Heaven, hell, and the world, the three fusion forces are really terrifying.

This power is beyond the nature of power.

That is to say, the current Long Fei has understood the root of power, and does not stick to the surface, otherwise it will not be able to penetrate this power.

This power is essentially a kind of destruction.

Destroy everything.

In exchange for a lifetime.

Destruction and rebirth are the essence of all power. Regardless of tangible power or intangible power, the essence they carry is nothing more than these two meanings.

Either annihilate in destruction, or rebirth in destruction.

It's the same now.

If these three forces collapse, they can kill Longfei. The immeasurable sky in front of him will also be destroyed. Not only the immeasurable sky, the galaxy will be destroyed.

But after the death, there will inevitably be a new life.

Perhaps one day in the future, the three powers will divide in this galaxy, and a new heaven and earth and **** will be regenerated.

Repeatedly, destroy the new life.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of power is too much beyond ordinary tangible power.

It's just a pity that for Long Fei, there is no slightest pressure.

Long Fei stood still, his body surged.


He controls the world of mythology, dominates the mythology, and the power of the heavenly division is considered a fart in front of him.

As for hell

The so-called power of reincarnation of ghosts and gods is equivalent to nothing to him. In his physical body, there is the power of the ancient Yinling King, all ghosts and demons have to fight aside, whoever is close to die.

Also, the Red Purgatory, for Long Fei, who is struggling from thousands of planes and struggling in front of death, is even more a joke.

It can only be said that the two underestimated Long Fei too much. They didn't understand what kind of experience Long Fei had.

Boom boom boom.

The galaxy trembled.

A roar broke out between heaven and earth.

The vast galaxy became nothingness. Under the impact of this power, it was directly destroyed, turned into powder, and wiped out between heaven and earth.

As if it never existed.

This is a real destruction.

"Haha, die, die. This is the only protagonist, I see how you die!"

"Originally, this power was prepared to rush to deal with the dragon and tyrant. But it doesn't matter if it is used on you now. You can die under this power, it is your good fortune." Gu Hou said, his face arrogant , As if under this kind of power, he has absolute confidence, Long Fei will undoubtedly die.

"Should die. After all, this is the method of destruction that the three of you and I have studied back then. Even if the cultivation base is tyrannical, he has died. I don't believe it, he can still survive." Chi Lian also said.

But Chi Lian's tone was somewhat hesitant, as if he was not sure.

"Don't worry, he will die." Gu Hou was full of firmness.

This is their only hope and their only vitality. If Long Fei does not die, then only death is waiting for him and them.

But Chi Lian's face became extremely solemn.

She didn't want Long Fei to die.

It was only Long Fei's performance that had made her doubt her strength. She knew how powerful the power after the collapse of Wuliangtian was. If it really bursts out and destroys one universe, it will not be impossible.

But I don't know why, she just feels that Long Fei can do miracles.

Can still survive under this power.

At this time, Wuliangtian collapsed, raging with power, and flooded the Galaxy.

Long Fei's figure had long since disappeared without a trace, completely submerged by the torrent of this power.

The entire Galaxy has also entered into collapse and destruction.

For a moment, just a few breaths of time, the endless galaxy directly ignored the torrent of destruction and ceased to exist.


"It should be dead!"

"Under this kind of power, I don't believe he can live."

Two voices appeared, and then two figures appeared above the void.

The two of them looked cautiously, staring at the land flooded by the torrent of destruction, neither of them acted rashly.

Because of uncertainty, whether Long Fei is dead now.

Suddenly, in the endless torrent, a blank space suddenly appeared.

Then, this blank place began to waver, and the rewind was generally divided into two, making the middle point a blank place.

"Huh? What's going on?" Gu Huo was taken aback.

The changes in front of him horrified him instantly.

Intuition told him that everything in front of him had something to do with Long Fei.


Without hesitation, he turned around and left.

Even at this moment, there was infinite regret in his heart. If they escaped from Wuliangtian early, there might be a ray of life.

But they chose to fight Long Fei hard to the end.

So at this moment, there is only infinite fear in their hearts.


The two figures broke through the air instantly.

But at the moment when the two figures disappeared, Long Fei's figure was slowly born in that little blank space.

"Want to go?" Long Fei said lightly.

In the next instant, two rays of light burst directly into his eyes.

This light is not the power of eternal life, the eye of time and space, or the eye of the system.


The light of the universe.

This kind of power is exactly what he got after his epiphany just now. This insight gave him a cognition and understanding of the essential power of the universe.

And the methods used at this moment are also inspired.

"Ding, congratulations to player Long Fei for his enlightenment, gaining power and the light of the universe.

"The light of the universe: the essential power of the universe, at the current level, it is possible to perceive the fundamentals of all forces except the power of the universe.

"Ding, you can smelt the principles of the universe."

"Ding, the smelting is successful, the light of the universe is upgraded, and the current level is two, which can imprison billions of cosmic galaxies. (Upgrade conditions, smelt ten universal principles.

The sound of the system also appeared.

However, this power Long Fei has already used.

It was just that the figure was submerged by the torrent of the collapse of Wuliangtian's power, and the system was delayed.

In other words, at this moment, within the radius of the universe, hundreds of millions of miles were imprisoned by Long Fei.

Therefore, even if they want to leave now, it is impossible. In this universe, Long Fei absolutely dominates.

"Ding, congratulations to the players for triggering the system task and reorganizing the world."

"Level: SS level."

"Time: half an hour."

"Task requirements: kill Gudou, refining the red dust, and then rectify the world!"

"Task Reward: There is one way in the universe."

"Ding, congratulations to the players for triggering the system task and reorganizing the cycle of hell."

"Level: SS level."

"Time: half an hour."

"Task requirements: kill the Red Pluto, rebirth hell, and recreate reincarnation."

"Task Reward: There is one way in the universe."

At this time, the system sound appeared again.

Long Fei looked back.

He had already thought of this. Long Fei had known from the time he shot Wang Xiong before, that there would definitely be this moment.

The system... never favors one another.

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