The next moment, visible to the naked eye, the aura on Mu Nanyou's body quickly soared.

After just a few breaths, her cultivation base began to break through.

Yun Lingjing.

One, two, three...

Cheng Dan Realm!

One layer, two layers...


This process is extremely fast, basically it takes only a few breaths to get it done.

And Mu Nanyou's last cultivation base was also stabilized in the Ninth Layer of the Chengdan Realm.

And all the disciples of the Demon Sect, one by one turned into corpses, not to mention the cultivation base, even the blood was swept away, and the dead could not die again.

And between the whole world, there was also an instant silence.

Everyone looked at Munanyou's eyes as if they were looking at a ghost.

"You...what kind of magic is this?" The Seventh Prince was shocked.

The eyes are shocked.

They witnessed Mu Nanyou's breakthrough from scratch.

Moreover, this is only done in an instant.

If they hadn't seen this kind of thing with their own eyes, they would never believe it, nor would they dare to believe it.

Of course, in addition to this shock, there is also terror.

Because Mu Nanyou could slaughter all the people of the Demon Sect and even swallow them without making a difference.

Will it pose the same threat to them.

Suddenly, everyone is in danger.

"I'm silly, Star-sucking Dafa?" Long Fei was shocked.

No, this is even more overbearing than Star-absorbing Dafa. If it is swallowed directly, it will be transformed into its own cultivation base, and walking will be upgraded.

Do you want to be so exaggerated.

What shocked Long Fei even more was that Mu Nanyou's combat power was still soaring all the way, far surpassing those of the same period. At the peak of the Cheng Dan realm, he already had a terrifying 600,000 combat power.

In the ordinary infant gathering environment, fear is at this level.

What does this mean? It means that this swallowing won't have any effect on her foundation.

"Old ancestor, this is against the sky." Heilong also let out a shock.

At the same time, I admire Long Fei even more in my heart.

"No wonder the ancestors were so calm, they turned out to be well-informed." Heilong said again.

Long Fei glanced lightly.

Feel confident?

Into a fart.

He was also waiting, but fortunately, Mu Nanyou did not let him down. This hidden benefit really exceeded his expectations.

With this method, there is nothing to worry about. The next thing to do is to find the Temple of Chaos.

However, Long Fei did not speak to stop Mu Nanyou now.

At this time, Mu Nanyou raised his head and looked at the Seventh Prince in front of him.

In an instant, the Seventh Prince's face changed suddenly.

"Munanyou, what do you want?" The seventh prince retreated directly, terrified.

Not only him, but the people around him, who were also stubborn, began to shrink back and did not dare to face Mu Nanyou at all.

It's too bad.

Without changing their voices, directly devouring their blood and cultivation, and perfecting themselves, this method is too overbearing.

Although they have killed countless people, they are also afraid of death.

Besides, it was just such a tragic death.

It becomes dry directly, and even the whole body will not be left behind, which is too terrifying.

"What are you doing? What are you talking about? Are you not looking for me every day? Come on." Mu Nanyou's eyes fluttered.

But now, what the Seventh Prince felt was not charming.

But infinite horror.

"No, I won't look for you anymore. From now on, I won't look for you again. Don't come over." The Seventh Prince was really scared.

Even if his cultivation base is much higher than Munanyou now, he doesn't dare to approach him.

"Hehe, is the seventh prince scared? However, they are just coming here!" Munanyou enchanted, and after a word, the seventh prince and others were silent.

As if ignorant, motionless.

But the charm on Mu Nanyou's face suddenly disappeared, and a flash came directly in front of everyone, and the demon intent radiating from him also suddenly enveloped everyone.


Therefore, the technique is repeated and the method is followed.

In an instant, this group of people was not spared either, and the power in their bodies was swallowed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Mu Nanyou's breath soared.

It was logical to break through to the Juying Realm.

After that, it was out of control, one after another breakthrough.

In the end, he directly broke through to the Heavenly Qi Realm.

And these people in front of them finally disappeared, no longer existed, and even the dead bodies were not left behind.

Too ruthless.

A perfect interpretation of what is meant by eating people without spitting out bones.


Heilong swallowed and shook his body, feeling his whole body numb.

Long Fei also felt incredible.

Is this an alternative compensation?

But in the blink of an eye, he immediately reached the Heavenly Qi Realm, which directly caught up with Li Hanyue's level.

Li Hanyue still swallowed a super experience pill anyway, but this Munanyou just walked a few steps.

Happiness should not come too suddenly.

Before Long Fei felt that it might take some time to go all the way and swallow it all the way. It seems that it is enough now.

Her combat power has exceeded ten million.

Seventeen million.

Twenty million from the Fengshen Realm was just one step away.

However, Long Fei was still a little unhappy in his heart. This woman was...not so charming, and she was showing to others, which made him a little crazy.

At that moment, Long Fei actually had a thought in his heart to kill these people by himself.

"No, I have to warn her that I can't use this kind of power in the future." Long Fei thought in his heart.

But suddenly, Long Fei thought of a skill that had erupted from the system.

Then I thought of touching the back of the black dragon like this before...

"Fuck, is it the previous hand?" Long Fei suddenly realized that he thought of the skill that this system had suddenly exploded, and then he thought of his previous inadvertent touch.

"The dog system is actually linked together. Fortunately, these people are dead, but they have had an eye addiction." Long Fei thought in his heart.

At this moment, Munanyou slowly opened his eyes.

Also restored the drama woman in front of Long Fei.

"Oh, Master, I'm already in the same state." Mu Nanyou said in surprise.

This result she had never expected before.

Originally, she was still very distressed because she had no chance, but now it has only been half a day, and she has directly increased her cultivation base, which made her extremely satisfied.

"Master, is this the chance you gave me?"

"Master, have you already known that the master plan of my cultivation has such power?"

"Master, I know you are the best to me, and you are still the most partial to me."

Mu Nanyou sighed with emotion, and his eyes were full of gratitude.

"Of course, the teacher still has some understanding of his own methods, otherwise, how could I say to take you to find opportunities." Long Fei's face was not red and heartbeat, and he directly took the credit for himself.

"But remember, don't show your eyes lightly in the future." Long Fei said with a true scripture, extremely serious.

Mu Nanyou was taken aback.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes began to become charming.

Without speaking, Long Fei had a feeling of sinking.

"Master, are you jealous?" Mu Nanyou said slowly.

Long Fei: "..."

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