The magic face spoke, full of provocation.

In the emptiness, Long Fei sneered.

If it were to follow his previous temper, he would definitely say: "Enter the mud horse! You let me enter the city as soon as you enter the city, wouldn't it be too shameful?"

Unfortunately, the body is no longer there now.

As for the black dragon, he was frightened and silly at this time.

Can't say a word.

"Heaven...the demon king!" Heilong said tremblingly.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei's heart was cold.

That's it?

Is this one for fun? Having been with him for so long, is still so awkward now?

Too scary!

Even when Chen Zhong was angry at the time, this product was a combination of Bajie and Drifting.

The ancestors have troubles, and the ancestors show the saints before the troubles.

Too delicious!

"Have you any chance? Just one sentence scared you into such a force? Go ahead, don't say you're messing with me in the future." Long Fei passed the sound directly.

"No, old ancestor. This is terrifying. I..." Heilong forcedly explained, still not waking up from the shock.

"Don't explain. I don't need to listen." Long Fei was still indifferent.


What is terror? In front of him, who would dare to say horror?

"Old ancestor, I know you are awesome. But now you can't show up?" Black Dragon said weakly.

Long Fei was surprised.

As if the secret was unearthed.

"What did you say?" Long Fei asked quickly.

"Old ancestor, didn't you say it before? The last time you appeared was your clone. At that time, I knew that your body must be very far away from here, and I knew you couldn't appear." Heilong said.

Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

This is smart!

But it's good to be smart, and a false alarm is better than being seen through.

"You are right, I am really far away. However, this is not an excuse for you to face the enemy." Long Fei said, still resolute.

"Old ancestor, you misunderstood me. I didn't miss it. It's that the Heavenly Demon King is really terrifying." Heilong said with a dark face.

"Terror? How terrible is it?" Long Fei asked.

"According to the rumors, there were ten cities in the Demon Ruins. And the people who lived in the ten cities were the people who pioneered the Demon Land for Reason. This Demon King is one of them."

"In other words, the Demon King is one of the once masters of this piece of magic land."

"According to the record, the heavenly demon king has a ten thousand feet, swallows the sky and cracks the earth, and is omnipotent."

Heilong explained.

But this kind of explanation, for Long Fei, is really immune.

This level of battle is too long for Long Fei, they all catch the stars and the moon, and destroy the world at every turn.

Even though Long Fei does not have a physical body now, his confidence is still there, so he doesn't feel cold about this kind of power at all.

"This is also called horror?" Long Fei retorted at a thought, with sarcasm in his voice.

"Of course it's not scary. In front of the ancestors, who dares to say horror? Who dares to say invincible? Kneeling to speak is their honor." Heilong said quickly.

Long Fei's tone was not good, he naturally guessed that Long Fei must be unhappy in his heart, and he was dissatisfied with his performance. So now I just follow Long Fei's mind and say.

"Heh, talk about this now? It's too late!" Long Fei sneered.

Although Heilong said that he was very cool, but it did not mean that he could ignore what Heilong had said before.

"No, old ancestor, the reason I fear is not because of my fear of his power, but because I thought of a legend." Heilong wanted to cry without tears.

He naturally knew that his only backer now was Long Fei, and he could only go further and further by following Long Fei.

"Legend?" Long Fei was taken aback.

"Yes, old ancestor. I feel that we are now in a conspiracy." Heilong's face became solemn, and he said.

"A conspiracy? Isn't this nonsense? Since you entered the ruins, you have always been targeted,  Isn't it a conspiracy or something?" Long Fei said angrily. "Old ancestor, I am not talking about this. Because just now, when I swallowed blood and broke through, I suddenly felt some power and saw the scene of the previous demonic ruins. I..." Heilong said, as if feeling the horror coming. , Looking at

View in the void.

Long Fei also had an accident.

Only then did he notice that the black dragon had broken through the Conferred God Realm and entered the Dengxian Realm.

"What did you see?" Long Fei asked curiously.

Although the black dragon is very scary, but also has a crazy side. So he was very curious what picture it was that could make the black dragon show such a posture.

"I saw that these ancient great demons weren't dead, they were even planning to come." Black Dragon said.

Long Fei was silent for a moment.

He had no doubt about what Heilong said.

And he already felt it before.

Intuition tells him that this is the place of opportunity for Munanyou, even related to his mission. If there is no big terror in such a place, it would be strange.

And now Heilong's words were nothing more than a complete confirmation for him.

As for shock, there is no such thing.

Seeing that Long Fei didn't react at all, the black dragon panicked in his heart. He quickly said: "Old ancestors, they are planning to destroy the world, they want to seize the remaining origin of the spirit of the world, and then leave this world." Heilong said again.

At this moment, even Long Fei had an accident in his eyes.

Capture the other half of the spirit of the world?

Isn't this cutting off his way?

What he has now is to help the spirit of the world regain the other half of the power, but now his mission has not yet started, but here is already planning to plunder?


"Damn, want to seize the spirit of the world, want to cut off my mission? Just want to come, don't even think about it." Long Fei hated.

The dislike for the black dragon has also been reduced a bit.

"Okay, don't say it. Seeing that the news you said is still useful, I will spare you this time."

"Remember, following Lao Tzu, you can't persuade you, just do it. The big deal is that the dragon will die!" Long Fei scolded.

Heilong's face was relieved.

"The old ancestor, what should we do now? Grandma hasn't awakened yet, and it seems that she has been seriously injured? We..." The black dragon began to chatter.

Especially the sentence grandma, without any sense of disobedience, said it as if she was indeed Long Fei's woman now.

This made Long Fei very unhappy.

He clearly didn't do anything, but it was too much to carry such a pot.

Although helpless, Long Fei didn't care. Because the problem Black Dragon is talking about now happens to be what Long Fei is worried about right now.

Subconsciously, Long Fei looked at Mu Nanyou and felt the weirdness emanating from Mu Nanyou, Long Fei also frowned.

In this state, he also encountered it for the first time.

Suddenly, Long Fei thought about it and looked at the furnace of heaven and earth.

At this time, everything disappeared in the furnace of heaven and earth.

But it's not that nothing is left. On the contrary, it was a pill that was left behind.

But it doesn't matter if you look at it, Long Fei was taken aback.

"Fuck! Battle power pill? A pill of 50 million combat power?" Long Fei looked at the pill suspended in the furnace of heaven and earth, and a storm was also set off in his heart.

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