Long Fei's expression sank, and he did not expect that the Sect Master of Shenzong would give such a sentence after holding back for a long time!

No sword soul!

Without the sword soul, he said a hammer, he came here for the sword soul.

"What are you talking about? No sword soul? Do you think you are humorous?" Long Fei sneered.

The system says yes, then there must be.

"Senior, how dare the junior joking, it's just that the junior has been practicing for countless years in this Shenzong, but he has never heard of a sword soul." The Shenzong's Sect Master said, crying without tears on his face.

He didn't want to survive, Long Fei's action was so fierce, and if he didn't agree, he would be wiped out. Under this kind of oppression, how dare he lie. If there is a sword soul, he must have offered it with both hands long ago in exchange for a way to survive.

Long Fei's eyes condensed slightly.

Naturally, he could also see that the person in front of him had been frightened and his Dao Xin was about to collapse, and he would definitely not dare to talk nonsense in front of him.

But he would never doubt the system. The system even gave out tasks, and even gave a friendly reminder at the end, which is definitely not a joke.

Then the only possibility is that there is only one left, that is, the Sect Master of the Divine Sect in front of him does not even know what the Soul of the Sword is.

"System, where is Shenzong's sword soul?" Long Fei asked.

In desperation, I can only develop it myself.

Because Long Fei himself didn't know what the sword soul was.

"Ding, because the player gave up the task, the system gave up answering." The system's voice was indifferent and simple.

Long Fei's expression was taken aback.

But immediately sighed.

He has become accustomed to this attitude of the system. In fact, in the final analysis, he didn't need to speak this sentence at all.

Because as far as the system is concerned, I was able to indicate that there is a sword soul here before, and I am afraid it has been an unprecedented one, and it is difficult to dig more from the system.

What's more, this time Long Fei gave up the mission, and the system had no reason to help Long Fei.

Long Fei's expression fell silent. He knew very well that now that Li Hanyue wanted to come back to life, this sword soul was definitely inevitable.

At a thought, the power of eternal life flashed in Long Fei's eyes, locking the entire Shenzong.

But the next moment, Long Fei's expression became even more gloomy.


Not at all!

Don't talk about the sword soul, even the sword aura can't feel a trace.

For a moment, Long Fei's expression turned embarrassed.

If there is no Soul of Sword, then Li Hanyue has a chance to fall into crisis. This scene is definitely not what Long Fei wants to see.

"Heilong, turned the Shenzong over to me, I don't believe it." Long Fei gave the order.

Since it is not perceptible, then overturn the entire Shenzong. Long Fei's heart is determined, and there will never be any backlash. For Li Hanyue, let alone Shenzong, Long Fei would not have any hesitation even if it was to pierce this world.

As for the task of the system, Long Fei didn't care anymore.

Heilong flew into the sky in an instant, and he could feel the anger in Long Fei's words.

Even Long Fei was angry, and there was absolutely no room for maneuver in this matter.


The black dragon roared and roared into the void. One turned and slammed directly towards Shenzong.


Although the black dragon is still in the Conferred God Realm, as a dragon, although a little unqualified, the power of the flesh is still extremely tyrannical. At least relative to this world, it definitely belongs to the violent side.

Therefore, under this impact, the entire Shenzong mountain range collapsed.

Even the foundation of Shenzong was mostly destroyed by this collision.

Just in the blink of an eye, this huge Shenzong directly became a ruin.

Countless Shenzong disciples looked shocked, and their eyes were complicated. There is anger and unwillingness, but more fear.

Under the control of fear, they are all dumbfounded now, no one speaks at all, and they dare not speak.

Even the Sect Master of Shenzong is still silent now, even though the expression on his face has been painful and distorted, he still dare not make a move.

No way, Long Fei is in charge.

He dared not speak.

But Long Fei didn't care about them at all. At this time, Long Fei fixed his eyes on the room where the black dragon struck.

However, his face became more and more silent.

Because this Shenzong has been destroyed for most, but still can't feel any breath of the sword soul.

"Continue to hit!" Long Fei said.

He didn't believe that if the Shenzong was gone, that power would not appear yet.

Heilong got the order from Long Fei, and he didn't hesitate anymore, got up again, soared into the void, and then leaned over and impacted.



The roar sounded directly between heaven and earth, and everyone remained silent.

Especially the people of Shenzong are bleeding.

But there is no way.

Now their life and death are still unknown, how can they care about Shenzong?


The roar and explosion did not stop at all, and the roar seemed to be crazy, bombarding indiscriminately, completely exploding the talent of being a dragon.

And the entire Shenzong was also in ruins during the treats.

Completely annihilated.

If people who are not Shenzong are still standing here, who can believe that this is the Shenzong that used to be in the sky.

But Long Fei's face was still very ugly.

The Shenzong was destroyed, but there was still no breath of sword soul.

For an instant, a violent aura appeared on Long Fei's body, and when he looked up, his eyes became blood red, as if he wanted to slaughter the heavens.

But at this moment, Li Hanyue's body suddenly broke free from Mu Nanyou's support, slowly drifting into the void.

"Master." Mu Nanyou was surprised on his face.

Because at this moment, she didn't feel any power coming, but Li Hanyue's figure was out of control.

Moreover, that kind of power could not even be countered by her, and even before she could stop her, Li Hanyue's figure had already risen above the void.

Originally, Long Fei, who was immersed in endless anger, heard Mu Nanyou's greeting, and felt the change here. Before turning around, he also looked at Li Hanyue's current state.

He frowned slightly.

But soon, he felt that in this Shenzong's radius of thousands of miles, under the earth, and above the sky, three sword auras suddenly burst out.

"Sword Soul!" Long Fei's eyes were happy.

Soon a kind of enlightenment appeared in my heart.

"My grass, I really thought too simple. Among Shenzong, it may not be Shenzong." Long Fei woke up.

I am also a little annoyed with the system now.

Trust the system too much.

If it wasn't for the system to say that there were three sword souls in Shenzong, how could Long Fei only deal with Shenzong. It was under the guidance of the system that he ignored a fundamental.

That was the area controlled by Shenzong, but it was definitely not the area right now.

Fortunately, Li Hanyue is now involved in the sword soul, leading to the sword soul, otherwise Long Fei really doesn't know how to do it.

Subconsciously Long Fei looked at Li Hanyue in the void, and saw that sword aura burst out all over his body at this time.

And above the sky, a sword light was also slowly revealed, and then a bright light burst out directly, covering Li Hanyue's body.

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