Happiness always comes too suddenly.

I didn't expect an unintentional move to get a third apprentice.

At this moment, Long Fei was also extremely grateful.

Fortunately, I inquired about Mu Nanyou's past, and then took out the pill to comfort Mu Nanyou.

Otherwise, this opportunity will be missed.

"who are you?"

The baby has grown up.

Ask directly.

But the next moment, he looked around in his eyes, and the expression on his face suddenly became extremely sad.

I have to say that nature is really indestructible.

Even though he was a baby before, the memory of this place is still there, so it is too late to wait for Mu Nanyou's answer, and he is completely lost.

"This... is my home. My people!"

"Ran Mozu, I want you to die!"

Suddenly hostility broke out on the boy, and the resentment and hatred soaring into the sky formed a magic cloud, as if it had already shocked the world and enveloped it.

As if an endless fire was burning, it was extremely terrifying.


Long Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

"Good guy, he is so small, he has such a terrifying hostility, this guy is extraordinary." Long Fei thought in his heart.

They were originally demons.

Now under the fire of hatred, the demon nature is completely released.

But this is different from Munanyou's.

Mu Nanyou is deliberately enchanted, it is the hatred in her heart that makes her a murderous female demon.

But in front of him, this young boy was born out of nature, he was born as a demon.

It can be seen that the obsession with hatred in his heart is not much worse than Munanyou.

But obviously, he has memories, otherwise it is impossible to have such a terrifying killing intent.

It is a pity that no matter how strong the killing intent is, even if one wants to kill the earth, it is useless. Without strength, it is just a joke after all.

Long Fei knew that it was time to make a move by himself.

"Young man, do you want revenge?" Long Fei said solemnly.

The boy's expression calmed down.

"Who are you?" He could know that the source of this voice was not Mu Nanyou or the Black Dragon.

"I saved your life, who do you say I am?" Long Fei said.

"You saved me?" The boy was taken aback.

But there is no doubt about Long Fei's words.


The boy knelt directly.

"Thank you for saving my life. But I know that you can help me more, please help me take revenge." The boy said directly.

"I won't avenge you, because that is your own business."

"But I can handle you as a disciple, and then teach you something to avenge yourself." Long Fei said.

Really straightforward!

Mu Nanyou chilled.

I felt that Long Fei was too willful in accepting disciples. He had just accepted himself, and now he turned to accept another one.

When can you accept disciples so casually?

But it also made her understand that Long Fei might really be the one who fell in love with her.

Because...just a little boy.

"Could it be that he did it on purpose, and then find a little boy to dispel my doubts?" Mu Nanyou thought to himself.

If Long Fei knew that her inner activities were so frequent, she would definitely be contemptuous in her heart.

Thinking too much.

Who is he Longfei, if he really wants a woman, what other means do he need?

What a joke.


The little boy was even more direct. He went to his teacher almost immediately when Long Fei's voice fell.

"Good boy!" Long Fei responded quickly.

"Master, is it a bit too sloppy? Although he has grown up now, he is still a baby." Mu Nanyou felt a little unacceptable.

Especially Long Fei's good disciple made her feel a little unhappy.

It seems that something that should belong to oneself is evenly divided in half.

It's just that she didn't know that Li Hanyue had already existed before her, and there might be more after that.

Of course, Long Fei didn't know what happened to Mu Nanyou now.

Otherwise, he would say something arrogantly:

Want to be taken over by me...don't even think about it.

"There are things that you don't understand." Long Fei responded.

Do you need to doubt what the system explains?

No need at all.

If there is no need for system designation, Long Fei will enter this world and start a sect before long. One sheep will rush, and 10,000 sheep will be rushed. By then, the cultivation base will not be restored.

But obviously, the system will not allow this kind of bug to exist, otherwise it won't be in a state of nothingness until now.

The expression on Mu Nanyou's face instantly freezes.

He fell silent without saying a word.


Long Fei said something in his heart.

It's good, accepting an apprentice by yourself will make her unhappy.

But Long Fei didn't care about it, because now, he was waiting for the reward of the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the players for successfully accepting apprentices and get the reward package."

"Ding, congratulations to the players for obtaining the super cultivation base recovery pill, swallowing can restore the cultivation base to 2%."

"Ding, congratulations to the players for gaining the power of immortality."

"Ding, congratulations to the players for obtaining the master plan of the ghost road."

"Ding, congratulations to players for unlocking the system data function, which can detect enemy combat power."

The system sound has dropped.

Long Fei happily swallowed, and then he felt the two powers of immortality regain his body, and his heart was extremely cheerful.

"The general outline of the ghost road? So, the power of this little apprentice to practice in the future is related to this?"

Long Fei thought in his heart.

He has probably touched some systematic routines.

Recruiting disciples also pays great attention to the sense of ritual. They choose not to repeat themselves and practice one by one.

This is also oneself, once in charge of three thousand powers. If you change to the second person, it is impossible to do this.

However, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that the last reward is to make Long Fei's heart beat.

came back!

The feeling of once is back.

Detect enemy combat power? Isn't this the original ability?

At the first thought, Long Fei couldn't wait to check it out.

The next moment, he looked at Mu Nanyou.

Name: Mu Nanyou.

Race: Demon!

Cultivation: Yun Lingjing.

Combat power: 300, declining continuously.

Cultivation power: has collapsed.

Long Fei felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, Mu Nanyou became like this because of him.

Then, he looked at the black dragon again.

Name: Mutant Devil Dragon.

Race: Demon Dragon Race.

Cultivation: Demon Dragon King, equivalent to the early stage of Conferred God Realm

Combat power: 30 million.

Cultivation power: the power of the dragon.

Seeing this, Long Fei was surprised.

I have to say that a drop of my menstrual blood is really powerful, and even from scratch, he created a powerful person equivalent to the realm of Conferred God.

Finally, Long Fei looked at the boy.

Name: unknown.

Race: Necromancer.

Cultivation: Cheng Dan realm.

Combat power: two thousand.

Cultivation power: unknown.

hiss! Long Fei took a breath, and he was born with two thousand combat power, which was really beyond his expectation.

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