Endless darkness, emptiness.

Here is a dark world, and there is no light in sight.

Long Fei quietly looked in front of him, his eyes had already activated the light of the universe, he wanted to shine through the darkness, looking for the figure of Xiao Wudi and Xiao Yingdao.

But just for a moment, Long Fei's expression became embarrassed.

It doesn't work at all!

Before the light of the universe was activated, it was directly overwhelmed by darkness. As if this is an existence outside the universe, the light of the universe must not exist.

"Black hole, black hole! What kind of existence is this?"

Regarding black holes, Long Fei is not ignorant.

While on Earth, the existence of black holes has been explored under the highly developed technological civilization. However, the definition of black holes at the time was mostly unknown.

No power has ever explored black holes.

What Long Fei did not expect was that even the light of the universe could not penetrate the darkness in this black hole.

For a while, Long Fei regretted his previous decision a little, and let Xiao Wudi and Yingdao leave.

Because in this black hole, nothing can be captured, and it is full of mystery. I am confident, but the two of them may not be able to cope with the forces in this environment.

"Humans, there are people who dare to set foot here, you are looking for death!"

Suddenly, in this silence, a voice suddenly appeared.

"Who!" Long Fei furrowed his brows and turned his eyes to look in front of him.

However, under the suppression of this endless darkness, he could not perceive anything at all.

"You don't need to find you, you still can't find the existence of the spirit." The voice appeared again.

"Spirit? The spirit of the black hole?" Long Fei exclaimed.

But when I think about it, I feel relieved.

Lian Cang is the best example.

The universe is capable of producing spirits, so there is nothing too much to produce spirits in this black hole.

"Yes, I am the spirit of this black hole. You also have a breath of spirit on your body, and that breath makes me very disgusted, so you must die today." The spirit of the black hole suddenly said.

"Let you die? I'm afraid you don't have this ability." Long Fei was completely disdainful.

He doesn't know how strong his current strength is, but he never persuaded him.

Facing any kind of enemy, he dared to fight. Even the spirit of this black hole, Long Fei had no fear in his heart.

"Hmph, you have slaughtered the spirit, and the spirit you slaughtered is not too weak. But that doesn't mean you are qualified to be arrogant in front of me!" The dark spirit's voice appeared again.

Long Fei was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the spirit of this black hole even knew that he had killed the spirit.

"It sounds like you are better than them. I can slaughter them, and you will be no exception." Long Fei responded proudly.

The more rampant the opponent, the more passionate Long Fei's will to fight.

More importantly, now that the spirit of the black hole can find him in such a short period of time, there must be a way to find the little invincible and the little response.

Only by beheading the opponent,  The situation of the two of them will be relatively safe. "Ignorance. What you slaughtered is not the complete spirit, they are just the spirits that came out later. But I, the great black hole spirit, is the spirit that follows this cosmic symbiosis. How do you compare me to them?  " Ling said directly,

It seemed to show off in front of Long Fei.

"So what?" Long Fei's eyes shrank, the power of eternal life quietly circulated, looking for the spirit of this black hole.

But this time, what surprised Long Fei's heart was that the power of eternal life did not dissipate, nor was it swallowed by darkness.

Under the eternal eyes, he clearly saw a black energy body.

Needless to say, this is naturally the spirit of darkness.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded again: "Ding, an unknown lifeform was found, please be careful."

Long Fei was taken aback.

Isn't this the spirit of a black hole?

Did the other party say it himself? How come to the system's mouth, this becomes an unknown life form?

"System, isn't this the spirit of the black hole?" Long Fei said.

"Ding, the system has detected that this space is composed of unknown energy. In the cosmic civilization, this is a kind of power for the existence of cosmic civilization." The system responded.

Long Fei was surprised.

Unexpectedly, the existence of this black hole was so mysterious, it turned out to be an existence outside the cosmic civilization.

Similarly, Long Fei also understood the meaning of the system.

Since it does not belong to the cosmic civilization, it is that the system may not have included this power, so it will be described as an unknown life form.

For a time, Long Fei also valued the spirit of the black hole.

Suddenly, in the system, a functional area that had been silent for a long time suddenly flickered.

Then, the voice of the system reappeared:

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the mission and killing the spirit of the black hole."

"Task Level: SSSSSSS+"

"Task description: Players need to turn in the power of the black hole spirit and provide it for system research."

"Task time: one year.  "

"Task Reward: All items obtained belong to the player, reward player level +1, reward skill +1, draw once, and specially designated reward once."

"Task Punishment: Death!"

Long Fei stood on the spot sluggishly.

This time... It's a big game.

He had never seen a system so generous before.

This kind of reward is simply the first time.

He had never seen such a crazy reward.

But Long Fei is not stupid. The crazier the rewards of the system, the more it shows that this task is more difficult.

But no matter what, Long Fei would naturally not give up.

For example, it was for the task, even for his son, Long Fei would choose to work hard.

Thinking of this, Long Fei directly asked: "The spirit of the black hole, right? Give you a chance, surrender me, and I won't die around you.

Long Fei said deliberately.

He now has captured the dark spirit in his immortal eyes.

But if you want to kill the opponent, you need to continue to understand.

It can also be said that Long Fei is now creating opportunities. "Surrender you? Once a guy came here and said the same thing to me, but in the end he didn't know the **** who was beaten by me. You died the second person who said this, but you are too weak You are much worse than that man. He has a chance

Run away, but you have no possibility. "The spirit of the black hole continued.

Long Fei's heart suddenly burst.

Someone has already been here, trying to conquer the spirit of the black hole?

"But speaking, that person seems to have the same power system as you. He told me that this is his task. But unfortunately, he can only end in failure." said the black hole spirit.

And as the words of the spirit of the black hole fell, a figure suddenly burst out of Long Fei's mind.


The same power system?

"Long Batian!" Long Fei's heart sank.

Except for Long Batian, Long Fei could not find anyone. It was possible.

But apart from shock, Long Fei also gave birth to a comparison. What Long Batian didn't do, he Long Fei...will do it!

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