It's Alan!

At the moment when the voice appeared, Long Fei's eyes had already looked over.

"I didn't expect that you seem to have a high level in the Eternal Kingdom." Long Fei said.

This is what Long Fei did not expect. Contact with Alan is not once.

Two touches turned the world upside down. From the weak to the conspirator before, to now, he is full of fighting spirit.

These are unimaginable changes.

Yes, it is the will to fight.

Moreover, when Alan appeared at this time, he was still in a battle armor, and besides him, there were dozens of people.

It seems that he is fully prepared, waiting for Long Fei to appear.

"There are a lot of things you don't know. For example, you will die today!" Alan continued with a cold expression on his face.

"With you?" Long Fei sneered.

Without saying a word, the Life-Destruction Sword appeared in his hand: "Twelve of you, let's go together, it's not enough for me to kill with one sword."

Long Fei is extremely domineering and has an absolutely high-pressure attitude.

This is exactly the feeling that Long Fei has been looking for. Invincible for too long, Long Fei has to forget his original intention.


Just be crazy, just do it!

The sky will overturn you.

"You are the most arrogant one since the appearance of the taboo, but it's useless, you can't turn it over in advance."

"Thirteen of the forty-nine were suppressed by us."

"Today, you will be the last."

Alan spoke first, and then several voices appeared one after another.

They are all dressed in shirts, surging with a powerful breath.

This breath is extremely terrifying, far exceeding the ninth level of the apocalypse.

It can be seen that they have been immersed in this realm for too long, and they are not comparable to those before. long as they haven't broken through to the next realm, Long Fei will not be a bird. Invincible among the same level, this is his daily life, and it will continue today.

If it was more than accumulation, how many nine-level existences of the apocalypse could have come out of his trillions of experience?

So, even if he didn't take that step now, Long Fei didn't care about them at all.

"What nonsense. I've already killed you here, do you think I'm here to listen to your pretense?"

Long Fei's eyes widened, and then he swung out a sword.


The will to destroy rises above the heavens and the earth, and with a sword, the entire eternal world seems to be imprisoned.

This sword is so fast that no one can catch it.

The moment they felt the sword energy, Long Fei's sword had come to the other side.


A sword directly hit the eyebrows of one of them.

Three points to the bone!

"What did you say? I'm the last one?" Long Fei's voice was mocking.

"You..." The man said, his voice full of disbelief.

They have been above all living beings for too long, and they are the invincible existence in the eternal land, ruling everything. He has already developed an invincible aura.

But unfortunately, it was broken by a sword now.

"That's it, you dare to tell me about suppression?" Long Fei's long sword pierced with force.

Then, a scream broke out in the field.

"No, don't kill me. I am an eternal warrior, I am immortal. I..." The man said in a panic, and there was panic in his words. At this moment, the threat of death came to my mind. Even if it is immortal, there is also fear at this moment.

Long Fei's method is too strange and can be broken forever. In front of Long Fei's methods, the so-called eternity is like a turkey, and it shatters when touched.

"I see." Long Fei said lightly, then with a move in his hand, a sword directly pierced the man's forehead.

Body dead, Daoxing!

Long Fei stared silently, looking at the other people.

The so-called eternal warrior has no deterrent effect on Long Fei. If he wants to kill, no one can stop him, even if it is eternal, he will die!

The expressions of the other people also changed drastically at this time, including Alan, their eyes were full of fear.

At this moment, they suddenly regretted in their hearts.

If they hadn't begged the elders of the Eternal Kingdom to break the prison, they would not have appeared. If you don't show up, you don't have to face Long Fei.

But there is no turning back now.

Going back is a dead end.

"Long Fei, do you know how ignorant your actions seem now? Do you really think you can change the outcome?"

"If you don't come here, maybe there is still room for recovery. With your means, you can jump out of the vortex."

"But if you insist on coming here, in my opinion, it's completely self-defeating." Alan said.

At this time, all her words were filled with hatred, and she was completely different from what she saw in Tianren Village before.

"Are you teaching me?"

"Do you know how stupid what you are saying now? I came to die, but, to die for you."

As soon as the voice fell, Long Fei drew his sword again.

The Extinguishing Sword was already extremely skilled, and before the shot, a figure fell down again.

One sword and one.

This kind of combat power made Alan and the others tremble for a moment, and they were shrouded in fear.

They never imagined that Long Fei was such a ruthless man, who would kill if he shot, and didn't even bother to say a word.


In an instant, several people dispersed and entered the eternal kingdom.

Even, the eternal light of the eternal kingdom directly forms a huge shield.


Two people died in the blink of an eye, becoming everyone's nightmare.

It can only be said that this sword is too terrifying, and no one dares to try again.

"Long Fei, you are digging your own grave." Alan shouted.

"I advise you to turn back, or you will surely die."

Long Fei's eyes were slightly stunned.

"Am I very familiar with you?" Long Fei asked.

Alan:  …

Crowd: ...

"You..." Alan was embarrassed.

"If you were the previous Alan, you would still have a few relationships. But you are a warrior in the land of eternity. To me, you are nothing." Long Fei said lightly.

The enemy is just the one who will kill, that's all.

In an instant, Long Fei's figure rose into the air, like plucking green onions from the dry land. And below, a group of people who had been suppressed by Long Fei at this time were experiencing indescribable human suffering. The most ferocious and primitive tearing, and those who are controlled by the power of immortality are like wild beasts, crazy.

To vent the anger that has accumulated in my heart for countless years.

In the blink of an eye, there was mourning. After that, it gradually disappeared.

But this is irrelevant to Long Fei. They don't even look at Long Fei in life or death. Now, in Long Fei's eyes, there is only one, and that is the Eternal Kingdom.

"You guys should be just procrastinating. If I guessed correctly, there should be people behind you. They are planning the final apocalypse." Long Fei's voice was cold.

"You're right, but now that you know what you can do, you can't change anything," Alan said.

"The forbidden land of time and space, hundreds of millions of galaxies, and the apocalypse robbery broke out at the same time, and everything will be destroyed. This is the last time, the great consummation of fifty times." Another person spoke, with a slight sarcasm in his eyes. "Haha, you are very strong. It is even said that among all the taboos, you are enough to rank in the top five. To be exact, it is the fourth. Except for the few you have not seen in these three cities, you are The strongest. But what can you do?

Nothing can change. "

"Eternal and immortal, came dozens of times. You are taboo, but not the master."

"Wait to die. Now we just have to wait. Wait for everything to end, wait for the apocalypse to start. Then you will die in the torrent of catastrophe, just like before."

... Countless voices appeared one after another, one after the other.

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