The black dragon soars into the void.

But Ao Tianxin and others were stunned for an instant.

"He... how could he be like this?"

"He actually returned to his ancestors? My God!"

"He actually evolved into the legendary existence?"

The people around Ao Tianxin were shocked in an instant, and they all looked at him in an incredible manner. They couldn't believe what they saw before them.

They came with killing intent, but now, let alone a killing intent, even any disrespectful thoughts dare not arise.

Even, the crush on the bloodline level made them feel endlessly humble, and some people even began to bow their heads and wanted to bow down.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible, he is just an illegitimate child, he is a lowly existing dragon, how can he return to his ancestors, how can he return to his ancestors!" The most shocking thing was Ao Tianxin. At the moment when the terrifying Longwei came out, he directly lost his mind and felt his soul tremble.

At this moment, he also felt that he was struggling inside, and the arrogance in his bones made him want to refuse and refuse to surrender.

However, the blood of the dragon race flowing in the bones and blood does not force him to kneel all the time.

"Dog things, kneel down for me."


At this moment, the black dragon roared, hovering directly above the void, and finally soared into the void, leaning over and staring at several people.

Among the dragon eyes, arrogance is full.




Several people with low cultivation bases knelt to the ground instantly.

"Master Black Dragon, spare your life."

"We are all innocent. We only came after the patriarch's order to hunt you down. If we knew that you have returned to your ancestors, we would never dare to appear in front of you."

"Forgive us."


The sound of begging for mercy suddenly appeared.

Facing the black dragon, they didn't even have the courage to raise their heads.

Because in the dragon clan, the hierarchy is strict, and blood represents strength.

Therefore, facing the black dragon, they are like mortals facing the gods, with an instinctive fear.

However, they are now too late to beg for mercy.

"Pray for mercy? I blaspheme this seat, and dare to beg for mercy now?"

"In my name, deprive you of blood."

The Black Dragon and Bird didn't bother them, and said directly.

In the next instant, several people fell directly on the ground, wailing, erupting from their mouths.

"No, Lord Black Dragon, spare me."

"No, my blood!"

"Ah, my blood is deprived, my dragon blood, my noble dragon body, no!"

The screams are endless and tragic, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as tragic.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are even more miserable now than when Long Fei deprived the Black Dragon bloodline.

Long Fei witnessed all this with his own eyes.

My heart is also amazed.

"This dog thing is definitely a retaliatory slaughter. This is because I was abused by Lao Tzu before, and I felt uncomfortable, so I vented my anger on these people?" Long Fei thought in his heart.

He is very clear.

With the black dragon's current strength, it is easy to kill these people, and there is no need to deprive them of their blood in one fell swoop.

However, the black dragon pretended to be high and deep, directly exposing his dragon body, and absolutely crushing them with a supreme posture.

This psychology... without even thinking about it.

Just imitating Long Fei.

"And you, Ao Tianxin, chasing and killing Laozi for so long, is it cool to chase and kill? Have you thought about today's scene?"

Heilong's voice reappeared, but this time it was aimed at Ao Tianxin.

"Ao Fan, what do you want?" Ao Tianxin gritted her teeth and stared at the black dragon fiercely.

At this moment, he is also extremely painful.

Under the collision of the two forces, he was tortured.

It can be said that he has now used all his strength to suppress the blood pressure in his body that wants to rise and fall.

"What do I want? Hahaha, what do you think I want? Of course it is to humiliate you."

Heilong laughed, his body turned abruptly and dived down directly.

Boom boom boom!

The black dragon's figure fell heavily on the ground, directly in front of Ao Tianxin.

"Come on, aren't you you? Are you not the closest person to the blood of the ancestral demon dragon clan in thousands of years? Come, change yourself to show this seat?" Heilong continued to persecute.

Ao Tian was unmoved, but the hatred in his eyes was more intense.

Can you not hate it!

This is insulting.

The current Ao Fan, the Black Dragon, has completely returned to his ancestors, but here he is transformed into a body, clearly wanting to step on him in the dust.

"Ao Fan, you have to die of this heart, you want to kill you, but you want to humiliate me, don't even think about it." Ao Tian said viciously.

"Oh, still bloody?"

"In this case, then I will see how long you can stay strong."

"Don't you all say that you are the closest person to the bloodline? Then I will let you see if you, the bloodline, can I deprive the bloodline."

Ao Fan gritted his teeth, every word, full of hatred.

"Dare you!" Ao Tianxin looked up at the black dragon, furious.

"Dare? Death is coming, do you think I was Ao Fan before? Now, call me Lord True Dragon. Deprive me!"

The black dragon shouted angrily.

In the next instant, a power directly descended on Ao Tianxin.

In an instant, Ao Tianxin's whole body immediately began to tremble crazily.

However, in Heilong's mouth, the bloodline is the closest to returning to ancestors. Although he is suffering now, he is definitely not as unbearable as those before.

Long Fei also glanced lightly.

But it was just a glance.

Then it was dull.

He already controls the power of Ancestral Dragon. To put it bluntly, he is Ancestral Dragon.

Even in the world where the Promise Temple is located, he is still Zulong.

Therefore, although Ao Tianxin is extraordinary, there is nothing that can cause him to care.

As for his so-called rejuvenation bloodline, Long Fei had no idea.

Even if it is a return to the ancestors, it is only the lowest level of dragons.

Of course, this is already pretty good in this world. After all, in the eyes of Long Fei, they are not worthy of being a dragon at all.

The black dragon's eyes still carried fierceness, and the blood on his body was crushed and spread out one by one.


Finally, Ao Tianxin reacted and became Jackie Chan directly.

"Can't you hold on? Come, let me see, how awesome your so-called rejuvenation is!" Heilong's eyes were full of disdain, endless humiliation.

"Roar! Ao Fan, I want you to die. Today, I want you to die without a place to bury you. No matter who it is, no one can save you!" Ao Tianxin roared, showing his ferocity.

"Let me die, okay, I want to see, how can you let me die!" Heilong went to disapproval and continued to provoke.

"Ah, you forced me, and you forced me. With my life and blood, my blood will return to my ancestors!" Ao Tianxin roared.

In the next instant, his whole body was bursting with blood, and then he burst open with a bang. And then, blood was sprayed like an infusion and poured directly onto his body.


The next moment, a crocodile dragon about ten feet in size was freshly released.


Long Fei couldn't help it, and laughed directly.

He thought there would be any surprises in such a big battle.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a crocodile dragon?

That's it?

Is it a fart after holding it for so long?

What's more ridiculous is that this crocodile dragon seems to be undernourished. Not only does the roar sound a little weak, but even the scales on its body are extremely fragile, as if it still carries that kind of new blood line...

Therefore, it is freshly baked here, not just turned out.

"Is this really funny? No, Black Dragon, kill it quickly, waste time." Long Fei ordered.

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