Long Fei's mind could not be calm for a long time.

Big explosion!

The cliff is a big explosion!

Long Fei felt that old feelings were rekindling, and the passion of the past resurrected in his heart. He almost has almost forgotten what it feels like to have a system explosion.

But today, this series of big explosions made Long Fei feel surging in his heart.

"It's been a long time since I haven't felt this way, it's so cool." Long Fei couldn't help but sighed, and Lian Cang looked puzzled.

But at the same time, her beautiful eyes are full of surprises.

She didn't expect Long Fei's power to be so powerful, and it would kill the two of them in one move.

"Did you get another chance? Their power made me feel helpless, but when you shot, they didn't even have the courage to resist." Lian Cang couldn't help saying.

Long Fei pulled his mind back.

This time, what the system has exploded has also been read. No matter how excited, Long Fei couldn't be immersed in it.

"There is a chance, but that power is only temporary, and it has disappeared now." Long Fei said.

Lian Cang looked puzzled and seemed a little puzzled.

"Forget it, don't care about these, you only need to know that the current me is capable of guarding the Milky Way world. As for the rest, everything has me." Long Fei said.

Liancang nodded.

If you say that at first, Lian Cang only used to think that Long Fei had been confident.

But now, she has been conquered by Long Fei.

It was this man who walked out of the darkness when he was the most difficult, shining a starry sky. Pulled her back from the brink of death.

Thinking of this, Lian Cang suddenly became obsessed.

"Don't think too much about women, even if you adore me, you have to wait for the crisis to be resolved." Long Fei said.

Long Fei joked.

Liancang's face flushed.

After all, she is the spirit of the universe, not a real human being, how could she withstand Long Fei's ridicule. But soon, she recovered and said:

"Go, let's go to the ancient world!" Lian Cang said.

Long Fei was taken aback, and then he laughed.

There are too many things that can be reflected in this sentence. At least, it has been proved that Lian Cang has integrated himself into Long Fei's life.

The next moment Long Fei didn't hesitate, flashed directly with Liancang's figure, and disappeared directly between heaven and earth.

At this time, the void of the ancient world has plunged into darkness.

The monkey shot is even more invincible.

The iron rod was ruthless, and the figures retreated crazily in the sweep, and did not dare to force the power of the monkey. But they retreated fast, and the monkeys moved faster.

Moreover, the iron rod would suddenly mutate in his hand, instantly transforming into a huge amount.

Bang bang bang.

Several figures were directly knocked out of the void by the monkey and fell to the ground.

"That's what you can do? Lao Sun didn't exert any strength, you all fell." The monkey iron rod fought against his right shoulder, his fiery eyes flashing, showing his arrogance.

The faces of Liu Luoxi and others were also full of shock.

Monkeys are too strong, and this power is beyond their cognition.

The people of these Promise Temple are very strong, and one person can sweep them all.

However, now in the hands of the monkey, even a stick can't stop it.

In fact, it's not just them, even Chongshan and others have fear on their faces. They thought that among this team, only Long Fei was the strongest and could suppress them forcibly.

And now it seems that they think too much.

The power of monkeys is not comparable to them. They were still a bit dissatisfied with the thought of coming, and now they are full of fear.

"Oh my mother, when has this monkey been so strong? No, these are the closest relatives of the killing star. I can't let the monkey be beautiful in the front." Chen Zhong saw the monkey invincible starry sky, and his heart was moved.

You know, he firmly believes that Long Fei is the strongest in his heart. Only by following Long Fei's side can he improve further. Therefore, seeing the monkey show his power, his heart was moved, knowing that Long Fei was absent now, it was his opportunity to show. In this way, when Long Fei returns in the future, these people can also know that he is in this battle.

In, but also a **** fight.

"No, I have to behave a little bit miserably. Huh? Those two little guys? That is the son of the killer star. Good deed, he was hurt so badly?" Chen Zhong was thinking about making such a move, and suddenly saw Long Wudi and Long. Replied.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, Chen Zhong had his own decision in his heart.

The next moment, his figure rushed down and rushed in front of Xiao Wudi and Xiao Yingdao.

His face instantly became sad.


He knelt directly in front of them.

Tears flowed down from the old man.

"Young master! God **** it, who is this, who is this? How dare to do such a heavy hand on my two young masters."

"It's all me, it's all my fault. Old slave, I'm late."

"Don't be afraid, young master, when I save you, I will go to find them desperately." Chen Zhong said sincerely, he slapped his face suddenly.

"God said, my Young Master Long Ting should not hurt."

"Today, Chen Zhong, I am willing to use my own strength as a guide to change the two young masters for Ankang."

Chen Zhong looked like a righteous Ling Ran, willing to die.

The next moment, a white light burst out of his body, and this light contained an extremely powerful vitality. In an instant, this power directly wrapped Xiao Wudi and Xiao Yingdao.

Then, an incredible scene happened.

Visible to the naked eye, the injuries on Xiao Wudi and Xiao Ying Dao recovered with naked eyes.

In just a few breaths, the two of them have basically recovered, except for the dragon's horns that have not grown, and they have been transformed into human forms.


At this moment, Chen Zhong suddenly dimmed.

Blood spurted out immediately.

Both Xiao Wudi and Xiao Yingdao were very moved.

Even Liu Luoxi and the others were grateful.

Xiao Wudi and Xiao Yingdao are their hearts and souls. If it weren't for the current conditions, they would all want to personally treat them.

"Are you... all right," the two asked.

"Don't worry, the old slave is okay. As long as the young master can be well, I, Chen Zhong, will not hesitate to fight for my old life even if I am a swordsman." Chen Zhong said firmly. Crazy gushing.

Xiao Wudi and Xiao Yingdao were full of guilt in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Chen Zhong was extremely proud. I feel that my acting skills are really perfect.

"Uncle, you are still very alive, you are fine."

But at this moment, a tender voice suddenly fell. The owner of the voice is naturally the ya ya who cultivates the power of longevity.

Chen Zhong looked at it for a moment.

At this moment, he felt that everyone's eyes were not moved as before, but a little more suspicious.

The monkey in the distance couldn't help but look contemptuous at this time.

He still knows a little about who Chen Zhong is. Seeing Chen Zhong being exposed at this moment, I felt very refreshed.

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