In an instant, half a month passed quietly.

The ancient sacred mountain once again floats on top of the world.

The entire ancient world also began to change over time.

This transformation is an all-round improvement after the upgrade of the universe. The aura alone has doubled several times, which is not comparable to before.

The more important point is the shackles of cultivation.

However, within half a month, someone has directly broken the shackles of Super Dzogchen and reached another level.

And Long Fei also enjoyed the family relationship for half a month on the sacred mountain.

One day, Long Fei summoned everyone.

"Brother Long Fei, are you leaving?" Su Su asked.

This is the first time that such a formal occasion has happened.

In the past few days, Long Fei has been giving pointers on this, and then he will have a deep life exchange.

It's like a process, from the end. But today they gathered everyone together.

"It's not that I'm leaving, it's that we're leaving." Long Fei said.

"Want to leave?" Liu Luoxi's face was also puzzled. "Yes, now the crisis of the Galaxy universe is temporarily resolved. But it does not mean that it will be safe here. And I also cast the Dragon Court in the Supreme World. Wherever you go, your safety can be guaranteed. And in that world. In your

The speed of practice can increase faster. "Long Fei said.

This is a plan that has been set long before.

Tu Shan Xiaoya should be fully prepared there.

But now Long Fei's only uncertainty is whether the teleportation array is ready now.

"Wow, finally you don't have to be separated from the villain." Qianqian said quickly.

"Hahaha, I can finally continue the crazy fight with the boss. I have been looking forward to that kind of years for too long."

"Boss, it's settled, we will go wherever you go this time."

Zhang Yue, Li Wuxin and others also expressed their views.

But Long Fei shook his head.

"You can't follow me, the place I'm going is in crisis." Long Fei directly refused.

There is no concealment.

Long Fei never dared to care about this kind of life and death issue.

When everyone heard it, their faces instantly dimmed and lost their brilliance.

It seemed to them that they couldn't fight side by side with Long Fei.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance. And you go to the first world, there will be no less battles. And life and death crises are often shrouded." Long Fei said again.

When everyone heard it, light appeared in their eyes again.

Although they didn't know what Long Fei was talking about, since Long Fei said so, the matter couldn't be faked.

In fact, Long Fei's words are not exaggerated.

Although Long Ting now has a firm foothold in the First World, it does not mean that there is no existence that can fight against Long Ting.

To be precise, there are many people who want to destroy the Dragon Court. Moreover, they had also established a foothold in that world a long time ago, and Long Ting was just an emerging force relative to them. If it weren’t for Long Fei’s **** means in the first world, it would have frightened the Quartet, and then came to the ancient world

On the above, another wave of people was killed, making the little Taoist directly an invincible existence in their eyes.

Maybe they had already shot Long Ting.

It is precisely because of Long Fei's series of thunder methods that he dare not do it easily.

But not easy does not mean not doing it.

Therefore, after they reach the Dragon Court, battle will definitely occur.

No, it should be said that it will directly fall into a crisis.

Long Fei originally wanted to wait until he solved the first world threat before letting them pass. But this ancient world is equally unsafe.

In other words, this galaxy universe has always been in danger.

Naturally, Long Fei will not forget that there is still a super boss in this world, Long Batian!

Although Long Batian did not target him, his existence is itself a threat. It is not an exaggeration to say that if Long Batian wants to attack Galaxy Universe, no one can stop it.

Long Fei had to take this into consideration.

Therefore, in contrast, the threat of the first world is nothing.

"Father, where are you going, how shall we follow you?" Long Wudi said, his eyes were extremely earnest.

"And me, daddy, I want to go too." Long Ying said.

In their view, the world Long Fei is going to must be infinitely exciting. They often listened to Donkey Kong and others talking about the past, the **** scene made them yearn for.

Therefore, in their hearts, they are extremely eager to follow Long Fei all the way.

Long Fei groaned slightly, a kind of owe arose in his heart.

"Well, your cultivation base is not too weak now, you have to go stocking for a while." Long Fei agreed.

The flowers in the greenhouse will not last long.

Only experiencing the baptism of ice cold,   wind and rain, can be regarded as real growth.

But this time he was going to the Promise Temple, and for the two of them, it was just this opportunity to experience it.

When Long Wudi and Long Yingdao heard that Long Fei agreed, their faces were even more excited.

"Then daddy, when shall we leave?" Long Wudi asked, already impatient.

As if wishing to start wandering with Long Fei in the next moment.

"When the power of the first world comes, we will go after they pass." Long Fei said.

Yes, he is waiting right now.

He has made contact with Long Ting.

Tu Shan Xiaorong's system is a system power of Xu's subordinates. It was originally Long Fei's personal fusion for her, so they naturally have a sense of interaction.

Before he worried everyone, he had already sensed that Tushan Xiaorong had already completed the super teleportation formation in the first world.

What he was waiting for now was Xiao Rong giving him the formation of the formation, and then completing the teleportation between universes this time.

As for the materials needed for the formation, Long Fei was not worried.

I don't know how many gods have accumulated in my system space. I want to build a teleportation array, more than enough.

Liu Luoxi and others stopped talking.

They listened to what Long Fei wanted to do without any rejection.


Long Fei suddenly spoke.

At this time, his system had received the formation structure passed by Tu Shan Xiaorong.

Everyone also looked at Long Fei.

They naturally didn't know what Long Fei was waiting for.

At this moment, Long Fei's figure directly volleyed into the air, and then directly threw out the endless divine talent in his hand.


The void began to tremble.

In the next instant, a huge portal appeared directly in the void.

The people on the ancient sacred mountain were stunned at this moment.

If this method is not seen with their own eyes, they will never believe it. Such an understatement has cast a teleportation array. Moreover, the other side of the teleportation array is on the other side of the galaxy!

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