But even this one-foot distance has become a barrier that can't be crossed, no matter how hard the person is, it can't be shattered at all.

It was as if Long Fei had a shield on top of his head, forming a world of its own.

His power can't be cut down at all.

At this moment, Long Fei raised his head slightly: "Come on, isn't it a terrible name? I'm standing in front of you, I think you look a bit like before." Long Fei said faintly.

The arrogant face of the other party had already made Long Fei unhappy.

Open your mouth and shut your mouth is the invincible **** of heaven.

These words, Long Fei had long been heard from Tian Yun's mouth. But in fact, what kind of heavenly temple, in his eyes, is completely dispensable.

I never cared about it at all.

Just before Long Fei spoke, the expressions on the faces of those people had all changed.

When this person shot, all of them believed that Long Fei was bound to die. But now they are all dumbfounded, it's not like that at all.

Long Fei didn't even make a move, this power was directly blocked, and he couldn't even get close to Long Fei's body.

"Impossible, my dignified strength in Wonderland will not be able to break your defense? Open it to me!" The man was crazy.

Long Fei's retort made him feel like his face was swept away in an instant. If Long Fei is not killed, he will definitely become a joke.

Especially Long Fei's ridicule caused his anger to soar, and in an instant, he once again condensed his strength and outputted crazily.

But it's totally useless.

Even if he used all his power, he couldn't advance any further.

Long Fei snorted softly: "Enough is enough. If you feel that it is not enough, the three of you will go together. As for them, forget it." Long Fei said.

At this time, Long Fei's eyes were full of disdain.

Not to mention the three of them, no matter how many strong people from the Temple of Heaven came, it would be of no avail to him.

He is now too high-level, and now descending into the flesh, it is completely a dimensionality reduction blow, and there is no possibility of any accident.


When Long Fei's voice fell, everyone's faces were instantly ugly.



This is a naked humiliation.

Especially the few people who were blocked by Long Fei, who said that they didn't need to take action at all, their faces were directly gloomy.

Once upon a time, they were all gods in the eyes of others.

But now when it comes to Long Fei's mouth, he doesn't even have the qualifications to shoot.

This is more uncomfortable than killing them.

In an instant, several people broke out directly.

"Brother Han, I come to wish you!"

"This kid is too rampant, I don't believe it. If we shoot at the same time, he can still handle it."

"Death, this kid must die today. I am unwilling to die if he does not die."


Several people spoke one after another, and immediately used their own means to directly attack Long Fei.

To be honest, if this kind of power, this kind of camp is aimed at anyone in the field, the result will be extremely tragic. Even Heilong and Munanyou couldn't hold it.

Unfortunately, they faced Long Fei.

Even Heilong and Munanyou didn't have the slightest worry on their faces, as if Long Fei was invincible in their hearts.


Everyone's power directly bombarded the mask above Long Fei's head, and the roar erupted.

But just for an instant, the sound disappeared, and it didn't cause much fluctuation at all.

The result was still the same. Although Long Fei didn't move, their power was completely isolated.

"That's how you go together. Next, it's my turn." Long Fei said lightly.

He just wants several people to shoot at the same time, just to give Tianyun the last hope.

It's just that they are too weak and uninteresting.

While speaking, Long Fei waved his hand and directly removed the shield, and then blasted out a punch between his backhands.

This punch, a punch of taboo power.

This time, he was going to use absolute power to kill everything. In other words, he wanted to establish power for himself.

Let the world tremble because of my own punch, and despair because of my coming!

That's it.

Boom boom boom.


And as Long Fei's punch blasted out, the world in front of him was directly returned to nothingness, and the world could not bear his power at all, even if it was just a punch, it couldn't carry it.


To the naked eye, the heaven and the earth seemed to shrink suddenly in this instant, as if Long Fei's punch, the place where the heaven and the earth collapsed, no longer exists.

And all the people in the Tianshen Temple in front of them were already annihilated, and there was no shadow between the heavens and the earth.

But the power of this punch is far more than that.

Above the sky, it seemed to waver, and the whole world was full of gloomy air, as if the world was facing an enemy.

And everyone in front of you.

Just stunned.

Because they have never seen such horror exist.

That's the existence above the Immortal Realm, Conferred God Realm, and it's gone with just such a punch?

This is definitely a big horror.

"Woohoo, ancestors, awesome, what kind of power is this, it will kill them all with one punch." The black dragon went crazy and jumped up and down.

He knew that Long Fei must be very tyrannical.

But I didn't expect it to be so unreasonable.


It was completely wiped out with just one punch.

Mu Nanyou's eyes flickered, and there was deep tenderness in his eyes.

Has been deeply fascinated by Long Fei.

It can be said that at this moment, only Long Fei is left in her world.

"Eh, envious, Master actually shot for you personally, I don't know if Master will do it for me and destroy the Temple of Chaos." Mu Nanyou thought in his heart.

But this thought, she just thought about it in her heart,   naturally she also knows that this is definitely not the time to talk about this.

Because the stage now belongs only to Long Fei.

At this time, Long Fei, after a punch, turned his gaze to Heavenly Luck.

The luck at this time had scared the three souls and lost the seven souls.

This is horrible.

It can be said that Long Fei's punch has already smashed his heart, and all his hopes are people like the Heavenly God Temple.

But now, it's gone, don't take a punch from Long Fei, it's all destroyed.

"Give you a chance and continue to call people. Of course, just like these people, don't speak, I'm afraid I'm not interested in making a move." Long Fei's voice was still calm.

Facing such a person, Long Fei didn't even mean to get angry.

Not worthy at all.

But Long Fei's words made the fortune of the sky be stunned.

Call someone?

Where can he still be brave now!

Long Fei's existence, no matter who was called, was to die. Unless he can be called to the level of the Palace Master of the Heavenly God Temple, but he doesn't have the qualifications at all.

"It seems that you can't call people.   In this case, you don't need to continue to exist."

"Hurting my apprentice is the most unforgivable."

"Also, now, do you feel despair? Your so-called hope is vulnerable in my eyes."

As Long Fei said, he shot directly and delivered a fatal blow.

However, Tian Yun didn't even have a chance to ask for mercy, so he didn't kill Long Fei and dissipated the world. After doing all this, Long Fei looked at Tianxing: "Give you a chance to show, kill the person in front of you, and then follow me...destroy the Shenzong."

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