The old woman was stunned on the spot, looking at Li Hanyue incredulously.

For a long time, she sighed.

Then the old tears burst into tears: "The heavens treat you not thinly, and when you are in this crisis, I will send you a real son." The old woman cried, as if she was relieved.

Li Hanyue suddenly panicked: "Mother-in-law, don't cry. Aren't we all doing well?" Li Hanyue quickly comforted.

This comfort directly caused the two people to cry in their arms.

Long Fei felt rather helpless.

"Is this inexplicably carrying the pot? This girl, no, even my advantage will be accounted for. I can't forget it." Long Fei thought secretly.

But soon, Long Fei wanted to cry without tears. Looking at his long cultivation base recovery experience bar.

"This is the culprit, the source of all evil, this is to cut off all my happiness directly." Long Fei made a vicious cry in his heart.

He wants to recover his body.

Wait for the experience bar to be complete.

And now it's only one ten thousandth...

This process is too far away to imagine.

So at this moment, Long Fei's heart was also directly sad.

After a while, Long Fei recovered and said, "Enough, you can start now."

Long Fei directly interrupted the two in grief.

However, only Li Hanyue could hear his voice.

And this is also the limiting power of the system.

Only the two have concluded a master-disciple relationship, or those in the master-discipline mission can hear Long Fei's voice.

Li Hanyue's body trembled, as if there was an inexplicable fear of Long Fei's voice.

Hurriedly said: "Mother-in-law, you have to rest first, and I will repair the meridians first. Don't worry, my master has already said that in three days, he will vent my anger for me." Li Hanyue said.

Although the old woman didn't give up, she wanted to see Long Fei.

But when I heard that Li Hanyue wanted to restore the meridians, she naturally didn't dare to delay, and quickly agreed.

Li Hanyue came to another quiet place and swallowed the pill in one bite.

The next moment, her face suddenly changed.

At this moment, she felt like thousands of ants biting in her meridians.

"Hold it, do not break or stand, break and then stand. This is a test for you." Long Fei said.

He was really afraid that the apprentice who got it would die because he couldn't bear the power of this medicine. In that case, if he wants to recover his physical body, it is even more distant.

Moreover, if such a stunning beauty disappears in front of him like this, Long Fei's heart is really reluctant.

But fortunately, Li Hanyue was also strong enough. She gritted her teeth and did not make a sound, letting the power raging in her body.

But soon, this power disappeared.

Instead, a mysterious and mysterious aura emerged from her body.

In an instant, a ray of colorful glow appeared directly all over her body.

"Not good!" Long Fei was startled, and now he has no time to think more.

He still underestimated Li Hanyue's talent, and the light that suddenly appeared at this time was definitely a vision of her meridian remodeling and the explosion of talent.

But if this vision broke out, it would definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

In desperation, Long Fei's figure disappeared instantly and appeared outside the Hall of Cold Moon.


Directly set off a fire again.

And this day has also become the strangest day in the history of the Cold Moon Sect.

A different fire falls from the sky, burning the void.

At this time, in the hall of Sect Master Hanyue.

"This is definitely a sign. Divine fire from the sky, spontaneous combustion in the void, this is definitely a manifestation of the resurgence of my Cold Moon Sect."

In the hall, a middle-aged woman spoke.

"This is reasonable. Although Li Hanyue has been abolished, there is now a Luo Jinxiu. Isn't this the performance of my Zong Zhongxing? You know, Jinxiu may have broken through to the realm of Tianqi, which is definitely in the younger generation. It’s first class."

"Yes. More importantly, Jinxiu also has an older brother. I heard that his brother is now the core disciple of Shenzong, and he is the one who is most likely to become the Son of God."

"If Jinxiu becomes the saint of my sect, and then her brother becomes even more divine, then it would be difficult for my Cold Moon Sect to flourish or not!"

In an instant, several such voices erupted in the hall.

Everyone agrees that this is a symbol of their Hanyue Sect's upcoming rise.

Among them, the person who first spoke was Li Hanyue's master, and also the great elder of this Hanyue Sect. But at this time, she heard everyone belittle Li Hanyue and praise Luo Jinxiu, but there was no dissatisfaction on her face.

Because... She is also surnamed Luo.

"But having said that, Elder Luo's family is really talented. It's just a pity that Li Hanyue." Someone said, sighing with emotion.

"It's nothing to be a pity, it's unpredictable. She made a mistake in her practice, and she can only blame her for not having that life. Although I have my heart to protect her, as the elder of the sect, I must be responsible to the sect. Feng said.

Luo Feng is her name.

"Elder Luo Feng is really brilliant, I'll admire him."

"Yes, with Elder Luo Feng, I believe that our Cold Moon Sect will definitely become more and more prosperous."

"Yes, after three days, Jinxiu will inevitably overwhelm everyone. At that time, I will transfer the position of the saint to Jinxiu's hands. When the time comes back from the trial of the sect, Jinxiu's cultivation level will definitely be violent again. Increase. It will be enough to be famous in time."

Everyone said one after another, naturally they would not let this opportunity to kneel and lick.

Unfortunately, they would never think of it.

Now all this is just their own fantasy.

And if Long Fei knew what they were talking about at this time, he would definitely sneer and say the last sentence: "Rise? Rise a hammer, all this is just the beginning of your destruction."

However, Long Fei didn't know this at all at this time.

After solving the crisis, Long Fei put away the flames, and then returned to Li Hanyue.

At this time, Li Hanyue had already refined all the medicinal powers, and was fully awakened.

However, at this time, Li Hanyue, because of the reshaping of the meridians, under the burst of power, there was no harm in her body.

The jade body was horizontal, and the directly flickering dragon Fei was eager to burn, about to burn.

The perfect proportions, and the fat-like skin, made Long Fei want to really do whatever he wants now.

Coupled with that beautiful and firm face, it made Long Fei mad with hatred. I can't wait to turn my face with the system and let myself take control of the physical body for a day.

But Long Fei finally restrained it.

"Successful, Master, I succeeded." Li Hanyue was very excited.

"Ahem! I know. However, I think you'd better find a piece of clothing now. Otherwise, do you really think that the deity is Liu Xiahui?" Long Fei said dry cough.


Li Hanyue screamed in surprise, and after reacting, disappeared in a flash.

And Long Fei took advantage of this period of time, and quickly recovered his restless heart.

However, also at this moment, the system sound suddenly appeared.

"Ding, congratulations to the player's apprentice meridian for the successful repair, and reward the player with a recovery pill for cultivation."

The system sound falls.

Long Fei was taken aback, is there a reward?

There are rewards for students who become stronger?

In an instant, there was hope in Long Fei's heart. It seems... this experience bar is not too old.

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