Everyone was stung by Li Yuanba's sudden sentence.

This kind of pain is a kind of sadness that flows from bone and blood.

"Yuanba, what are you going to do?" Mu Wan'er shouted.

Intuition told her that something must happen. Including Liu Luoxi's inexplicable words before, coupled with the sudden changes of Li Yuanba now, everything is obvious to be extraordinary.

"Hehe, old lady don't worry. With me, this ancient world cannot collapse." Li Yuanba did not answer Mu Wan'er's words.

After speaking, he raised the sky and roared: "Brothers, are you finished?"

"Arhat is in place!"

"Sword power is in place!"

"Tianshui is in place!"

"The crazy knife is in place!"


The seven voices immediately erupted between heaven and earth, and at the same time, their silhouettes changed rapidly.

"Then do it. This ancient world is the root of the boss."

"The boss is not there, we have to hold on."

Li Yuanba exploded with the majesty that Donkey Kong should have, and ordered all directions.

After he finished speaking, he took the lead, and the power on his body quickly concentrated, and the whole person seemed to be burning, and a frightening aura surged over him.

He is a divine power King Kong, and he forces the sky. At this time, all his power is surging, and it is even more like a **** and demon coming to the world, with supreme majesty.

Within a few steps, he came directly to the ground and looked up at the sacred mountain that was about to collapse and fall, a touch of perseverance flashed in his eyes.

"Brothers, guard the ancient world."

Li Yuanba roared, and the strength of his whole person exploded at this moment.

However, the outbreak is not a self-destruction.

But to release all of their strength.

It can be seen to the naked eye that his power radiates from the heavens and the earth, forming a huge pillar of heaven, rising into the sky.

"Divine Power Tianzhu, success!" After that, Li Yuanba shouted, and the whole person began to melt away, leaving only a smile, leaving the void and disappearing in an instant.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Wuxin, Zhang Yue and others were even more silent, with infinite grief in their eyes.

"Donkey Kong!"

"Big guy!"

"Bald guy!"


Countless voices fell in the void, full of choking.

They have been with Li Yuanba for a long time, and naturally they have feelings. Now that they saw Li Yuanba just disappearing in front of them, their hearts were extremely sad.

Men do not flick when they have tears, but at this time, all of them are tearful.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the earth again.

It's Oya!

Aoya throws a sword in his hand, directly transforms into a sword light, and impacts Jiuxiao.

And then, her whole person also turned into a sword light soaring into the sky.

"Do not!"

"No, Oya, you come back, you all come back to me."

Mu Wan'er was already crying.

The changes in front of her had a great impact on her, and she was already in tears.

If it wasn't for Long Zhanting to hold him tightly now, she might have rushed out to stop a few people.

Long Zhanting's face was heavy.

He knew the choice of Li Yuanba and others.

Taking action now will not change their choice, but will only make the departure of Li Yuanba and Aoya meaningless.

It will even lead to the complete collapse of the ancient world, which will result in charcoal of life and cause more and greater sacrifices.

At the same time, he also knew that this was the mission of the eight members of Li Yuanba.

Otherwise, Liu Luoxi would not have said anything like that before.

It can be said that Liu Luoxi, perhaps long ago knew that there would be such a day, the ancient world would collapse. That's why everyone was prevented from taking action before.

Her purpose may be to avoid such a result.

It's just a pity that the result is still moving in such a direction after all, and there is no way to reverse it.

And after Oya.

Black knife, Lin Yousheng, Tianshui...

one by one.

All burned to release their own power, violent heaven and earth, melted between heaven and earth.

In just a moment, all of them disappeared without a trace, and between the whole world, there were only eight pillars that reached the sky, standing between the sky and the earth.

With the appearance of the Tianzhu, the ancient sacred mountain finally stopped falling, and was supported by eight Tianzhus.

The Eight Great King Kong, the Eight Great Tianzhu!

Propped up this sky.

In the eyes of countless people finally recovered some stability.

The sacred mountain did not fall, and finally gave them some inner peace.

However, they didn't have any grief, on the contrary, they took everything for granted.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the Promise Temple were extremely ugly. Originally, the sacred mountain collapsed and the avenue collapsed, and it was already unstoppable. But now, his life was reversed by Li Yuanba and others.

"Kill me, smash these eight pillars, the ancient world must be destroyed."

"You can't give them a chance to breathe, you must kill them. Come on, give me all of them, just collapse this pillar, never give them any illusions."


In an instant, in all directions, the people of the Promise Temple began to scream frantically. The immediate changes make them unacceptable.

"Stop them!" Liu Luoxi also said loudly.

Immediately, her figure joined the battle group, guarding directly in front of the Tianzhu, inducing the power of countless stars, descending, and surpassing everything.

Li Wuxin and others were even more crazy at this time.

Hate, anger, and grief caused the universe to explode in their hearts and kill them wildly.

At this moment, it is thousands of miles away.

Beyond Longmai Mountain.

Long Fei's figure stood in the void.

Opposite him is Zun Zhou and others.

Zun Zhou went and returned, and brought a few helpers, which directly blocked the void of one party and tied Long Fei to it.

It can be said that it is not that Long Fei did not go back, but that the Promise Temple has already considered Long Fei's actions, so it was blocked in advance.

"Hahaha, feel sad, the ancient world is about to collapse, and your brothers and your women will all be over. Soon, they will die, and they will die under your nose."

Zun Zhou sneered.

There was scorn in his eyes.

Before being suppressed by Long Fei, it became a pain in his heart. He understood that only when Long Fei died could he be the only one in this universe.

As long as Long Fei lives for one day, he will never rise to the top, and he will even be in panic all day long.

Therefore, he discussed with the people of the Wuji Temple, and finally directly let the people of the Wuji Temple mobilize the Supreme Secret Technique to block the void and suppress Long Fei.

Long Fei's eyes were burning with anger.

He has forgotten how long he has not been angry.

But before him, in the picture condensed by Zun Zhou, he saw the disasters of the ancient world, the fall of the Eight Great King Kong, and the helplessness and pain of Liu Luoxi and others.

All this made his heart about to burst.

It's just a pity that the other party's methods are too mysterious, and even his power can't break free for a while.

"Haha, stop struggling, this is the formation of my hall of sentient beings and the hall of the boundless, even the spirit of the hall, you are bound at this moment, it is equivalent to being suppressed by the power of the two hall spirits, no matter how strong you are, there is nothing It may break free." At this moment, beside Zun Zhou, a person from the Promise Temple spoke.

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