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In the Cold Moon Sect, black clouds are pressing against the city.

Countless powerful auras shrouded the entire Cold Moon Sect on the void.

It can be said that the current Cold Moon Sect has reached a critical moment.

It may be destroyed at any time.

In the hall of Hanyuezong, Li Yumeng and several elders looked sad in the hall.

Li Hanyue was also among them, and her face was not relaxed.

"Han Yue, what is going on, have you notified your Master?" Li Yumeng asked.


Li Yumeng naturally knew the current situation of Hanyue Sect.

She had already thought of this day when she chose to take action against Luo Feng.

But at that time, she firmly believed in her heart that there was a super strong behind Li Hanyue, and with such a strong here, she believed that even if the Luo family came, there would be no threat.

But now, soldiers are approaching the city.

But the strong one she was looking forward to did not come.

Therefore, her heart became flustered.

"I don't know." Li Hanyue said.

Li Hanyue did not deny the existence of Long Fei.

However, she didn't even know where Long Fei was now, let alone whether Long Fei would come.

To be honest, in her heart, she also looked forward to the sudden appearance of Long Fei and the arrival of the king.

However, this is only her expectation.

Long Fei disappeared without saying a word, and sometimes even made her feel whether she was an occasional chance.

This master is just a passing powerhouse, and now he has left the world and disappeared completely.

"It's over, now the Luo family is here to ask the crime. With us, what can we use to fight with others?"

"I really made the wrong choice this time. I knew it was so. It was better to let Luo Feng be the Sect Master. This kind of thing won't happen now."

"That's right. I thought you were so good at the beginning and thought that there was a super expert behind you, so we could feel confident. But now it seems that it's not like that at all."


In the hall, a complaint appeared.

Infinite resentment and regret.

Their words are full of regret now, regretting that they had stood on the wrong team.

"You..." Li Yumeng was stunned. He didn't expect that at this critical moment, they would have said something like this.

"What? Are we wrong?"

"That is, we miss the old feelings, and if it weren't for Li Hanyue's transformation, giving us an illusion, how could we make this choice."

"But now? What strong person, what master, I don't think there is any, maybe it's just a little vagrant who didn't know where it came from!"

Several people said one after another.

In the face of life and death, they have nothing to fear and relentlessly vent their dissatisfaction.

"Have you never thought that if you hadn't made this choice back then, would it be the soul of mine under the sword?" Li Hanyue said suddenly.

In an instant, there was a sudden silence in the field.

Everyone's faces became pale.

They just watched that the Luo family was powerful now, but they had forgotten that Li Hanyue had even used a sword to slay Luo Feng, who was holding a heavy treasure in his hand and was half-stepping the gods.

"Han Yue, don't be angry. We didn't mean that. We just feel that we are already powerless to face this situation. If we don't, our Cold Moon Sect may all be destroyed."

"Yes, Hanyue, we are also the sect, for the continuation of our sect."

"Eh, why do I have so many disasters and disasters in the Cold Moon Sect!"

Several people's conversation turned sharply.

Don't dare to continue entangled in that issue at all.

After all, if Li Hanyue wanted to kill them, it would be a matter of backhanding.

They are not stupid, and the way of nature converges.

"Hmph, you guys can do it for yourself. Also, my master is not something you can slander, and the next time, I will definitely not forgive." Li Hanyue's voice was indifferent.

Now this Cold Moon Sect, the reason why she chose to stay is largely because of Long Fei.

She was just waiting for Long Fei.

And if Long Fei hadn't let herself come into contact with Li Yumeng, she would not have chosen to admit it at the beginning, let alone give Li Yumeng any chance.

Therefore, she instinctively thought that Long Fei would come to Hanyue Sect in the future.

It can be said that she has no sense of belonging to the Cold Moon Sect. The only value of Han Yuezong's existence is to allow her to wait for Long Fei to arrive.

"Han Yue, ignore them. Are you really unable to contact your master?" Li Yumeng asked again uncertainly.

In this situation, their Cold Moon Sect really didn't even have the ability to fight a battle.

The only one who can fight is Li Hanyue and her.

But this time, there were too many masters from the Luo family, and it could be said that the whole family was dispatched.

Once a war breaks out, the result is definitely not something Cold Moon Sect can bear.

It may even be annihilated.

Moreover, the reason why Luo Family didn't make a move now was just waiting.

Wait for Luo Shanhe.

They are disciples of the Luo family in Shenzong.

It is no exaggeration to say that now their Luo Family just wants to uproot Hanyue Sect.

"I can't get in touch." Li Hanyue said truthfully.

She didn't know how to contact Long Fei at all.

Long Fei had never appeared in front of her, so let alone contacting Long Fei, even if Long Fei was standing in front of her, she would not recognize it.

Hearing this, Li Yumeng's face suddenly dimmed.

Completely disappointed.

"Hey, there is no way. Hanyue, you leave, I will select some disciples with good qualifications, and you will take them away."

"But you have to promise me that when your cultivation base breaks through in the future, you must grow my Hanyue Sect." Li Yumeng seemed to have made the last struggle and said with difficulty.

She couldn't bear to pass on the cold moon sect to her own generation, and she wanted to completely cut off the incense.

Therefore, she was ready to burn the jade and the stone.

But in the same way, she also wanted to leave a little hope for the Zongmen.

And this hope is Li Hanyue.

Li Hanyue's combat power is strong, but facing the terrifying existence of the Luo Family, if she is allowed to stay, there will be no reversal at all, it will only sacrifice her life in vain.

She fell silent.

Everyone in the court fell silent.

Several elders also have a deep expression.

Although they have many complaints in their hearts, they also know that Li Yumeng's decision now is the best decision.

Only in this way can it be possible to preserve the incense of Hanyue Sect.

"Yes, Hanyue, go, and leave with the disciples. If you can break through to the Conferred God Realm one day in the future, don't even think of revenge for us."

"Yes, unless you have the ability to kill the Conferred God Realm in a second, don't come back."

"Leave, or leave. At least this is the only way out for our Cold Moon Sect right now."

Everyone said.

They also don't want to accept this result, it's just that the matter is here, it's no longer a question of whether they want to accept it.

It's that they have to accept it if they want to.

"I won't leave. Since they are here, let's fight. I killed the Luo family and it has nothing to do with you. I just need to go out by myself." Li Hanyue suddenly said when everyone's voice fell.

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