This scene was too horrible, and there was horror in everyone's eyes.

They didn't even see Mu Nanyou's power erupt, and everything was over.

This completely broke their cognition.

In fact, they had already guessed the result when Munanyou shot.

However, this result was far more terrifying than they had imagined, and it was gone after such a backhand.

For a while, everyone's eyes began to flicker when they looked at Mu Nanyou and Heilong.

One of the most embarrassing is the dragon family.

Seeing that Mu Nanyou was so tyrannical at this moment, the expressions on their faces suddenly became wonderful, each of them dumbfounded, their eyes began to become conscientious, and they did not dare to look at the black dragon at all.

But the black dragon laughed at this moment: "What's wrong, don't you want to do it? Come on, a group of grandchildren, uncle, I haven't done it yet, why are you subdued, give you a chance, come, do it at me."

Naturally, the black dragon would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pretend to be forced.

Anyway, the Moxu hadn't opened yet, and the more arrogant he was now, the more jealous these people were against him.

"You... don't overdo it. Ao Fan, no matter how strong this woman is, it's just this woman. What does it have to do with you."

"That is, we, the Devil Dragon clan, are popular singled out. Do you have the guts to fight?"

"Shut up if you don't have the guts."

The people of the Devil Dragon clan said one after another.

At this time, they had already given up in their hearts, and they didn't want to involve more with the black dragon at all.

However, he didn't expect that the black dragon would be aggressive and reluctant.

And the expression on Heilong's face at this time also became wonderful.

"Heads-up? Do you tell me heads-up?" Heilong thought he had heard it wrong.

He looked at Mu Nanyou: "What you said just now is very good, I also want to know, has he always been so courageous?" Heilong said, his momentum changed.


In the next instant, he incarnate directly out of the dragon body and roared up to the sky.

In an instant, the people of the Devil Dragon clan were stupid.

At this moment, they felt a kind of harmless Shangwei Ya descending on them. Under the influence of this kind of breath, they couldn't help but want to crawl and bow down.

It's like this kind of power is a kind of suppression on the bloodline, giving them a sense of infinite humbleness.

"Come on, one-on-one, sir, I will fulfill you."

"Even, I can give you a chance, a group of you will single me out."

"Hurry up, do it!"

The black dragon was violent, roaring in the void.

But the people of the Demon Dragon clan, at this moment, dare not even let go.

They haven't done it yet, this terrifying pressure has already made them doubt life. If they do it, they might directly become a pile of bones.

No, there are no bones left.

At this moment, infinite regret was born in their hearts.

I regretted that I had taken the initiative to look for something before, and found the trouble on the head of the black dragon.

It can be said that all these troubles are due to their own responsibility and their own destiny.

If it weren't for their provocation, maybe the black dragon wouldn't turn their attention to them at all.

In the same way, the countless demons who had descended here at this time also retreated some distance.

They were equally shocked.

As soon as the black dragon transformed, they felt a kind of pressure. This kind of pressure, although not comparable to the horror sent by Mu Nanyou, can also bring them a sense of oppression.

At this time, they have clearly realized.

Whether it's the black dragon or Munanyou, they all got a great opportunity. And under this opportunity, their strength has also become extremely terrifying, it is not their existence that can provoke.

For a while, the world was silent.

As for the members of the Demon Dragon clan, they were even more wary at this time, not daring to speak or act.

"A group of counsellors, just like you, want to single out with me, are you worthy?" Heilong sneered with disdain in his eyes.

In the next instant, he directly soared into the void, and then rushed towards the people of the Demon Dragon clan.


The sky and the earth roared, and the power of the whole sky and earth seemed to be driven by the black dragon at this moment, turning into smoke and dust everywhere, and the earth trembling.

And countless members of the Demon Dragon clan have also directly transformed themselves under this kind of oppression.

Unfortunately, it is completely useless. Even the so-called Ao Tianxin, who was back to the ancestors of their blood, was suppressed under the power of the black dragon without any resistance, and they were even more unbearable.

In just an instant, one after another magic dragon body, no, it should be said that it was a corpse, flying upside down into the void under the attack of the black dragon.

The whole world also began to scream and wailing.

All the people of the Demon Race had their scalp numb at this time, watching the almost crazy battle in front of them, their eyes flashed with infinite terror.

It is no exaggeration to say that if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't even believe that the incredible dragon clan would be so vulnerable and killed so tragically.

In just a few breaths, there was no dragon clan in the field, and all of them were annihilated.

Above the earth, there was also the blood of the magic dragon, with a roaring wind and infinite horror.

"Hahaha, who else?"

"Master, I will ask you, who else is there?" The black dragon laughed wildly, staring into the void, the huge dragon body curled up in the wind and clouds, extremely violent.

And between the whole world, naturally there was no response at this time.

To be precise, there was not even a single voice.

All were suppressed by the attitude of the black dragon, and he didn't even dare to say a rebuttal.

"It's boring!" Heilong let out a bored cry, seemingly dull for this kind of unresponsive battlefield.

This posture is not arrogant.

It is even said that it has directly become the focus of attention in this piece of world.

Countless people even have fear in their hearts, considering whether to continue to enter the magic ruins.

There is no way, whether it is Munanyou or the black dragon, they are too strong. If they enter the magic ruins, if they conflict with them, the result will be a word, death!

Therefore, because of their fear of the two black dragons, they have hesitated to enter the magic ruins.

After all, no matter how good the chance is, they have to have their lives to get it.

But at this moment, an abnormal change suddenly occurred above the void.

In the Devil Ruins, one after another devil cities appeared, although they were dilapidated, they still exuded the supreme magic power.

Everyone's attention was also attracted to the past.

And Long Fei, who was in the void, also looked at this magic city.

"It's a bit like it used to be, it would be great if it were a copy." Long Fei sighed in his heart.

But before he could think about it, a voice suddenly appeared from the magic city:

"Kill these two people, you can enter the magic city!"

After that, two magic lights appeared in the void, and after flashing, they directly changed into the appearance of the black dragon and Munanyou.

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone in the field suddenly turned to the two of them.

His eyes were red as if he had been beaten with blood, and the magic was permeating. It can be said that at this moment, the demons danced wildly because of the two of them.

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