This scene is like eternity, time and space are frozen.

Any power seems to dissipate at this moment, and in front of Apocalypse, there seems to be an invisible barrier that blocks everything.

The expression on Feng Xiaoao's face instantly became sluggish, the wind whistled, and the extreme cold distorted his facial features.

In the distance, the other two saw this scene with horror on their faces. Because in their eyes, it is impossible for Apocalypse to have such a momentum. In other words, they have never seen the apocalypse in the eye.

But Apocalypse's reaction now is extremely abnormal, as if there is a fierce beast in his body, awakening at this moment.

Tian Qi glared angrily, his eyes confronting Feng Xiaoao.

"Damn you!" Apocalypse sounded like a ghost, as if incarnated as a demon, and there was a power that made people tremble in the cold voice.

Feng Xiaoao's eyes flickered wildly, surging with fear.

Facing the apocalypse, he was actually oppressed by the will of death.

As if in front of him was a desolate beast that eats people and does not spit out bones.

Especially after Apocalypse opened his mouth, there was an idea of ​​imminent death filling his mind.

"No, it's impossible, how could this be?" Feng Xiaoao tried his best to break free. However, it was useless at all, at this moment, Tian Qi slowly raised his hand and clasped Feng Xiaoao's neck.


Without extra words, Tian Qi used a slight force in his hand and directly broke Feng Xiaoao's neck.

When he let go, Tian Qi also went limp, and he didn't close his eyes until he died, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

However, his eyes were coincidentally staring at He Zhiqiu's direction, just in response to an old saying, cause and effect are unhappy.

His death was the same as He Zhiqiu's.

However, the difference is that Apocalypse will not give up on He Zhiqiu and leave the corpse in the wilderness. But he was destined to turn into bones in this icy cold.

After all, Xuelang hasn't gone far yet, so it's impossible to let it go.

When the other two saw this, they all trembled all at once.

"How could this be, Brother Feng is dead!"

"Damn, damn, Tianqi, you killed Brother Feng, do you know who Brother Feng is?"

Roaring madly.

The scene in front of them was unacceptable to them, and the mutation of the apocalypse made them feel boundless fear.

But Apocalypse would not give them any response, stared at him with cold eyes, and in an instant, the burning stick in his hand began to change.

It was visible to the naked eye, the pitch black on the fire stick began to fall off, and a blood-red color began to appear. But this change was just the beginning, and in an instant, it turned into a red spear.

The body of the gun was full of blood, as if it was fished out of the sea of ​​blood, full of decay and destruction.

When the two saw this scene, their eyes were split.

"What is this? It smells of evil?"

"I understand, he can have this kind of change, all because of the long spear in his hand." The two said one after another.

Immediately, a greedy light flashed in the eyes of both of them. It's just a pity that they don't deserve it. The next moment, a smear of blood red suddenly passed by, and when the two of them reacted, their chests had already been pierced.

Apocalypse stood before them.

Apocalypse's face was indifferent, and his eyes were written with coldness. He held a long spear and beheaded the two mercilessly.

There was remorse in the eyes of the two, maybe they were also regretting, why did they come here, why did they calculate the apocalypse. If not, maybe they are still in town.

Unfortunately... everything is doomed. When they began to calculate the apocalypse, this scene was already doomed.

After beheading the two, Tian Qi turned around and returned to He Zhiqiu's side.

"I won't let you die, definitely!"

Apocalypse's voice echoed in the wind.

Immediately, a young man, carrying a corpse, dragged a long spear, and walked slowly in one direction.

What Tian Qi didn't know was that at the moment Tian Qi's figure disappeared into the wind and snow, the figure of Snow Wolf reappeared.

Not only him, but thousands of miles of ice were filled with terrifying auras.




Countless roars broke out from the ice, watching the direction of Tianqi's disappearance and roaring...

At this time, in the city of Vientiane.

Tianxiang Building.

An incredible scene is going on.

Wang Lu is holding Zhao Yu and performing an indescribable scene in the box of Tianxianglou.

"This... it's really heavy. It's the first time I know that the young master of the Wang family is playing like this."

"The young master of the Zhao family is also amazing. That roar, that sharpness, why did I get a little excited when I heard it."

"Shut up, do you want to die?"

In the Tianxiang Tower, there were bursts of whispers.

Everyone was shocked.

Or, from the moment the two appeared in Tianxianglou, the people in Tianxianglou could not calm down.

The two often hang out together, which is something everyone knows.

However, before the two were drinking flower wine together.

But this time it was amazing, Zhao Yu was actually carried in by Wang Lu.

Afterwards, I asked the prostitute of Tianxianglou to prepare a room.

Next, indescribable, pig-like screams came from the room.

"Little bitch, call it, call it. The more miserable you call it, the more excited this young master is. Hahaha, and your brother, you should be coming soon. Let your brother see you in person at that time. Enjoy under my crotch. Are you happy?"

The voice came out again.

But everyone who heard this voice felt a chill.

"It's too ruthless, this is going to kill Young Master Zhao Yu."

"Not only that, but Zhao Tian Gongzi even saw this scene with his own eyes. Is this crazy? Is the two families breaking up? A life-and-death battle?"

"Look, people from the two families are coming soon, let's stay away. If we can't fix the bleeding in the room, then there will be a good show."

Countless voices began to disappear one after another.

I dare not say any more.

Now the situation has developed far beyond their expectations. The Zhao family and the Wang family are the absolute hegemons in the Vientiane City, and even the city lord must be in awe of them.

Unexpectedly, now the two will break apart.

Yes, what's happening now is a sign of a breakup. Otherwise, even if they are playing lewd, it is impossible to put this hobby in plain sight.

But now, there are no backs.

This will be a great shame for both of them, and it is impossible to be good.

Boom boom boom.

Also at this time.

There was a sudden noise of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the Wang family, the heirs of the Wang family, the head of the Zhao family, the heirs of the Zhao family, and dozens of people brought by each of the two families flooded Tianxiang Tower in minutes.

"The Wang family is doing business, and the idle people are waiting to get out of here." Wang's housekeeper said loudly.

They have heard some clues, and naturally they don't want things to be exposed, so they start to expel them.

"The Zhao family is doing business, and the irrelevant people get out."

The Zhao family also spoke and began to expel people.

After all, this is their great shame, and naturally they don't want to be exposed to the public.

Everyone retreated one after another, and in the face of the pressure of the two families, they naturally did not dare to resist.

But as everyone withdrew, the field became quiet. Immediately, an excited voice came again: "Little bitch, you are so miserable, this young master is so excited."

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