This is Long Fei's plan, only despair can make this woman recognize the situation in front of her.

Otherwise, she always thought there was any chance of reversal.

It's just that it's impossible.

"Ahhh, no, no, stop, I gave up, what do you want to do? What do you want to do?" Black Dragon kept roaring.

Long Fei gave an order, and he felt his own power disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dragon blood is gone...

The dragon scales are gone...

Even dragon claws and dragon teeth are degenerating...

If this goes on, he will be completely lost after a few breaths.

In this case, he has no choice but to admit defeat.

Even, he feels endlessly aggrieved.

For him, all of this is an innocent disaster.

He could see that Long Fei's real purpose was the woman in front of him. Now he was targeting himself, just wanting to show his strength in front of a woman.

He is too innocent.

He wanted to ask, why is he innocent?

This is really used to oppress him to set off oneself, is this still something that a person can do?

But he didn't dare and could only beg for mercy frantically.

And as he was continuously deprived of his strength by Long Fei, the woman in front of him, the body's aura also continued to decline, from the initial Tianqi realm directly reduced sharply, gathering infants, becoming a pill, and lingering...

In the end, she lost all her strength and fell to the ground.

But he was still unconvinced, his eyes were still sullen, and he didn't mean to beg for mercy.

"Tsk tsk, are you still holding on? It really is a demon!"

Long Fei sighed and did not continue.

The goal he wanted has been achieved, and the woman in front of him is already a useless person, without any power at all, and can be said to be desperate to the end.

As for the black dragon, Long Fei didn't kill him either.

Although the opponent was unworthy, Long Fei chose to respect the world's biosphere, and could not be measured by the standards of his own world.

"Seeing that, your so-called persistence is of no use in front of me. If I want to, he will die, and you will die." Long Fei said.

"Then do you do it?" The woman smiled coldly, without mentioning Long Fei's threat in her eyes.

"Fuck!" Long Fei was shocked.

This... is so unusual.

Does not play cards according to the routine at all.

At this time, under endless despair, shouldn't we beg for mercy? Shouldn't you bow your head? Did you encounter a bar head?

Long Fei slowly thought of it.

He was a little shocked by the reaction of the woman in front of him. He was begging for death, which was too shocking.

Suddenly, Long Fei felt that everything he did was useless and became a joke.

"No, no, sir, don’t do it. No, ancestor, ancestor, I feel that you can deprive me of my blood in one sentence, you must be my ancestor. Old ancestor, I know, I’m ashamed of the dragon, I The blood is impure, but the ancestors, this is also the hate in my heart. I also want to awaken the dragon clan, but my strength is limited."

"Yes, old ancestor, I'm desperately devouring it now, and let this girl lead me to find the unawakened dragon sender, just to strengthen myself, and then one day be truly strong, and then restore my dragon's power."

"Old ancestors, for the sake of my painstaking efforts, stop doing it anymore and forgive me."

Heilong began to beg for mercy, his nose burst into tears, and I felt pity.

It was the women who looked at the black dragon in front of them with astonishment, as if they knew him again.

"Where did you come from so many scenes?"

Long Fei was helpless.

Don’t you know that you are just a tool from start to finish?

Long Fei was speechless, but he gave an affirmation to the black dragon's desire to survive.

Although it is shameless to be able to say these things, but between life and death, you can still put such a big hat on yourself in a high-sounding way.

Similarly, Long Fei also captured some things from this black dragon's words.

That is Ji Ling!

"In that case, is this girl your soul-sender?" Long Fei said.

Now that it is basically thorough, it must be this kind of bridge between the two that makes the power between the two connect with each other.

"The ancestor is right, but I know that I am not worthy. Since the ancestor is interested in this girl, I will unlock it now and let the ancestor be her soul." Heilong is very witty.

"Munanyou, I will lift the spirit between us now. From now on, we have nothing to do. No, you will be my grandma in the future." Heilong said, directly deducting the identity of the woman.

Long Fei listened.

I was happy.

Looking at this black dragon, he also had some recognition.

"You are very sensible." Long Fei said sincerely.

This is obvious when I call myself an ancestor, and I directly call a woman grandma.

Mu Nan was shocked.

But immediately, his face became even colder.

How she didn't know the meaning of the black dragon in front of her, this was before she turned around, she had already sold her.

"Which is your grandmother, it doesn't matter if you get rid of it, anyway, you are now a useless person, and you can't give me any power at all." Mu Nanyou said, without any emotional fluctuations.

Even the indifferent appearance, with a magical nature, makes people cold at one glance, and dare not look at the second.

"Presumptuous, little girl, do you know who this is? I tell you, this is the ancestor of my dragon clan, the real strong, the world strong, do you understand? Just in this world, no one can make me old An ancestor’s opponent, even one attack is impossible.” Heilong continued, as if he had forgotten his pain, and began to speak for Long Fei.

"Heh, it's just a guy who hides his head and shows his tail. If he really has the ability, show up?" Munanyou mentioned the old things again, anyway, he didn't believe Long Fei.

"Girl, don’t know what’s good or bad. Have you forgotten the blood and feud on your back? Tell you, there may never be a day to be with me, but with my ancestors, your enemy is a matter of minutes. If I want to solve them, my ancestors can make them worse than death with a word." Heilong continued.

However, Long Fei was a little embarrassed about this.

No matter how strong the desire to survive, you don’t have to brag about me like this, right?

Although this feeling is very cool, but it is still a bit low-key.

Long Fei thought this way.

But Mu Nanyou sneered:

"On my way, under your guidance, there are countless killings and exterminations. You say this now, when I am a three-year-old child?"

Mu Nanyou didn't believe it at all.

"Don't believe it? Simple. I won't be your contributor. What kind of **** is that. Worship me as a teacher, I will teach you the supreme way, let you become the devil in the devil!" Long Fei said.

"Okay, you show up, as long as you show up, if I feel you are strong enough, I will worship you as a teacher!" Mu Nanyou said.

Long Fei became embarrassed and fell silent.

This is like being caught in an endless loop.

"Well, how long has it been, there are still people questioning the existence of this seat, in this case, it is time to show you the dew point ability." Long Fei sighed and said.

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