction is the direction in which the other two fled.

However, Long Fei did not directly hunt down.

This is their base camp. If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple. Where can you run?

Long Fei didn't even take any action on the spot, but waited quietly.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing Wang Xiong, the master of Tiantiao. One hundred and eight Tiantiao can be merged. Does the player merge?"

System sounds appear.

Long Fei picked the corner of his mouth.

What he was waiting for was now, and of course he chose to merge without any hesitation.


Boom boom boom.

The void roared, and one hundred and eight heavenly beams of light began to vibrate directly, as if being pulled out by life, and then turned into beams of light to flood into Long Fei's body madly.

"Ding, congratulations to the players for fusing the power of the heavens. Activate the new skill, the hand of punishment!"

"The Hand of Penalty: The power of the law is condensed, the current level is touched, and 108 kinds of power can be used, and subsequent players can be upgraded by integrating themselves."

The system sound falls.

Long Fei was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

Originally, in his eyes, the system's ability to burst out tasks this time was already a kind of welfare, but he didn't expect that a system skill was even derived now.

"System, what level is this punishment hand?" Long Fei asked.

"Currently, the level is supreme, and there is no upper limit to upgrade." The system said.

Long Fei was taken aback.

This sentence is too shocking. It seems that although this skill is only at the supreme level, it may not be very strong. But strong is strong, this is a skill that can be upgraded.

And the initiative to upgrade is in his own hands.

In other words, the quality of Dao Fa you control can become the power of the punishment hand.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the integration of three thousand Dao Fa, this hand of punishment will become an extremely dangerous existence.

Long Fei also had the confidence to do this.

"Being for benevolence and benevolence, I still felt that the power of the system was too monotonous, but I didn't expect it to burst out now." Long Fei sighed with emotion.

"Ding, congratulations to the players for completing the system tasks and integrating the power of the sky."

"Ding, there is one reward for the universe."

"The Tao of the Universe: The Tao of the universe is the foundation of all things. The universe is eternal, the galaxy runs, and everything is in the Tao."

Seeing the explanation of the system, Long Fei felt a sense of explosion in his heart.


This kind of power, above the Three Thousand Great Dao, has transcended the essence of life, and what it presents is the foundation of the universe.

With a thought, Long Fei's eyes fell directly on this Taoist rule.

It was so mysterious that Long Fei couldn't see through it for a while. However, it gave Long Fei a familiar feeling that this power was actually similar to the power of returning to the market under his control.

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