I don't know how long it has passed, time and space seem to have no meaning for Long Fei.

The system finally compromised and agreed to Long Fei's request.

And Long Fei killed all the way and started again.

At this time, the black hole, for Long Fei, had no pressure at all. Although the spirit of the black hole, who followed Xiao Invincible before, has clearly stated that the deeper, the stronger the strength.

But for Long Fei, it makes no difference at all.

One punch and one knife is enough to solve everything.

It was just such a process, but it still made Long Fei's heart gradually numb.

Take Long Fei at this time as an example. He has shaved beard, his hair has been disheveled, and his whole body has no image at all.

The power beads of the black hole spirit in his hand are already countless.

Once you enter the system space, there is nothing else except the black hole beads.

"Ding, the black hole detected by the system has come to an end, and the black hole energy collection is complete."

After Long Fei beheaded a black hole spirit, the voice of the system fell.

And this voice, to Long Fei, was tantamount to nature.

God knows that in such a life of slaughter, he has long ago hated deeply. If it were not for the system to be soft, Long Fei would have torn the black hole.

But now, it has finally come to an end.

"Is it finally the end?" Long Fei felt like weeping with joy at this time.

It's finally over.

"Ding, the black hole has come to an end, and the system is about to issue rewards."

The system sound dropped accordingly.

Long Fei's eyes were excited.

After waiting so long, I finally waited till now.

If it wasn't for the reward of the system, Long Fei dared to guarantee that he had already escaped from such a tug-of-war.

Fortunately, now everything is finally over, all the hardships come and enjoy the results.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for completing the task and beheading the spirit of the black hole."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining 9.9 million black hole power beads."

"Ding, reward the player to get a level +1 card."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the skill +1 card."

"Ding, congratulations to the players for winning a system lottery."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the special designated reward once."

"Ding, congratulations to the players on the research results of the power of controlling black holes (to be studied successfully.

A series of explosions in the system.

When Long Fei heard this sound, his heart was surging.


He had forgotten how long he hadn't heard the violent sound of the system.

This kind of reward is definitely far beyond what Long Fei had before.

Although these rewards are not just needed for Long Fei now, they still make Long Fei feel excited.

If put before, these rewards are a means of life-saving.

Especially if the level is increased by one, it is an instant full blood resurrection, as long as it does not exceed Longfei too much, it is definitely a reversal.

The same is true for skill +1, which is definitely a means to comeback.

However, there are very few who can force Long Fei to such an extent. Long Fei hadn't encountered this kind of existence for a long time.

But this kind of reward still made Long Fei tempted.

But of course, Long Fei won't use it now.

"System, have you forgotten anything? What about the compensation that is good? What makes me satisfied?" Long Fei took his gaze away from the reward and asked.

"Ding, the compensation issue will be reissued to the players after the next system update," the system said.

Long Fei was taken aback.

system update?

"System, the system needs to be updated now?" Long Fei was a little confused.

He once had a dialogue with the developers of the system. At the beginning, he had clearly stated that he had no control over the system.

In other words, he is now the only owner of the system.

But now, the attitude of the system's NPCs to themselves is not salty or indifferent. Now that the system update is going to be carried out imperceptibly?

If I didn't ask myself now, I'm afraid that when the system is updated, I still don't know what's going on. "The player is about to enter a new civilized world. The Promise Temple belongs to the civilized world of eternal power. This evil world is at the same level as the power of the system. If the player enters it, the system cannot inherit the power it controls. But the system will

The power is sealed, and after the player gets through the world, the player's ability will be returned in the form of rewards. "The system responded.

Long Fei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately fell into deep thought.

The system's method of explanation made Long Fei's heart heavy inexplicably.

In an instant, he also understood.

"System, according to what you mean, after the system update this time, I won't have any cultivation skills?" Long Fei asked.

Long Fei has become accustomed to this experience.

Once in a plane cross-domain, every time Long Fei enters a new world, the system will inevitably undergo an update.

And every time, I am a zero trumpet.

Of course, that kind of zero is not absolute. And the system will let itself rise in a short time.

But now, it's still different. Before that, it was done in the settings of the system developer. But now, he has control of the absolute system.

"Almost, but this time is different. After the system is updated, your cultivation base will be rewarded to you in batches," the system said.

"Why is it so troublesome. When I entered the Supreme World, I didn't enter it in a heyday." Long Fei said.

He doesn't understand the operation of the system a bit.

Before entering the Supreme World, he always entered it with all his cultivation bases.

On the contrary, now, entering the world of the Promise Temple must be divided into batches to gain power, which makes it difficult for Long Fei to understand. "The power of immortality is not worse than the power of the system. The immortal universe is also a sequence of top civilizations. If players enter it in the state of the province, it will cause the whole world to be intolerable. At that time, my players will be extremely difficult to disintegrate the immortal civilization.

The system said.

Long Fei's expression was taken aback.

"Disintegrate the immortal civilization? System, what are you kidding? I am the lord of immortality. I entered the plane of the immortal world to control the power of immortality, not to disintegrate the immortal civilization." Long Fei said.

The Promise Temple is synonymous with the eternal universe. Long Fei entered it this time, first for revenge. The second is to control the power of immortality, and at the same time make oneself truly become the lord of eternal life, nothing more.

As for the disintegration of immortal civilization, it is like demolishing one's own home.

How can it be!

But this time the system chose silence at this time.

Long Fei's heart sank slightly.

But when Long Fei thought the system was compromised, a voice appeared again:

"Ding, congratulations to the players for triggering the system task and disintegrating the immortal civilization."

"Task description: The player needs to disintegrate the structure of the immortal civilization, collapse the Promise Temple, and create a new immortal civilization."

"Task time: three years."

"Task Level: SSSSSSS+"

"Task rewards: reward the complete immortal civilization cosmic principles, reward the secret of the origin of the universe."

"Task Punishment: Death!" The system voice suddenly fell.

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