This is a plunder, there is no question of completeness, ignoring the plunder of the will.

Just under his nose, plundered all his efforts.

"No, you can't do this. Who are you? Who are you?" Zun Zhou shouted, his voice filled with panic, a little hysterical.

Facing Long Fei before, even if Long Fei smashed his power to pieces, he was only solemn, just a little panic.

But in his heart, he always believed that he was invincible and could control everything.

But now this glance, with Liancang's move, completely broke his inner persistence.

"Does your confidence come from this big seal? Because this big seal is here, it makes you feel that you are the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms? If that is the case, you are really pitiful." Long Fei said lightly, full of pity.

Even with a humble look, he shot past.

If he had regarded Zun Zhou as a task before, then Zun Zhou now has no value in his eyes.

The only thing that can let him enter Long Fei's eyes is his status as the world king.

Too humble!

The original Long Fei thought that Zun Zhou, as the son of luck, was the most powerful person in this era of the Galaxy that controlled the civilization of the Galaxy.

But now, Long Fei found himself wrong.

Because the power of Zun Zhou has never been in his heart. But relying on the admiration and fear of others.

"No, don't, give it back to me, that is my power, I am the king of the world, I was born to carry civilization, I am the king of this universe, fate, that is my power, give it back to me soon "Zun Zhou was almost crazy, deaf to Long Fei's words.

But Liancang didn't care at all.

At the moment she chose Long Fei, all this is doomed today.

In the noble world, all the people in the noble world don't have the same jealousy on their faces at this moment. The respect in their eyes has always been aloft, with my invincible posture. How can I show this panic now?

But they didn't understand why Zun Zhou had already acknowledged the counsel before he took the shot.

"Lord, you take action, you are invincible, how can you lose to such a waste."

"Hurry up, the majesty of my realm is in your hands."

"The Lord..."

Voices came from the mouths of the people in the world.

At this moment, their belief in their hearts was impacted, and their superior mentality collapsed, and they felt that the souls of the world were being destroyed.

The people in the Promise Temple dare not speak anymore.

The anxiety in their hearts became stronger and stronger. At this moment, they discovered that they had really wrongly estimated Long Fei.

"No, we underestimated him. Up to now, he has not exploded the power of eternal life, which proves that his methods are definitely more than those shown now."

"Yes, and this woman. She also gives me a dangerous smell."

"Then what are you waiting for, take advantage of this, leave now!"

The three people in the Promise Temple retreated.

The strength that Long Fei showed made them feel fear. The means to disintegrate Zun Zun between waving his hands is now the power of the ten thousand realms condensed after robbing Zun Zun after years of hard work.

All signs have shown that now Zun Zhou is doomed to defeat.

In a moment, they were ready to leave here, leaving this place of right and wrong.

More importantly, the appearance of Long Fei has affected their plans for the Promise Temple. The power of the Promise Temple is now ready to come, in order to target the ancient world. However, Long Fei is the lord of the ancient world.

This proves that their plans for the ancient world must be changed, otherwise they are not targeting the ancient world.

But facing the massacre of Long Fei.

The loss at that time is unimaginable.

However, they took it for granted. They had to ask Long Fei if they wanted to leave.

Long Fei naturally noticed the changes in their emotions, and just gave a quick glance: "Don't worry, it will be your turn soon, don't you want to see how I die? Then watch it!"

Want to go?


The Promise Temple is here in Long Fei, and it is also portrayed in the blacklist of mortal. Not to mention that because of the ancient people, just because they were targeting the ancient world, this is undoubtedly dead.

The ancient world is his root, whoever touches will die.

The expressions of the three of the Promise Temple changed, and they did not expect that Long Fei was still paying attention to them now.

"You are too arrogant, Zun Zhou is still here, you haven't won, and you want to shoot us, do you know what I am waiting for?"

"Do you really think you can be arrogant with a little trick? Don't say you haven't won, even if you win? Do you dare to shoot us? We are people from the Promise Temple."

"That is, the Galaxy Universe, in the universe of all sides, is only a tiny existence, dare to take action against our Promise Temple?"

The three said proudly.

Long Fei didn't lift his eyelids, the words of these three people seemed to him to be nonsense. If they really have this confidence, they need to cooperate with Zun Zhou? Need to escape the heart?

It doesn't exist at all.

They want to leave, the only proof is that they are afraid.

"Pretend, then pretend. Master, I have no time to take care of you now. Don’t engage in anyone who has never seen the world. It’s just the Promise Temple. Although you don’t know which hall you are from, you know where I came from. Is it?" Long Fei sneered.

A joke, in the supreme plane.

Ten Wandao Streets in the world, ask who is Dad!

His name of Long Fei was created by Shengsheng all the way from below, using blood to kill him. Who would dare not accept it?

Even if it was the First World Dark Council and the System Center, now that he heard about Long Ting, he still had to weigh whether he was qualified to face Long Fei's anger.

So, is the Promise Temple very awesome?

But now, Long Fei didn't care about them, but looked at Zun Zhou.

At this time, his seal of the world king was about to be completed.

And in the great seal of Zun Zhou, he also completely lost its light, reduced to a mass of scrap iron, and turned into worthless scraps.

"No... my world king seal, I am the world king, I am the world king. Long Fei, even if you take away all the marks, I still have the means."

"I am the lord of civilization. I control the civilization of the entire galaxy universe. As long as you kill you, you will make a wedding dress for me."

"Yes, kill you, I will kill you!"

Respect if he is crazy, he can't choose words.

It can be said that at this moment, he has completely lost himself under the crush of Long Fei. Faith has collapsed, human body has collapsed.

During his lifetime, his only goal was to become the king of the world, but now he is close at hand, but he is crushed by Long Fei.

Not as good as Long Fei, these four words have become a deadly force that overwhelms his heart.

"Sorry, from now on, you are not anymore. In this universe, you are a thief, and Long Fei is the lord of the world and the king of the world." At this time, Lian Cang put down his methods. Speak.

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