The arrival of the Luo family directly suppressed them out of breath.

But now it's alright, Li Hanyue swept everything with one sword and one man.

This insurmountable mountain, once in their eyes, was so easily surpassed.

More importantly, they were protected by the Cold Moon Sect.

Moreover, in a few days, the genius saint of their Cold Moon Sect, the peerless sword god, with a sword in their hands, the news of crushing the Luo family will spread all over the world like bamboo shoots after a rain.

At that time, their Cold Moon Sect will definitely rise directly.

Countless geniuses came here admiringly.

It is foreseeable that within a few years, their Cold Moon Sect will become one of the largest sects in this world.

It even became a sect with the same name as Shenzong.

At the thought of this, the senior officials of Han Yuezong were shocked.

But they all knew that all of this was brought by Li Hanyue.

But now they are thinking about these words in their hearts. It is absolutely impossible to put it on the surface now, let alone speak out in public. After all, the Luo family is still here. If you over-stimulate them, maybe they will make a dying counterattack, which will bring unnecessary losses to the Cold Moon Sect.

The gain is not worth the loss.

"Shanhe, how are you?" Luo Feng said, and went straight to the center of the battlefield. He was in a hurry, trying to help Luo Shanhe control his injuries.

However, letting him use all his methods is of no avail.

It seems that Li Hanyue's sword contains irreversible power. A serious injury is a serious injury, and it can't be treated at all.

"How could this be?" Luo Feng panicked in his eyes.

If this continues, even if Luo Shanhe's methods are extraordinary and his cultivation base is advanced, he can't stand it. It won't take long for him to lose too much blood and die.

"Witch, what exactly did you use?" Luo Feng shouted.

There is boundless anger in his eyes.

Luo Shanhe is their Luo family's hope and their pride. If there is any accident here, the result is simply not something they can bear.

At this moment, two figures appeared again.

Came directly in front of Luo Shanhe.

But soon, their faces became gloomy.

Because they found that their current methods are definitely useless to face Luo Shanhe's injuries, and there is no way to suppress them.

"Wonder girl, what method did you use to hand over the treatment method quickly, otherwise, not to mention that you are a Cold Moon Sect, even if there is someone behind you, you will have to pay for it."

One of them had a dark face, a thin body and a very tall, nearly two meters old man said.

Li Hanyue frowned slightly.

"Are you threatening me?" Li Hanyue exploded out of anger for the first time.

Before that, even if the Luo family said something unpleasant, Li Hanyue would not be moved at all, as if she hadn't listened to her at all.

But now, a word from the other party directly made Li Hanyue's face gloomy.

It seemed to touch a certain thread in Li Hanyue's heart.

Yes, it is in fact that way.

Li Hanyue nowadays can not care about Hanyue Sect or herself, but Long Fei alone is a Niqin that no one can touch, let alone speak to belittle, even if there is a trace of disrespect, she will kill you in her heart. meaning.

What's more, the person in front of him directly talked about life and death, which caused Li Hanyue's mood to fluctuate in an instant, causing anger.

"Threat? Yes, it's a threat. This is your last chance. Three breaths, if you don't hand over the healing method during the three breaths time, our Shenzong will definitely destroy all related people behind you."

"Remember, it's everything."

The old man of Shenzong said viciously.

"In that case, go and die."

Li Hanyue said coldly.

Long Fei is a taboo in his heart, and no one can say that he is not. Now the other party dared to say that they would destroy Long Fei, this moment directly inspired Li Hanyue's killing intent, and shot instantly.


With the sword light coming back, Li Hanyue slashed directly at this Shenzong powerhouse.

The old man's face changed.

He watched the entire battle, naturally knowing that Li Hanyue's sword was extraordinary, and he didn't dare to take the slightest carelessness at the moment, so he shot it directly.

"Heavenly palm!" The old man shouted angrily.

He is still very confident in his own strength, after all, his heart is stronger than Luo Shanhe, and he is also the elder of Shenzong.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Li Hanyue.

In other words, he is too high on himself.

Because in Li Hanyue's eyes, there has never been any restriction on cultivation level.

She wants to make a sword and never cares about the other party's cultivation.

This was the case with Luo Feng at the beginning and the same is true for the old man now.

Not to mention it is a Conferred God, even if it is above the Conferred God, she will not care at all, it is also a sword to kill.


The long sword flickered, and then the sound of something being cut appeared in the void.

After a while, the screams appeared again.

Then, a more terrifying scene appeared.

I saw a huge palm above the void, which was directly cut off from the wrist by a sword, and fell from the void.

And when he fell on the Shenzong powerhouse himself, his wrist was directly broken, and his palm was missing.

"Do not!"

He screamed, and then the painful dancer's own arm, just like Luo Shanhe before, began to scream.

Even now, he is worse than Luo Shanhe before.

Luo Shanhe was only severely injured and his fist was split, but his palm was directly cut off.

This scene changed the expressions of another Shenzong powerhouse and Luo Feng instantly.

There was also panic in his eyes.

"Who is she... on earth, what kind of power is this?" Another Shenzong powerhouse has been unable to suppress the fear in his heart.

This kind of power is too unbelievable, and it is no longer in his cognition.

It seemed that this power was stronger than the Shenzong technique they were practicing, and even above this world, the power of this world could not drive this power away.

"I'm not dead again? I'm still too weak. Fortunately, Master is not here, otherwise Master should be disappointed." Li Hanyue didn't care about the other party's words at all.

Just mumbling to himself, even a little self-blaming.

I feel that I am doing it now, it is still not good enough, I still shame Long Fei.

When the Luo family heard these words, they were shocked instantly.

There is even a direct retreat in his heart.

It's already like this, still blaming yourself?

One sword cut off the arm of the strong man of Shenzong, even feeling that he was too weak?

If she is too weak, then what is their existence? Isn't it not as good as waste, can you just go to death?

Not only them, but even the people of Hanyue Sect.

But in the same way, they also had an obscure worship of Li Hanyue's master. After all, what kind of existence makes Li Hanyue, who is already so good, feel that she has done nothing...

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