Li Hanyue's voice fell faintly.

At this moment, all were dumbfounded.

Is this talking to Luo Feng?

This Luo Feng is the elder of the sect, the pinnacle of the Qi realm, and in the whole world, he is definitely one of the top powerhouses.

But now, being so face-to-face provoked by a junior is shaking the sky!

"One sword? Hahaha, Li Hanyue, although I don't know why your cultivation base is still there, or what means you used just now to kill Qiao Lingshan with one sword. But now you say you can and Jinxiu World War I?" Luo Feng's eyes were extremely contemptuous, and he didn't believe what Li Hanyue said at this time.

Because Tianqi Realm, in this world, it means the strong.

Under the sky, there may be some variables.

Once the cultivable base enters Tianqi, it is another level.

What is Tianqi, that is the peak, shoulder to shoulder with the sky.

In other words, the Heavenly Qi Realm can already use the power of the heaven and the earth.

Heaven and earth lend to you, how could it be weak?

Li Hanyue was silent.

She doesn't know why, this feeling is very strong, it seems that Luo Feng in front of her is not too strong for her.

"Could it be that in these two days, I have been affected by the master to such a point that I think I am invincible in the world?" Li Hanyue thought in her heart.

This kind of thinking is very prominent, even though she told herself over and over again in her heart to keep a low profile and not to be so public.

But the moment she saw Luo Jinxiu, a word still appeared in her heart: Weak!

There was even an idea in my heart that I was not interested in shooting at all.

At this time, Long Fei, who was hiding in the void, was also dumbfounded.

Too arrogant.

Completely inherited his character.

No matter who you are, just do it, not at all.

"Did this little girl change her personality? Or did she show it to me on purpose? No, she used to be the only one in front of me. Why is she so mad now?"

"In front of me, you only promise, and the sword strikes in front of others?"

Long Fei couldn't figure it out.

She was also shocked by Li Hanyue's performance now.

Similarly, the disciples of Han Yuezong were also shocked at this time.

"Too arrogant? Senior Sister Jinxiu, cut her off, she is provoking our Hanyue Sect's supernatural power, and we must not let her go."

"A guilty person is so arrogant and can't bear it. She must be killed."

"Holy Maiden, you are quick to do it."


The countless disciples of the Cold Moon Sect were completely crazy, with unstoppable anger.

There is no way, Li Hanyue's words at this time are too arrogant, and they have completely ignored their sect.

Can this be tolerated?

Li Yumeng looked up and down Li Hanyue's eyes, and there was some regret in his surprised eyes.

She suddenly felt that her dream was shattered.

Seeing Li Hanyue cut Qiao Lingshan with a single sword, she thought it was her chance. But now Li Hanyue's performance made her mumble a little, feeling that her appearance was too hasty.

"It's over, it's very possible that Li Hanyue is really crazy. If not, how could it be possible to say such arrogant words! It's over, this time it's really over, it's in Luo Feng's arms."

Li Yumeng thought in her heart, and her heart was gloomy.

For an instant, she seemed to be in the ice and snow, and she cut the winter plum and stood proudly in the snow. Endless sadness emerged from the bottom of her heart.

"Li Hanyue, you really gave me a surprise. Three days ago, three days ago, you were still a trash with no cultivation at all, but now, you actually have the strength to fight the Infant Realm. I have to say, You really opened my eyes. But there is a saying I don’t know if you have heard of it. The higher you climb, the worse you fall."

"Do you think that if you have the strength now, you can make a comeback and regain everything about you?"

"I just want to say, you are still too naive. It's impossible."

"Do you think that with a little strength, you can be arrogant in front of me? Today, I will give you complete despair, let you know what is meant by life without love." Luo Jinxiu said repeatedly.

She has been jealous of Li Hanyue for more than ten years.

Since entering Hanyue Sect, she secretly compared with Li Hanyue. It turned out that she was crushed by Li Hanyue, no matter whether it was talent cultivation or popularity.

Since then, she has been thinking about it day and night, wanting to eradicate Li Hanyue.

Now, there is finally an opportunity, hope is in front of us.

Li Hanyue was suddenly resurrected full of blood? And opened her mouth and shut her mouth, a sword was about to kill her.

In this case, how could she bear it, and the anger broke out in her heart.

But Li Hanyue still had no fluctuations on her face at this time.

Seeing Luo Jinxiu walk over with such a murderous intent, there was no delicate wave on her face, and even a touch of contempt in her heart.

"Bitch, you kill the disciple of the Hanyue Sect, ignoring the dignity of the Hanyue Sect. Today, I will behead you and establish the status of my saint."

In the next moment, Luo Jinxiu came to a hundred meters away from Li Hanyue, and then shouted angrily.


Suddenly, the sword light broke out.


At the same time, the sky suddenly became extremely gloomy, and a sense of solemnity was even more diffused in the void. As if following Luo Jinxiu's sword, it directly shocked the world.

"So strong, is this the strength of the Splendid Saintess? With one sword, the world moves."

"This is the strength of the Tianqi realm. She is dead. This time, I have to watch how she died."

"Yes, it's really ridiculous. I don't even look at what strength she is. She dares to be arrogant in my Cold Moon Sect. She will definitely die."


Countless voices spread in the void.

Of course, most of these people admire Luo Jinxiu, and some follow Luo Hao. In other words, they are all from the same camp.

Therefore, at this time, it was natural for Li Hanyue to die directly.

But some people are directly confused and don't know what happened.

Even they were extremely excited in their hearts, and felt that such a scene was too shocking, enough for them to blow it out for decades.

In other words, different positions and different levels.

The mentality of the little man is so simple and unpretentious.

They don't pay attention to cause and effect, they only pay attention to who is better.

For a while, their eyes were fixed on the battle of the void, very much expecting.

But Li Hanyue was still indifferent at this time.

No matter the countless sword energy, enveloping her figure.

"Die to me!" Luo Jinxiu's voice came out under the impact of countless sword waves.

At this moment, Li Hanyue suddenly raised the long sword in her hand: "You are the one who died!"

Then she cut out with a sword.


Jianmang passed by.

But at this moment, the whole world was silent.

All the visions disappeared, together with the overwhelming sword energy, also disappeared.

As if everything, returned to peace, back to before.

But in front of him, the long sword in Luo Jinxiu's hand was shattered.

"No, it's impossible."

Luo Jinxiu said blankly and couldn't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible, I said that one sword will kill you, and there will never be a second sword." Li Hanyue said lightly.

Arrogant and suppress everything.

And Long Fei in the void was also shocked with his jaw:

"Fuck, invincible."

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