Zun Zhou was still arrogant in his heart, and he transferred all his anger towards Long Fei to his eyes.

He has an inevitable heart for the ancient world.

No matter who it is, he can't stop him.

Even though the monkey gave him an uncontrollable feeling, he didn't have the slightest fear.

At this time, the monkey didn't stop either. The fighting spirit rose to the sky, the iron rod burned into flames, and his body burned into flames, as if he rushed out from endless hell.

In the next instant, the monkey swung his stick, and the palm of Zun Zhou once again collided in the void.


With this blow, the vastness of the void began to collapse, as if the world had collapsed.

A huge hole also appeared above the sky, and the sky fire rolled down, anxious.

This is the power of the two, extremely terrifying.

The monkey figure continued to move horizontally and horizontally in the void, waving the iron rod, stirring the sky fire, and adsorbing the flame on the iron rod, and then shot again in a sudden.


The iron rod turned across and the flames were raging.

This stick is stronger than the previous one, and between swings, it seems to contain the most violent power in the world, one stick crashing into the sky, one stick breaking the ground.

Zun Zhou's face suddenly changed.

He already felt that the monkey was very strong.

But he didn't expect the monkey to be so tough.

Between these sticks, the horror that burst out gave him a feeling of suffocation.

Too violent.

Putting the Buddha's hand can break the sky, and a stick can break the sky.

But now, he didn't have time to think so much. Facing the monkey stick, he didn't even have the courage to resist. In a hurry, he flinched in a panic, retreated thousands of miles in one step, and didn't dare to hold on.


Following that, just as soon as his figure retreated.

The void burst.

A piece of void became nothingness under the monkey's stick.

Directly erased.

As if it never existed.

Even the people of the Supreme World were stunned at this time.

The monkey stick not only made Zun Zhou retreat, but also made them fearful.

too strong.

Strong lawlessness.

Before the monkeys, they would not believe that power can be stronger than the system power of their supreme world. But the monkey used his own strength to prove that his strength, even the system strength of the Supreme World, could not be compared.

Although all the people in the ancient world were in grief at this time, they were also extremely moved.

This power is beyond their cognition. In their understanding of power, it should not be achieved at all.

"So strong, this is the real power."

"I only discovered now that we don't know anything about power."

"I wonder if Brother Long Fei is that strong?"

Countless people sighed, the first feeling was to think of Long Fei.

"There must be, this... Senior Brother Long Fei came to help us, and he must be in the same rank as this senior."

Everyone thought so.

However, at this time, the monkey himself did not have that much thought.

He just wanted to kill a few people in front of him.

Otherwise, how can he be worthy of Chen Zhong's life and death now.

With a thought, the monkey figure did not pause, waved the iron rod, and waved the void again.

Chongshan saw the monkey's actions at this time, and he had already guessed the monkey's determination, and knew that the monkey must be an endless battle.

And his power is too strong, if it really breaks out, the world may not be able to hold it.

So between this thought, he said directly: "Hurry up and protect the ancient world. The monkey is too strong. If it is not suppressed, the world simply cannot bear it."

Having said that, he took the lead in pulling away the power, and then transferred his power to this world.

People in other supreme worlds also reacted and transferred their strengths one after another.

They have no choice.

Their task is to protect the ancient world. If there is a trouble in the ancient world, they will not think about getting better when Longfei arrives.

And as their power shifted, the people in the Promise Temple and Zunjie also began to regain their power.


But without waiting for them to be excited, a kill word was directly posted in the void.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Zhong Ziqi and the sword master, Eight Thousand Jianxiu rushed over.

The sword light was like rain, instantly spreading the void.

Although their power may not pose any threat to the emissaries of Zun Zhou and the Promise Temple, it is deadly to these people.

Swipe it!

The golden light whizzed, and every time it flickered, a life would be harvested.

Liu Luoxi, Mu Wan'er and others were silent again.

these people……

They are too strong.

They know that this time the ancient world is really hopeful. It's just a pity...

They looked at the Tianzhu behind them, and couldn't help feeling sad.

At this time, the ancient world really ushered in a counterattack, and the monkey iron rods danced in the sky, chasing Zun Zhou.

But Zun Zhou didn't dare to shake the monkey's power directly.

"How could it be, how could you be so strong!" Zun Yun was stunned, and the whole person could not do anything except scurry in the void.

The power of the monkey is pure and incomparable, with a certain kill attribute.

It seems that as long as it is contaminated, it is bound to die.

In this case, he would not dare to fight.

The faces of the envoys of the Promise Temple were also full of doubt and panic at this time.

Obviously, the monkey's power made them dare not face it.

"There is no way. Fortunately, I asked for two powers from the Temple Spirit." One of them said.

"Don't think about it, a quick fight, as long as the monkey is suppressed, the rest of the people shouldn't worry about it." Another person agreed.

They simply couldn't suppress the monkey's methods, and the violent iron rod made them useless. At this time, they only had the remaining undead power to use.

As for other people in the supreme world, although they are afraid, they don't take it seriously.

After all, as long as they can still summon the temple spirits, then everything will be no problem.

And all they have to do now is to live.

But if you want to live, you can only subdue the monkey, nothing more.

With a thought, one of them walked into the void:

"A hoon dare to be so arrogant? Long Fei is now bound by this power, and now it's your turn to enjoy."

"Undead prisoner, go!"

The messenger of the Promise Temple yelled, and a gray power was directly shot out of his hand.

As soon as this power entered the void, it dissipated without a trace, as if merged into the void in an instant.

Everyone was taken aback, because they didn't feel any changes at all.

Chongshan and the others were slightly mocking in their eyes and wanted to speak.

But at this moment, the monkey who was pursuing and killing in the void suddenly stopped.

Immediately, his iron rod fell directly from his hand, and his whole person seemed to have lost his direction, and suddenly fell from the void.

At this moment, everyone's faces changed color.

"Things that do not live or die, this power is that Long Fei can't get out, so you can enjoy it. As for you, now you are ready to accept the judgment of death." The Promise Temple envoy said coldly.

But his voice just fell.

In the void, suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations. Immediately afterwards, a voice fell from it: "Really? You are listening, I can't get out?"

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