Since Luo Feng dared to make a move, and since he dared to expose his hole cards, he wanted to kill Li Hanyue with a single blow, so he was already prepared to guard against everyone, so the moment everyone made the move, she suddenly appeared in her hand. Beads


"Forbidden Spirit!"

Luo Feng shouted.


This bead burst out endless mysterious light instantly, enveloping Li Yumeng and others.


"The power of the mind of a strong man in the Conferred God Realm!"


Everyone was taken aback.

There was endless chagrin on his face.

As soon as this power came out, although it could not resist them for too long, at this moment of life and death, the momentary trance might make Li Hanyue and fall into the abyss of death.

"You have some knowledge."

"Hmph, you all wait for me. When I kill this little bitch, you just wait for our Luo family to come. Then the entire Cold Moon Sect will be buried with you." Luo Feng threatened.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole void was turbulent.

All the disciples of the Cold Moon Sect had endless terrifying expressions on their faces for an instant.

Need a sect to accompany the funeral!

This sentence is more like a sentence to them.

"Hahaha, aunt is invincible. Little bitch, and some of your cold moon sect's old immortals, today you are so persecuting our aunt and nephew, I want you to die." Luo Hao's rampant voice fell.

"No, we are innocent, we don't know anything."

"Elder Luo Feng, we are Lord Luo Hao's people, and we are willing to respect you as the Sovereign, don't say that we count."

"Lord Luo Hao, let's go. Let's leave now. From now on, I will be a dog of the Luo family. When our Luo family's army is assembled, we will directly destroy the Cold Moon Sect."


For a time, countless people chose to defect, and under the oppression of life and death, they chose to surrender.

Especially the people who originally followed Luo Hao,   didn't hesitate to choose to betray at this time, even if they became a dog, they had to be tied to Luo Hao.

Luo Hao was very proud to see this scene.

And Luo Feng is the same.

It's just that she doesn't even care about everyone now.

Time is precious, this Forbidden Spirit Orb is a life-saving trump card given to her by their Luo Family ancestors, and a power of thought in the Conferred God Realm.

You can follow the law and control the world.

But now this power is to seal the aura of the world.

But she knew that this power blocked Li Yumeng's breath time at most. When a few people got out of trouble, she was trying to punish Li Hanyue with absolutely no possibility.

So now, she didn't pause at all, just gave up a few people, and burst out all the power.

"Evil, die for me!"

Luo Feng yelled, and in the next instant countless sword lights swept across the sky, rushing towards Li Hanyue instantly.

"Do not!"

Li Hanyue looked up to the sky and roared.

At this moment, if anyone wants Li Hanyue the least to have an accident, she is the one except Long Fei. ,

Finally, Li Hanyue gave her hope, but now, she is in crisis again, this feeling has fluctuated, making her unacceptable.

The other elders and deputy heads also looked sad.

But not because of Li Hanyue, but because of themselves.

If Luo Feng could leave sadly this time, what awaited them would be an absolute nightmare.

But now, even if they want to turn back, it is impossible.

They understand Luo Feng, these ordinary disciples, Luo Feng doesn't care, that's because they have no threat at all.

But they are not the same. They are high-ranking sects with superb strength, and Luo Feng will never allow them to be halfhearted.

Therefore, they are sad now because of their previous choices.

There is a gesture of missteps and hatred through the ages, infinite chagrin.

But no one noticed that Li Hanyue was calm at this time, letting countless sword lights spread out without taking any precautions.


Li Hanyue's veil was torn by the sword light, and the hat was torn open, revealing her beautiful face.

However, this situation has not attracted anyone's attention.

Except Luo Hao.

Luo Hao already thought that the winning ticket was in his hands, and his evil thoughts remained unchanged. He shouted: "Auntie, save her life. I want her to be my life and kill my sister. I want her to pay for it in a lifetime."

"Okay, don't worry, aunt won't let this little **** die so easily." Luo Feng responded coldly.

After that, these countless sword lights swarmed in an instant and penetrated Li Hanyue's body instantly.

In an instant, the world seemed silent.

Countless people's eyes leaked an expression like this.

This kind of power is really terrifying, it can be called terrifying.

They had already anticipated this result.

And Li Yumeng was even more sad at this time, and his eyes became hollow, as if he had lost his energy.

Even Long Fei was shocked.

"Fuck, what's the matter with this little Nizi? It's a big deal?" Long Fei stared at Li Hanyue whose body was in the void, worrying in his heart.

Long Fei couldn't feel Li Hanyue's strength, it was a mystery.

But he didn't think that Li Hanyue was a fool, even if he was eager for revenge, he would never do things that were uncertain.

But now, these countless sword lights penetrate her body directly, can she still live under this kind of power?

"Ding, congratulations to the player's apprentice for improving his strength, entering the second stage of the Qi realm, the third stage...the fifth stage."

"Ding, congratulations to the player's apprentice for improving his strength, Jiang Li player has 30 cultivation base recovery pills."

The system sound suddenly appeared.

Long Fei's expression was stunned for an instant.

"Fuck, it's not scientific!"

Long Fei was stunned.

This sudden reversal made him feel extremely abnormal.

Then, without any hesitation, he looked at Li Hanyue directly.

At this moment, Li Hanyue's body, which had stopped moving, slowly bounced, and then she shook her body slightly.

"So full!"

Li Hanyue spoke slowly.

"Thank you for your sword power, Master, for helping me improve my cultivation level again. To show my gratitude to you, now I have decided to send you away with a sword, so that it won't cause you any pain."

Li Hanyue said.

But word by word at this time is a kind of soul shock to everyone in the field.

No one can believe what he saw.

Obviously, being hit by such a terrifying force, not only did nothing happen, but the cultivation base also broke through. This completely broke their cognition and could not believe it.

"No, it's impossible, how could this be possible, you enchanting villain, what exactly did you use? You are not Li Hanyue, you are definitely not that little bitch." Luo Feng roared, his eyes completely lost in a panic.

"I'm Li Hanyue, but I'm not a little bitch. The word **** is the most suitable word to describe you." Li Hanyue retorted with a savage appearance.

"No, it's impossible. I don't believe it, I don't believe you are not dead!" Luo Feng looked like a madman, shooting again in horror.

"The big day turns!"

Luo Feng shouted, and the sky rolled again, and darkness fell in the sky.

Only in her hand, as if holding the big sun in her hand, bursting with harmless power, a palm fell.

But Li Hanyue, this time was no longer silent, but a backhand sword. Boom...

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