Long Fei was straight to the point and asked where the chaos temple was.

Now his countdown is about to come to an end.

Now the affairs of the Immortal Earth World have basically been settled, and Li Hanyue has already taken up the teacher, the next step is naturally to help Munanyou improve his cultivation.

You know, only Li Hanyue was appointed as a teacher, and he gave 50 cultivation base recovery pills. If Mu Nanyou also went directly to the teacher, then the reward would certainly not be bad.

According to the effect of the current cultivation base restoration pill, Long Fei felt that he would take off directly.

Thinking of this, Long Fei's heart was also full of passion.

But what I didn't expect was that at the moment his voice fell, the face of the world spirit was suddenly taken aback.

"Are you going to the Demon Land?" The World Spirit was puzzled.

There was a bit of horror in his eyes.

Long Fei was taken aback.

This expression is a bit of a story.

You know, for a world, the spirit of the world is equivalent to the existence of heaven.

In other words, she has absolute control.

But now when it comes to Chaos Demon Temple, it reveals a terrifying expression, which is too unbelievable. "Of course, I’m very busy. I’m here now, but I’m just taking the time to come and have fun. Do you think that someone like me would really come to trouble you when I’m free? If it wasn’t for my apprentice who was in danger, I would even be in this world. Won't set foot." Long Fei faintly


A little pretending to be.

But this sentence does not dare to question.

No way, Long Fei is too strong. Given Long Fei's current strength, he is completely qualified to say this.

The world is like this, just like a wise saying that Long Fei circulated on the earth, as long as you have enough money and you say farts are fragrant, there will be people scrambling to agree with it.

There is no way, strength is the last word, and it will never change.

"Your Excellency is right. I think too much. Indeed, with your strength, there is definitely no danger even if you go to the Temple of Chaos." World Spirit said.

I understand that I think too much expression.

But what she didn't know was that these words made Long Fei very concerned.


Is a chaos temple still in danger?

Long Fei's eyes were a little unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.

"Wait, make it clear." Long Fei asked quickly.

The spirit of the world was stunned. He didn't expect that Long Fei would have such a big reaction, but he didn't dare to hesitate too much. He said, "In fact, there is a spirit of the world in the chaos palace."

The spirit of the world said, the expression on his face was extremely complicated and mixed with hatred.

I feel unfair, and I look aggrieved.

Such an expression has appeared, and Long Fei's heart is even more certain of his guess.

After this farewell, there must be a story!

"There is another spirit of the world? What's the matter?" Long Fei asked.

"In fact, the world was originally a whole, the heavenly spirit world, and I was the only spirit that brought this heavenly spirit world."

"To be honest, when I was in his heyday, I was much stronger than now. Although I can't compare with your Excellency, but it's not comparable now." Inspiration of the World said, seeming to recall something.

"Don't say it's useless." Long Fei interrupted directly. He didn't want to hear the spirit of the world say that he was miserable. What he wanted to know was clear.

An embarrassment flashed by the spirit of the world, looking at Long Fei: "Your Excellency, don't aim at me everywhere, I have no malice against you. I am just a spirit of the world, what can I have any malice?"

"Moreover, I know your preferences, deliberately turned into a beautiful woman, just to win your favor..."

The spirit of the world whimpered with tears, looking at Long Fei, grieving grievances.

Long Fei's eyes widened...

What is my favorite?

This misunderstanding is too big.

In an instant, Long Fei felt two eyes locked directly on him, full of killing intent.

Long Fei's heart sank, and secretly said that this must have caused dissatisfaction between Li Hanyue and Mu Nanyou.

"Well, don't talk about it, I just want to know what is going on in the chaos palace?" Long Fei quickly changed the subject.

At the same time, I thought in my heart, the spirit of this world is too unreliable. I would say everything that I didn't have. If I don't know, he thought Long Fei was an LSP?

"In fact, it's very simple. To put it bluntly, I was secretly calculated, and 70% of the origin was stolen." said the spirit of the world.

Long Fei's eyes sank.

Take a breath of air-conditioning.

Nearly 70% of the origin was stolen...

This sentence is too cruel!

Doesn't this mean that the current posture of the spirit of the world is just 30% of the strength under the peak load?

"It was stolen? It was made by Chaos Demon Hall?" Long Fei asked.

"Yes, it was made by the Temple of Random Demon. To be precise, it was made by a person called Random Demon." said the spirit of the world, hatred erupted in his eyes.

Then, the spirit of the world directly condensed a picture and passed it to Long Fei.

And Long Fei also directly understood what was going on.

At the same time, he also understood why the spirit of the world would show fear and hatred when he uttered the three words Chaotic Hall.

It can only be said that the chaos demon who took away her origin really has some strength.

In Long Fei's cognition, that guy is against the sky.

It's really against the sky!

Shengsheng has made a **** road by virtue of cultivation.

In fact, the explanation of the spirit of the world is a bit self-beautifying.

Because that is not stealing at all, but robbing!

All of this has been given a perfect explanation in the picture given by the other party.

At the beginning, in the unknown, the chaos and another cultivator directly slammed into the core of heaven and earth. Under their joint efforts, they directly maimed the spirits of the world, and then forcibly seized nearly 70% of the origin, and they were safe. go away.

"Your Excellency, don't get me wrong. In fact, I was in the wrong state at the beginning, otherwise it would be impossible for the two of them to do it." The World Spirit still wanted to force an explanation.

But Long Fei directly waved his hand: "Okay, I know, I know." Long Fei's focus is not on this at all. In contrast, he wants to know that Ranmo and the other person are now in a different situation. How is it!

If Random Demon now replaces her as the spirit of the world in Demon Land, what about another person?

What kind of posture exists now.

"What is the other's name?" Long Fei asked.

"I don't know, but I can feel that that guy has also formed a power, and has captured the ancient dragon race of this world and raised it up." The World Spirit said, gritted his teeth, still full of hatred.

But Long Fei's eyes were suddenly startled.

Raise the dragon clan?

Is it Yanglong Temple?

Suddenly, Long Fei felt that he had been calculated by the dog system, and the three apprentices were all involved in the issue of the spirit of the world after they left.

At this moment, the system voice in Long Fei's mind reappeared:

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the system task."

"Task: Help the spirit of the world regain its origin."

"Task requirements: kill the chaos and the dragon demon sky."

"Task level: SSS level."

"Task time: three months."

"Task Reward: The Origin of the Heavenly Spirit World."

"Task Punishment: Deprivation of cultivation base, indefinitely in a state of nothingness."

The system sound drops.

Long Fei was directly sluggish on the spot.

"My mud horse!" Long Fei couldn't help yelling.

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