Li Yumeng's face was dumbfounded, and he couldn't even change his mind for a while.

She felt that Li Hanyue was blocking her gun.

Because she is very clear.

How innocent she is! All of this has nothing to do with her, but now she is pushed to the public by Shengsheng, as if she did all of this now.

What was even more frightening was that Li Hanyue's voice had fallen at this time, and everyone's eyes were fixed on her, there was only deep panic, but no doubt.

As if everything fell on her, it was of course possible to explain clearly.

As if all of this was done by her.

"Li Yumeng! It's so ruthless, I didn't expect you to have been deployed long ago, and I didn't expect it to be you behind all this!"

Luo Feng hated the sky, killing intent.

However, this will was transferred to Li Yumeng.

She felt that all of this was caused by Li Yumeng. All her plans, all deployments, and all expectations collapsed in an instant.

What made her even more unacceptable was that the genius of their Luo family just died in front of her.

If it weren't for her to shoot now, maybe even Luo Hao would already be dead now.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the elders and deputy heads also changed.


Seeing the wind, the rudder's nature made them want to approach Li Yumeng at this time.

But when they thought that they had ridiculed Li Yumeng before, and waited to look at it, their minds became heavy.

Thinking what if Li Yumeng refuses to forgive them?

Or is it that in Li Yumeng's plan, they are all calculated in it?

Suddenly they dare not think about it.

As for Li Yumeng, she continued to remain silent now. She took a deep look at Li Hanyue.

No one knows better than her, what Li Hanyue is doing now has nothing to do with her.


Why does she push everything on me. "

"According to Luo Feng's character, and the investigations a few days ago, it is certain that Li Hanyue is indeed very toxic.

And the people in the sect had insulted her so much before, if she had a cultivation base, it would be impossible to endure it. "

"In other words, Li Hanyue, two days ago, still had no cultivation base."

Li Hanyue repeatedly deliberated and deduced everything.

After all, she is the person in charge, and she knows everything about the situation.

Therefore, through this analysis, she concluded that Li Hanyue's cultivation base had soared to the present within a day, and her combat power was even more amazing.

More than that, even Li Hanyue's sword couldn't even tell what was going on.

It can be said that it is profound to the extreme, and strong to outrageous.

"Everything shows that there is a super strong behind Li Hanyue.

But now, that person didn't want to be exposed, so Li Hanyue pushed everything to me. "

Li Hanyue thought again.

After a few thoughts, she smoothed everything out.

With a clear thought, she looked at Li Hanyue's gaze, which was even more cautious.

Because she has determined that there is definitely a super strong behind this, and it is absolutely indescribable.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to make Li Hanyue regain her cultivation level within a day?

Thinking of this, she knew that she had to bear this pot.

Moreover, it is not an exaggeration to say that Li Hanyue's shot now also gives her a chance.

Otherwise, following the original route, her influence will be eroded. Maybe Li Hanyue's yesterday is her tomorrow.

And now it's alright, Li Hanyue shot everything and shattered everything.

Luo Feng's conspiracy has been dismantled, and she may also regain control of the Cold Moon Sect.

Moreover, maybe you can follow Li Hanyue and catch a super strong.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, she was instantly certain in her heart.

"Yes, Luo Feng.

You are right, I am behind everything. "

"I found out at the beginning, you are plotting wrong.

You poisonous woman, for your own ambition, even your apprentice can be cruel despite Hanyue's decades of company.

Ben Zongzhai has a kindhearted heart and loves this child. It is absolutely impossible to watch all this happen. "

"So, I secretly laid out, what I'm waiting for is today."

Li Yumeng looked at Luo Feng and said frankly.

He took everything logically to his head.

call! Li Hanyue also let out a sigh of relief.

She originally thought that Li Yumeng would refuse, but she didn't expect Li Yumeng to agree so simply and directly admitted it.

"Li Yumeng, it really is you.

You bitch, are you not afraid of my Luo family's guilt? "

Luo Feng's heart is like a knife. Hearing Li Yumeng's personal confession, the murder was even worse.

"Luo Family?

This sect has run the Cold Moon Sect for a lifetime, how can you let the Luo family interfere.

You Luo family wolf ambitions and unruly plots, do you really think you can't see it in this school?

What's more, since this Zong did it, he was not afraid of Luo Family. "

Li Yumeng said.

Very strong.

But at this moment, his eyes were on Li Hanyue.

She knew very well that all of this was now in Li Hanyue's hands.

As long as the people behind Li Hanyue are strong enough, even the Luo family is not a shit, there is no need to be afraid, there is no threat at all.

"Good, good, good.

Li Yumeng, you are enough.

Everyone, what are you waiting for, let's take action together, you stop Li Yumeng, I will kill this little **** first. "

Luo Feng said suddenly.

But at this moment, everyone was silent.

"Are you crazy?

Li Yumeng can calculate me in advance, do you think she will show mercy to your men?

Moreover, you are not afraid that in the future, my Master Luo Jiaxing will ask the crime, will you kill it together? "

Luo Feng was almost crazy, screaming frantically.

When everyone heard it, their faces were shaken again.

"Everyone, you are not the culprit.

This sect can be opened online, and I am not afraid to tell you.

Do you still remember that my Cold Moon Sect descended from the sky in the past two days?

I can tell you very responsibly that all this is related to Hanyue. "

"So the Luo family, don't care about it at all.

Now, if you choose to change your mind, come back to me, and help me slay the rebellion together, then in the future, the glory of my Cold Moon Sect will also have your honor. "

Naturally, Li Yumeng is not stupid. If so many people are targeting them together, if the people behind Li Hanyue don't take action, then he will have to finish the game with them.

So she naturally knew that now only if everyone is steady can they be safe and sound.

When everyone heard Li Yumeng's words, their eyes instantly locked on Li Hanyue, and then thought of Li Hanyue's two swords before.

In an instant, they retreated directly to Li Yumeng.

"No matter what the Sect Master said, I can't think of this Luo Feng's wolf ambition, so vicious, for his own purposes, even the apprentice will kill him."

"Yes, it's too vicious. This time we will definitely be in the same camp as the Sect Master, and we will kill the rebellion together."

"Sect Master, don't worry, no one can hurt Hanyue with us.

The revival of my Han Yuezong must be on the saint. "

Everyone spoke.

And Luo Feng...poof! At the moment when a few people expressed their opinions, a mouthful of old blood came out of the mouth...

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