Long Fei was startled.

New civilization?

Is this to make the Galaxy universe undergo a complete transformation?

Is the power of civilization strong?

Needless to say.

Zun Zhou is not strong enough, it can only show that he is not home yet. In other words, although he is the lord of civilization, he is not the lord of this galaxy at all.

But now Long Fei is different. He has the uniform of the original Lord of Ten Thousand Realms, and he is also the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms. There is also the Great Perfection of the Seal of the Realm King, integrating the world origin of the Galaxy.

This kind of power gathers together, and he is the only master of this universe.

More importantly, even the spirit of the universe is his woman now. Under this circumstance, if he controls civilization, the power is unimaginable.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for becoming the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms, triggering the task to reshape the Galaxy Universe and start a new civilization.

"Task level: sss level."

"Task requirements: reshape the Galaxy universe and start the civilization sequence."

"Task time: one month."

"Task Reward: Reward the power of civilization, reward the light of civilization, and reward one system skill."

"Mission Punishment: Deprivation of the identity of the master of civilization."

System sounds fell one after another.

"Reward system skills?" Long Fei's heart moved.

The power of civilization and the light of civilization are tasteless in Long Fei's view. Only this last system skill can really improve the strength.

After all, the punishment of this system task is not unimportant, but the rewards seem to be unequal. The only possibility is that the bonus skills will be beyond Long Fei's expectations.

"System, how do I start the civilization sequence?" Long Fei asked.

The mission time of this mission was very short, so it was directly advanced by Long Fei.

But suddenly, Long Fei saw another mission.

That is the task of guarding the Galaxy universe.

"No, isn't I still guarding the Galaxy universe? I have become the lord of the galaxy universe, and even the spirit of the Promise Temple was destroyed by me. Isn't it a success?" Long Fei asked directly .

This is unconventional.

I won't talk about this first, even if Lian Cang's current attitude toward himself, no matter how you look at it, he is submissive to himself, and he has already fallen in love.

Even the task reward has been obtained by himself, but the task has not been completed yet.

This is not scientific at all!

"The mission has changed. Given that players have now been rewarded, the system will make mission adjustments in the near future. Players are asked to complete other missions first." The system responded indifferently.

Long Fei was taken aback.

"The system, this is a bit too much. It is clear that it has been booked, but there can be changes? And I get rewards, but it has nothing to do with the task based on my own strength. Is it to be compensated?" Long Fei asked. .

"After the task is adjusted, the reward will be changed. Players are asked to wait and complete other tasks first." The system responded.

Long Fei was speechless.

Originally, he wanted to dig system bugs. But the lack of oil and salt in the system made Long Fei a little annoyed. In desperation, Long Fei could only take a step back.

"How about compensating the strategy for this mission? How should I build a civilization sequence?" Long Fei asked.

Reshaping is not difficult to understand.

He is now the Lord of the Galaxy Ten Thousand Realms, and when the power of the Ten Thousand Realms is integrated into his body, he already understands that the current Galaxy Ten Thousand Realms is in a state of waiting for prosperity.

I can only say that Zun Zhou is too cruel. Conquering everything with high-pressure methods has caused the entire Galaxy Myriad Realms to be extremely depressed.

Since they are to be reshaped, it is natural to give them more of their origins and restore the glory of the world to the past.

This process is not difficult.

Long Fei just beheaded the spirit of the Promise Temple and gained the power of immortality. Although he doesn't control much now, he wants to repair the ten thousand realms, it is enough.

This is because the spirit of the Promise Temple has no idea how many spirits from other worlds have been swallowed to control this power. So even if it is just a trace, it is more than enough to restore the vitality and energy of the power of the world.

However, the issue of civilization sequence made Long Fei feel inexplicable.

"Any civilization has levels. Just like a plane, the universe has low-level and high-level distinctions. The power of cultivation is also different. The higher the level, the stronger the power."

"The establishment of a civilization sequence is to allow the universe to have a better environment for development."

The sound of the system fell.

Long Fei nodded.

To put it simply, it is to divide the Galaxy Ten Thousand Realms into three, six, nine levels.

However, in Long Fei's view, this view is not acceptable.

At the beginning, he created the Great Way of Life, in order to make everyone be like a dragon and strive for self-improvement, in order to break this hierarchy. But now, let him create the sequence himself.

what is this?

The dragon slayer finally turned into a dragon?

Long Fei thought in his heart.

But suddenly I felt that the last description was inappropriate. of

He is a dragon himself!

And it's the Zulong, the handle of the dragon clan. If he slays the dragon, wouldn't he kill himself?

When he thought of this, he quickly cleared his thoughts out of his mind.

"This is inconsistent with my Tao? Why must a hierarchy be created? If there is no sequence, this universe can't develop?" Long Fei asked. "Yes. There must be a hierarchy for the development of any universe. Otherwise, the resources of the universe will be emptied infinitely. The Supreme World needs to be ranked. You think the resources of the Galaxy universe are stronger than the Supreme World. ?"

The system asked a question. of

Long Fei fell silent.

The system is pretty good.

He has already learned this from Lian Cang.

The resources of the universe are also limited.

After all, in the Galaxy Myriad Realms, there are different levels of planes in each world. Adding up all the population, I'm afraid that numbers can no longer be used for accounting.

With so many people, the resources needed for survival and cultivation will be extremely terrifying.

If there is no control, if there is no hierarchical division, just let it go, for fear that it will dry up soon. At that time, war will break out, and resources will be further emptied...

That is a vicious circle.

The result is extremely terrible.

Thinking of this, Long Fei also sighed in his heart.

Although this is different from the perfection he wanted, this step must be taken.

At the next moment, Long Fei directly shut down the system, not entangled with the system on this issue.

Although this step has to be taken, it cannot be completed overnight. And the task is still a month away, and Long Fei is not in a hurry.

Moreover, with pity, it is even easier to understand the situation of the world.

Even if it is time to divide, it is not difficult for Long Fei.

But now, Long Fei is the first to restore the vitality of the ancient world.

"From today onwards, I am the lord of the Galaxy, the ancient world is the core of the ten thousand worlds, and the first civilized world." "In my name, the emperor!" Long Fei's hand floats the seal of the world king, controls the power of the ten thousand worlds, and directly confronts The ancient world was sealed.

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