Tian Yuan's words left everyone in the court stunned.

Stronger than them, now his face is infinitely solemn.

Before that, they had a kind of mystery in their hearts, they wanted to pursue the dream world that Long Fei arranged for them, but now Tian Yuan's words made them feel confused.

They all have their own world?

So, they appear in this world to be truly illusory?

For a time, several people looked at each other.

They once asked Long Fei if there really is such a world, it was their dream-dao experience, but now it seems that that world really exists. On the contrary, their appearance in this world is full of incredible.

According to what Tianyuan is saying now, they were originally developing in their own world, and they were forcibly dragged into this world by others.

Moreover, after dragging in, they completely abandoned their memories and their lives.

After that, Long Fei passed the Dream Dao method, allowing them to regain control of their power.

Involuntarily, they connected this to Long Fei.

"Is it the Dragon Emperor's method?"

Invincible Sword Master said.

For Long Fei, they naturally respect it in their hearts. Therefore, what Tian Yuan said now made them think a little bit more in their hearts.

As strong people, they all have their own dignity, and being forcibly pulled into a strange world, or even erased their memories, is absolutely unacceptable to them.

For a time, everyone's heart was thinking, and they wanted to pursue a result.

But when their divine consciousness penetrated into nothingness, they didn't find Long Fei's shadow at all.

Long Fei seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, with no trace at all.

Everyone's faces sank even more.

Intuition tells them that all of this may really have some connection with Long Fei.

Tian Yuan's expression also changed suddenly. Suddenly, she felt that she was doing something wrong, and directly pushed these invincible powerhouses to the opposite of Long Fei.

She wanted to explain, but now she suddenly lacked the courage.

Even though she has now become the Spirit of Heaven and Earth in the Heavenly Origin Realm, there is still a sufficient gap in the face of Ye Xuan and the others.

Li Hanyue and the others also felt something was wrong and frowned.

But at this moment, the old man who had survived before suddenly said: "It has nothing to do with that adult." The old man suddenly said.

As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes turned to him.

In an instant, the old man shivered.

On this occasion, he originally didn't want to speak, but he couldn't help but couldn't help but speak.

"What did you say?" Su Ming asked.

"I..." The old man hesitated. He felt that he was completely insulting himself when he spoke now.

"Just let you say it!" The man of God also said.

This result is very important to everyone.

They have already regarded following Longfei as their mission, but if it was a scam from the beginning,   they couldn't accept it.

"This... Actually, I have foreseen the situation that Master World Spirit said." Helplessly, the old man could only gritted his teeth.

Everyone's expressions were taken aback.

They were very surprised.

Looking at the old man in front of him incredibly.

"Are you joking? At your level, you are all ants. You can foresee some things that will restrain me." Ye Xuan sneered, and didn't believe the old man's words at all.

"This is true, how dare the little second dare to talk nonsense in front of you." The old man quickly explained.

"Then tell me, what's the matter?" Huang said in a deep voice.

"I remember dozens of years ago, I..." The old man looked back, as if he was about to start from the beginning.

"Don't talk nonsense, just talk about the key points." Lu Yun directly interrupted the old man. They don't want to listen to what nonsense he is talking about now.

The old man's face became stiff, a sharp spirit, and then quickly said: "He is a man who claims to be a great sea. He said that the age of apocalypse is coming, and one must be forged.   Later, he said that if one is not enough, then find a few to get together. ."

"Then this world has a few more areas out of thin air."

"If I guess it is right, the extra areas should be where the adults are." The old man didn't dare to hide it, and said quickly.

As soon as the voice fell, a complex expression appeared on everyone's faces.

Age of Apocalypse?

How many more?

The words are very light, but there are monstrous means of pointing the country and opposing the world. Even though they are now on their respective roads to the extreme, they dare not imagine the reason for this method.

If the old man is right, then it is basically certain that the person who claims to be the sea, the one he said can fight, is Long Fei.

As for the people who came to make up the number, it was naturally them.

This result was too shocking for everyone.

Not to mention them, now that even Long Fei has become a **** in the hands of others, how they are not shocked by this result.

"What kind of person is that?" Ye Xuan asked.

"I don't know, I am not qualified to see it. To be honest, if I hadn't met a few seniors today and heard Lord Jie Ling say so, this memory might be regarded as a dream by me." The old man said.

"A dream?   Indeed, it looks like Shimeng talk." Ye Xuan said, looking at the old man: "If he is really so powerful, will he not find you?"

"He found it. He also said something." The old man hesitated, his expression on his face turned embarrassed.

"He said, although I don't have the ability to fart, but to see him, it is also a good luck. He said that when the apocalypse comes in the future, I can enter the ruins." The old man said.

Everyone's expressions were astonished again, and they looked at the old man in disbelief.

Apocalypse, return to the ruins!

They had never heard of these terms before, but now that they saw the old man so swearing, they couldn't tell the truth from the false.

But if Long Fei were here, he would be extremely shocked. of

Because of returning to the ruins, he passed.

Apocalypse, he has also heard of it.

In other words, what the old man said is no longer at his level. But now he described it in a rigorous manner.

This shows that what he said is not a lie.

Ye Xuan and others fell into silence, and it took a long time to recover.

"Miss Tianyuan, let this old guy stay here in the future, and wait for the Dragon Emperor to wake up before saying everything,  Now let's solve the matter that the Dragon Emperor explained." Lu Yun suddenly said.

Everyone nodded their heads, and agreed with Land Transport's proposal.

In any case,  They must first solve the matter that Long Fei explained. As for the result, we can only wait later.

Tian Yuan nodded.

What they didn't know was that Long Fei had reached a deadlock at this time.

In an inexplicable world, Long Fei looked at a deserted world of horror and felt his heart shake.

He has finally determined that the world linked to Qiu's back is not the world he is in at all.

As for what this world is, Long Fei doesn't know. But it is certain that in this world, another consciousness has once entered. And this consciousness is the Spirit of the Thousand Realms Palace.

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