Long Fei's gaze turned, and the gloomy cold instantly fell.

Tian Xing just showed joy on his face, instantly frozen, even distorted, looked at his father, and cried instantly.

This is how much you want to die to say this kind of thing! !

"Xing'er, come here soon." At this moment, the Palace Master of Town Boundary said.

"No, I'm not going. Tianmang, starting today, we will cut off the relationship between father and son. From this moment on, there is no relationship between us." Tian Xing said with a difficult face.

Tianmang is the lord of the town hall.

"Presumptuous, you rebellious son, do you know what you are talking about?" Tianmang shouted.

He didn't expect that Tian Xing would say such a rebellious thing now.

"Disobedience? If you really treat me as your son, why do you want to kill me? I can't stop you if you want to die, so why bother to drag me to death!" Tian Xing cried bitterly and cried directly.

Whenever Long Fei gave him a little hope, Tianmang directly intensified, extinguishing this hope. It doesn't matter if you pinch it off, you still have to leave him with infinite despair.

Tianxing wants to die!

He felt that he must not be his own, or why would he want to put himself to death all the time.

"It's the other way around, Xu Jingye, you take action and take down this rebellious son." Tian Mang yelled coldly.

But the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

Xu Jingye came directly to Tianxing.

Then, facing Tianmang, he said coldly: "Tianmang, you are perverse, with no eyes. Today I will embrace the sky to be the new Lord of the Palace."

Xu Jingye is extremely determined.

He could also see that Tianmang was constantly on the verge of death today. This kind of operation has basically been finalized, and it will definitely die.

Long Feitian is stronger.

Although the black dragon is average, Long Fei hasn't made a move yet. But Tianmang actually dared to mock and question again and again.

This is no different from looking for death.

What's even more hateful is that it doesn't matter if you want to die yourself, and now you want to drag them to die together, which is intolerable.

So Xu Jingye acted decisively and directly chose to rebel.

Only in this way can there be a ray of life.

With tears gleaming in Tian Xing's eyes, he glanced at Xu Jingye with an expression that you understand me.

And Xu Jingye also looked towards Tianxing, with a great feeling of sympathy.

Long Fei on the side, seeing this scene, felt helpless in his heart.

Surprisingly, he originally wanted to push horizontally, but he didn't expect to stage a large-scale family ethics drama directly now.

Although a little bit bloody, it doesn't meet Long Fei's taste a bit.

Compared with the plot in front of him, Long Fei is still more inclined to a familiar music opening action plot.

"Okay, you two come here, I will spare you not to die." Long Fei said.

Tian Xing was also a poor person, although Tianmang's behavior made Long Fei very unhappy, but Tian Xing this person was in line with Long Fei's taste.

Tian Xing and Xu Jingye's expressions froze for a moment, and then they burst into laughter and joy.

"Thank you senior for your life, thank you senior for your life." The two said repeatedly.

Long Fei nodded. "Two idiots, do you really think he is so strong? If he is very strong, he will remain silent now? Didn't you see? His men have already smashed the flowers, and the formation is not moving. You dare to say Is he strong? Is he really strong?

"Tianmang furiously said, frantically.

In this situation, he didn't believe that Long Fei was really capable.

He was betrayed by his son and his subordinates again, and his whole person was about to fall into a crazy state.

"It's you idiot. The lord, to be honest, I'm just afraid that you will come back to greet you in advance. But why are you still looking for death?" Xu Jingye said helplessly.

He knew his palace master too well, arrogant and unruly. After all, being able to become the master of the Temple of Heaven must have his own arrogance.

Unfortunately, in front of Long Fei, no one has this qualification.

He just came back early because he was afraid that Tianmang would say something that he shouldn't say when he was looking for death. It's just that Tianmang doesn't seem to be aware of it at all, and still goes its own way, following his own style of behavior.

And this directly led to the current situation.

"Father, I call you for the last time. Don't say I'm ruthless, it's because you don't have too much eyes." Tian Xing said.

He has seen Long Fei's methods, unmatched.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if Long Fei makes a move, there is absolutely no possibility that the temple of heaven will exist.

Even if he couldn't hold on for a moment in Long Fei's hands, it would be nothing.

"Hmph, you are all lost, watch it, when this person is crushed, I see what you have to say." Tianmang didn't take it seriously, and then a token appeared in his hand.

"Betrayed me? Today I will let you know the cost of betraying me?"

Tianmang sneered,   and the token in his hand also flashed with infinite rays of light.

"Senior, he is calling for someone!" Tian Xing said directly.

It seems that he also knows something about tokens, and now that Tianmang makes a move, he knows what's going on.

Long Fei was taken aback, then turned and glanced at Tian Xing.

This is the first time he is looking directly at the sky.

However, he looked at Tian Xing, but did not take it seriously. It was the operation of Tian Xing at this time that made Long Fei think of a word.


Perfect interpretation of what is called cheating.

"Eh, it's hard for you too!" Long Fei said with a sigh.

Heaven has acted to save lives, and being able to achieve this level also breaks the bottom line.

However, he thinks too much.

Long Fei still needs a reminder?

Long Fei turned his eyes, hovering with his right hand, and probed slightly.


The token that was still shining in Tianmang's hand directly cut through the void and came to Long Fei's hand.


Tianmang's face changed.

When I was about to curse, I suddenly thought of something, and my face turned pale.

Because he knows very well that this token is connected to his own destiny, even if it is the other palace masters, it is impossible to get close.

To be able to take the token away from him without making any sensations, no one except the real owner of the token could do it.

But now, Long Fei broke this convention.

Moreover, it is like eating and drinking water, exploring the capsule and fetching things.

Just this one move made him feel that Long Fei might have been really strong enough to be extremely terrifying.

Thinking of Xu Jingye and Tian Xing's determination, he felt a panic in his heart.

Subconsciously, he looked at Xu Jingye and Tianxing. But the two of them looked like a mouse hide-and-seek, they didn't even look at him, and treated him indifferently.

And Long Fei looked at this token in his hand for a while.

Then he shook his head slightly: "Call someone? I'll call for you."

Long Fei smiled, and then used one hand hard.

Click! Click!

The token is broken directly!

And immediately, above the sea of ​​clouds, several halls suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, even the formation was broken in a sudden.

Following that, the three figures also appeared in the void.

"Bold, dare to damage the ancestral god's token!"

"Tianmang, you can't even keep the treasure of the ancestor god, you **** it!"

"Tianmang doesn't say anything, this person is more damnable!" The three voices said one after another.

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