Long Fei's pupils shrank, looking at the figure gradually approaching, his heart sank, and he felt an unprecedented pressure.

The woman in front of her seemed to be coming from nothingness.

Even if he saw it in his eyes, he still had an unreal feeling.

"Terror!" Long Fei turned out such a word in his heart.

At this moment, he really felt that this woman was not simple. This kind of power, like the universe of galaxies, was in her hands, but just a toy tossed over and over again, she just made it up.

However, Long Fei had a feeling in his heart that the daughter who appeared in front of him was not looking for trouble.

Otherwise, with her means, she has the ability to sweep Long Fei over.

Instead of coming here in person.

Simply, Long Fei directly prevented and controlled his mind, waiting for the opponent to come.

In a flash, after a few breaths of time passed, Long Fei stood still.

But he was surprised to find that the woman also stopped moving forward.

And the place where she stopped was exactly half the distance of this long river.

"A test?" Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

But it doesn't matter, since the other person's figure stops, then he will go straight over.

In the next moment, Long Fei took a bold step.

But the next moment, Long Fei's face changed.


Very heavy!

It seemed that at this moment, I was deeply in the mud, and I needed to exhaust my whole body even to lift my legs.

At this time, the woman in the galaxy far away had a little smile on her mouth, as if she was watching how Long Fei got rid of the predicament in front of her.

"Taunting me?" Long Fei's heart was cruel.

Immediately, he stepped heavily.

The Three Thousand Ways operate in Dantian.


Long Fei's face was embarrassed in the next moment.

Because this power has no effect at this moment, it is of no use at all, his feet are still deep in the mud, it is difficult to move a bit.

"The power of eternal life!" Long Fei yelled softly.

Immediately change the power.

But... What made Long Fei unexpected was that he only took a few inches when he took this step.

"How is this possible, not even the power of eternal life?" Long Fei was shocked.

At this moment, he felt his face extremely embarrassed.

He didn't take the system prompts seriously before, but now it seems that he is just too self-righteous. This kind of power is more terrifying than the power of the five decays of heaven and man.

This is not an exaggeration.

Simply put, if the other party wants to kill himself, it is simply a breeze.

He can't move at all now, if the other party wants to kill him, between backhands.

When he thought of this, Long Fei's heart suddenly trembled.

Fortunately, the woman in front of her didn't seem to have any plans to take action at all, she just glanced at this side indifferently, with an indifferent expression.

It seemed to be watching how Long Fei came over.

"Forbidden power, heaven and earth fate!"

Long Fei also don't arouse anger, even though he doesn't know the origin of the woman in front of him, as a man, he absolutely cannot say no.

Boom boom boom.

When Long Fei's power moved, terrifying power erupted from him, and then in an instant, the entire world and galaxy suddenly sank.

As if being suppressed by this force.

Afterwards, Long Fei strode straight ahead.

A hundred feet in one step.

In a few steps, Long Fei walked nearly half the distance.

"Very good power, this seems to have inherited some ancient and mysterious aura. I don't think you still have this power in you." At this time, the daughter spoke.

Long Fei was taken aback.

The sound is very beautiful.


Long Fei then fixed his eyes to see the woman's appearance.

To be honest, at the level of Long Fei, he has no thoughts about expanding the harem. He has too many women. And it hasn't been recovered yet.

As a man, this failed.

So now for Long Fei, he doesn't have the mind to pay attention to a woman's appearance.

After all, as a cultivator, to a certain extent, changing the world is no more than a backhand, let alone changing one's appearance.

But this time, Long Fei felt strange.

The sound is so beautiful.

There is a feeling that makes him relaxed and happy.

Therefore, Long Fei will pay attention to her appearance.

But at this glance, Long Fei felt lost. At a glance, he seemed to see the sacred earth in the world, the paradise, the sea of ​​stars, and the truth in the world...

He didn't know why he had so much thought in an instant.

In fact, a woman's appearance is very beautiful.

But more importantly, her beauty is not limited to appearance. More important is the feeling she brings to Long Fei.

"How can this be?" Long Fei withdrew from his loss.

That's wrong.

His soul of eternal life is extremely powerful. As for his mind, it is indestructible.

No power can affect him.

But for this woman there was a brief loss of consciousness.

"Who are you?" Long Fei asked.

"If you want to know, come here!" the woman said.

Long Fei's eyes sank.

Is this molesting?

This feeling is like a peerless beauty lying on the bed, and then stretched out her index finger to hook you.

"Damn! Can't stand it!" Long Fei's anger was aroused.

After so many years, it was even looked down upon by a woman.

Can't bear it!

Can't bear it!

With a thought, Long Fei took a direct step and moved forward again.

But this time, Long Fei felt an obstacle.

It was as if the power here doubled in an instant, even though he used the taboo power, he couldn't be the same as before.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Long Fei to admit that he has already reached this point.

In an instant, the power of blood, the power of Yinling, the power of Lei Ze...

Except for the power of returning to the ruins, all the power he can use is used.

With the display of this power, Long Fei's speed suddenly increased, and within a few steps, he came to the woman.

It's not close to a woman.

Even as long as you look up, you can face a woman's face.

"Very good, I didn't expect you to have these powers." The woman said, lightly.

"There are so many things you don't know? But, do you want to see it?" Long Fei responded.

"No, you have proven yourself, you have the ability to cooperate with me." The woman said.

"Cooperation? I don't even know who you are. You have to cooperate when you come up. Isn't that too much?" Long Fei asked.

"You didn't just do it before, and you want to'fuck' me, why did you forget so soon?" the woman said, not feeling anything wrong.

Long Fei's expression instantly became a bit ambiguous.

This woman bit too **** a certain word, and couldn't help making Long Fei a little fanciful.

But soon, Long Fei suppressed it, his inner impulse.

Because he had a more terrifying guess.

He knew the identity of the woman.

The spirit of the universe?

"Are you the spirit of the universe?" Long Fei asked.

At this moment, I was surprised too.

At this moment, he finally understood why he had so many thoughts before.

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