Chen Zhong's voice suddenly appeared, breaking this scene of warmth.

Long Fei was taken aback, followed the voice and looked over.

"Why are you here?" Long Fei asked doubtfully.

If it weren't for Chen Zhong to speak, Long Fei would not even have thought of seeing him here. According to Long Fei's understanding of him.

This is definitely not a person who will stand out in a big battle.

It's useless except for pretending and flattering.

What made Long Fei unexpected was that he was seriously injured at this moment and was already near death.

This picture is terrifying to him.

"Father, this predecessor was hurting us to save us, and then he resisted the activation punch, and then was seriously injured, becoming like this." Long Wudi said, explaining for Chen Zhong.

"Saved you? Then he fought hard?" Long Fei still couldn't believe it.

Secretly, is Chen Zhong modified his son?

Can he do such an obliterating thing?

"Yeah, dad, you don't know. Senior was brave just now. Some remarks are central. I dare to say that if his loyalty to dad dares to say second, no one dares to say first." Long Ying said Said.

Of course, his words do not include Li Yuanba and the others.

Long Fei took a breath.

He secretly said what exactly did Chen Zhong do, so that he can attract people's hearts so that his son worships and respects him so much.

With a thought, Long Fei came directly to Chen Zhong, with the palm of his hand resting on his forehead.

Everyone thought that Long Fei was treating Chen Zhong, and didn't care.

But what they didn't know was that at this time, Long Fei was using the power of respect he had just obtained to reverse time and space to see what happened to him.

But the more you look at it, the more speechless Long Fei's heart becomes.

Seeing Chen Zhong's miserable appearance at this moment, there is no more sympathy in his heart.

"This guy... pretends to be a new world." Long Fei sighed helplessly.

But in this way, Long Fei felt a little at ease. If Chen Zhong suddenly became orthodox, Long Fei would be even more unacceptable for a while.

But to save people, Long Fei uses the power of eternal life.

After a few breaths, Chen Zhong has recovered.

"Master, you are finally here, I want to kill you." Chen Zhong said these words instinctively.

But soon, he turned his eyes, and quickly said: "Master, I thought I would never see you again. I am guilty, and I failed to stop the powerful enemy. The old slave wears sin, please master crime."

Chen Zhong had a sincere expression on his face, and his words were even more touching.

Involuntarily, everyone's faces were filled with awe.

Long Fei smiled without saying a word.

Chen Zhong's heart sank, and a bad feeling grew in his heart.

"No, did this kill star see it? Yes, this guy is too bad, it's impossible to hide it from him." Chen Zhong thought in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he was. He felt that now Long Fei must be wondering how to break through himself.

"No, I have to act first." Chen Zhong gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart. "Master, please grant me a capital crime. I failed to protect your world. The young master and mistress who caused me were injured, and I was guilty, and my sin cannot be redeemed. Let me die, only death can be washed I am a guilty body." Chen Zhong looked determined

, As if begging to die.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched.

Secretly, this old man is getting smarter and smarter, and even knows how to do the opposite.

However, if Long Fei were threatened so easily, it would not be Long Fei.

With a thought, Long Fei smiled softly: "Do you really want to die?"

In an instant, Chen Zhong's face changed.

Long Fei is definitely not a good man and a believer, let alone a person who plays cards according to the routine. He has always done things by his own way and never cares about other people's ideas.

Suddenly, Chen Zhong felt like he had lifted a rock and hit himself.

Suddenly, he felt that he was dying.

In front of this killing star, playing with scheming, this is the birthday star hanging himself, and his life is too long. At this moment, I heard Long Fei faintly saying: "Originally, I thought you worked hard, and I was going to give you some rewards! But it looks like you are eager to die...not to mention, I have never been kind to others. I have the heart to let you down, so that

It will fulfill you. go to hell! "Long Fei said lightly.

In the distance, the faces of people in the ancient world are all strange.

They do not understand.

In their cognition, Long Fei has never been stingy with his own people. As long as he has it, he has never refused, let alone said such a thing.

However, they did not doubt Long Fei's actions.

They think that Long Fei must have his own ideas for doing this.


But at this moment, Chen Zhong went to plop and fell directly in front of Long Fei.

"Master, Lord, I just pretended to be just now, don't take it seriously." Chen Zhongxin's heart is like a knife, he knows, he said this...

The set of people collapsed completely.

But for Chen Zhong now, survival is the most important.

What personality, what dignity, for him, this is a vain thing, and he has not taken it seriously.

A smile appeared at the corner of Long Fei's mouth.

"Fortunately, I didn't lose my heart. That's right, this is your personal design. Get up, don't engage in these empty-headed things in the future." Long Fei said softly.

The people in the distance were sweating.

They all looked at Chen Zhong with incredible expressions, unbelievable. The predecessor, who had a deep and loyal face just before, turned into a flattering person...

Especially Long Wudi and Long Yingdao, their faces flushed.

Just now, they vowed to speak for Chen Zhong in front of Long Fei, but now this reversal really made them feel a little embarrassed.

And Long Fei also said at this time: "Have you seen it? This is the first lesson taught to you by my father. That is, don't trust your eyes lightly."

With that said, Long Fei didn't struggle too much.

But a few storage rings thrown away casually.

"You keep the things inside, and when there is a chance in the future, I will improve your strength." Long Fei said.

Chen Zhong looked overjoyed.

"Hey, the master is indeed the master, so mindful, I admire someone Chen." Chen Zhong did not forget to seize the opportunity and complimented at this moment.

Long Fei felt it calmly, and then looked at Chongshan and others: "Let's go, in the first world, do you understand some things and how to do it?" Long Fei said in a deep voice.

"Understand, we naturally know."

"That's natural. We have not seen anything and experienced nothing."

"Yes, we are just going to perform the task."

... Countless people reacted and quickly expressed their views.

"Then what about the task? Long Fei...sir, can you give us some guidance? Of course, if the adult has friendship with Long Batian, we will treat the task as a failure." Zhongshan said.

He was shocked and afraid of Long Fei now.

Even the title has changed invisibly. "Long Batian? Go, just in Longmai Mountain. But I want to tell you that he is very strong. If you rely on you, it is far from enough. You can go back to the first world first, and then tell the system center and Dark council, let them

Send out, a hundred powerhouses above the supreme level are almost enough. ""But a friendly reminder, as for you, don't come here again. "

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