With Long Fei's order, whether it was Munanyou or Black Dragon, he stopped staying and shot instantly.

The black dragon roared, then took the initiative to attack and directly entangled the magic power.

Although Mo Li Gong is also the cultivation base of the Conferred God Realm, the current black dragon is baptized with Long Fei essence and blood. It is not too violent. It directly resists the power of Mo Li Gong and is safe.

"Hahaha, that's it? I thought the chaos was so awesome?   At your level, you dare to yell in front of me, or even take the initiative, I will ask you, who is it? Your courage?" The black dragon laughed wildly.

The blood basin took a big mouth, and then a breath of dragon spurted out.

The magic ceremony didn't dare to look at it, and the whole person retreated violently.


But just like that, he was still hit by the power of the black dragon, and the whole person flew out directly.

This is the innate breath of the dragon clan.

It was just a mouthful, even if he was Fengshen Realm, he would definitely not be able to hold it.

Mo Li Gong looked at the decayed piece of his chest incredibly, and his eyes suddenly became sober.

Just now, knowing that Mu Nanyou turned out to be the person who had been looking for in Chaos Demon Temple, his head heated up and he ordered to do it.

But now, the black dragon just hit him back to his original shape with a random move. "Fengshen Realm, so vulnerable, too rubbish. Just like you, still messing with the Demon Temple? Let you guard these two mountains. Is this because you are afraid that others will not be able to make it, let you come to release the water?" Heilong sneered There is ridicule in every word


The magic ceremony did not say a word, and the magic power was used to eliminate the dragon's breath power in the body.

But at this moment, the screams above the void began to violent.

After a short while, the whole world turned blood red.

His people, whether they are in the Qi Qi state or the Infant Gathering state, suddenly roared and screamed at the same time.

He suddenly raised his head and was seeing Mu Nanyou's palm being enchanted, and a palm shot out. All those who blocked her in front of her, regardless of their cultivation level, were crushed directly without any resistance, and directly turned into a blood dance and collapsed into the void.

Mu Nanyou's expression is indifferent, life and death are merciless, as soon as the figure moves, one or more figures disappear.

It can be said that they have no resistance.

Even in the Qi state, it is the same, at most it can only make a scream, and then die directly.


"No, it's impossible. According to the information controlled by our Chaos Demon Temple, you absolutely cannot be so strong." Mo Li Gong shouted.

The scene that happened before his eyes made him feel confused.

Seeing each figure disappear from the void, the fear in his heart also sprouted instantly.

Without thinking, he turned and fled.

He could feel the terrible power of Mu Nanyou. This kind of power, even he felt terribly terrified, let alone those people, even he might not be able to hold it.

So now, there is no way before him.

Except for fleeing, the rest are dead ends.

But he is not stupid, he must know that if he runs in the direction of Demon Earth now, he will definitely not be able to run the Black Dragon.

So he directly opened the barriers between the two realms in front of him, dashed away, and rushed over.

At the same time, the people in the Temple of Heaven also changed suddenly.

"Mo Li Gong, what are you doing? Go back to me!"

"Do you want to cause trouble, do you want to involve us? Go back!"

"Attention everyone, stay away from this person."

In an instant, people on the side of Xianmen spoke one after another.

They saw the battle in front of them with their own eyes, and naturally knew how powerful Heilong and Munanyou were. So now seeing that Mo Li Gong has caused trouble, and directly tore through the barriers between the two worlds and entered them, they all became angry.

"Shameless, shameless!"

"All shots, we will take down the magic ceremony, so that the other party will not come to embarrass us."

"Yes, for the present plan, there is only this."

On the side of Xiantu, countless people spoke.

Compared with Heilong and Munanyou, they are more willing to face magic power.

"Old guy, don't talk nonsense, quickly close the two barriers, even if they are no matter how powerful they are, they can't get in without our symbolic power." Mo Li Gong said.

The Conferred God Realm master of the Heavenly God Temple suddenly woke up.

"Yes, close the two barriers." He said sharply.

Heilong and Munanyou are too strong, let this kind of existence come, don't know what damage it will cause to the fairyland, he naturally doesn't dare to gamble.

Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to isolate the opponent from the magical land.

In an instant, a talisman appeared in his hand, and immediately the talisman began to flash instantly.

Then, an invisible force suddenly fell from the sky.

At this moment, both he and Mo Li Gong breathed a sigh of relief.

But on the opposite side of Demon Earth, the expressions of Heilong and Mu Nanyou were embarrassed.

They can naturally feel that a kind of power has stopped them, isolated in this magical soil, and there is no way to enter the fairy gate.

"Asshole, you dare to use methods in front of this seat, I think you don't want to live anymore." The black dragon roared.

This was the task Long Fei gave him.

Originally, he felt that he was quite sure, but he didn't expect to be manipulated by a wave of sorrows from the other party. "Huh, arrogant, even if you are strong, what can you do. This is an enchantment set up by the super masters of the Heavenly God Temple and the Chaos Demon Hall, except for the talisman in our hand, no one wants to come in." Moli Gong sneered, confident,

I didn't believe that the black dragon had this ability at all.

"Your Excellency, we have no intention of being enemies with you, but you absolutely cannot enter the fairyland. Your strength is too strong. If you are allowed to enter the fairyland, I am afraid that riots will be caused in the fairyland." Opened his mouth and said.

But the black dragon fell silent at this moment, without any words, directly rushing over.


But the next moment, a loud noise suddenly broke out.

The black dragon's figure flew out directly, and the dragon horns on his head were cracked and bloody.

Even under this huge collision, his whole person fell directly to the ground, and he couldn't get up. "Hahaha, I don't know what to say, do you still want to use brute force to break it? This enchantment is arranged by the super powers of the two halls, and it is also broken when you want to break it?" Mo Li Gong became arrogant and saw the black dragon. Under this collision, there was no effect.

The whole person is even more arrogant.

The black dragon looked angry.

Feeling offended.

The next moment, he mobilized his whole body strength, ready to charge again.

But at this moment, Mu Nanyou walked closer.

"Let me come!" Mu Nanyou said lightly.

"Sister-in-law, don't make trouble. I am in the Fengshen realm and I can't do it now, let alone you. If you are injured, how can I explain it?" Heilong said. "No, there is a voice in my heart telling me. This barrier can be torn apart at once." Mu Nanyou said lightly, with determination on his face.

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