The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 902: Severe pressure

In the past colleges and universities, each game is a staggered time, even if you all participate, there will be no overlap of time.


This year is different.

The 18th martial arts institute negotiated to unify the previous college-to-bigway approach.


The point is that other tests have not changed, only the team qualifying, the alchemy test, the personal battle, the three games are simultaneously carried out.

Undoubtedly, this is obviously aimed at Longfei.

Dedicated to him!

Now Chen Tianfei is seriously injured. It can't be recovered in two days. That is to say, the Dragon Dragon team will have Longfei, Song Qianqian, and Linglong they are not injured.

How is the team match?

Can you compare?

Basically it is already impossible.

Chen Tianfei was seriously injured, and the blade was seriously injured. Wang Qingshan and Zheng Qingsong were seriously injured. Among the seven, Sakura, Mandala and Han Xueji were slightly hurt.


If Chen Tianfei and four of them were seriously injured and could not play, then Longfei’s plan was completely disrupted.

Chen Tianfei's defense, the blade's rush, Wang Qingshan's sword, and Zheng Qingsong's formation are all necessary in Longfei's plan.

This time... Longfei is like a broken hand.

If the team lost, then he would not be able to get three Super God scores, and he would not get five thousand points, and he would not be able to establish a new military court.

The hand of the Pan family, the gloom of the extreme, directly stabbed the fatality of Longfei.

At the same time, Longfei is extremely uncomfortable, clenched with heavy fists, clenched and gripped, and the killing in his heart is extremely strong.

Chen Tianfei forcibly stood up and said: "Boss, I am fine, I can play again."

If the words have not been finished, the body will swing and swing. If it is not to hold the wall and has fallen to the ground, how can it be played like this?

Chen Tianfei is very important.

He is the strongest defense of Longfei, a super tank.

He wanted to let Chen Fatzi lead the team, but now I am afraid it will not work.


Longfei immediately made a decision and said: "The college is more than three days old. I don't need you to play in the first two days. You have two days to recover."


Longfei took out a jar of medicinal herbs and said: "This is the remedy that I have refined during this time, a total of ten."

"One of you, each one, will make your Dantian, knowing the sea more broadly, and helping you to cultivate and recover."

"You can also take Qiu Lao, which is good for you."

Qiu Wandao gave a slight glimpse and said: "We are in this realm, and medicinal herbs are of no use to us."

The cultivation of medicinal herbs is only something that is needed in the basic realm. They can't help them at this time.

Longfei smiled and said: "When you take it, you will know."

"Chen fat people are still bothering you to take care of them."

"Sakura, Mandala, Han Shijie, let's go."

The three jumped out of the pit.

Longfei looked at the envious eyes of Chen Fatzi and said: "If you can't recover within two days, you should measure it yourself."

Chen Fatzi has a double fist and said: "Boss, you can rest assured, I will let you see a different fat man after two days."


Chen Fatzi said to Qiu Wan: "Qiu Lao, quickly teach us how to restore the cultivation method, I can't wait."


"what did you say?"

“Qiu Wandao’s residence is a trap?”

"Four Uncle, are you really not mistaken?" The battle was shocked. He looked at the four uncles, and his face was pale and his mouth was hanging. His heart was shocked.

The strong man in the realm of the immortality was bombarded like this, how strong is the other party?

Pan Yu’s eyebrows wrinkled and said: “Do you doubt my eyes again?”

The battle immediately said: "I don't dare."


Pan Yu snorted, he was not angry with the battle, but his heart was unhappy, said: "I can't think of a waste from the South Tianyu can find such a strong master to help, and we don't even know who, really look down This kid is over."

He did not see who hurt him.

I didn't see a few people. He only saw a powerful and powerful hand. He slammed his palms up, but... he was bombarded without waiting for his reaction.

That kind of power is surrounded by his mind, and the horror is extreme.

The eyebrows were tight and the fists couldn’t help but clenched. My heart said to myself: “It’s absolutely impossible to give this kid a chance.”

"This time, the Jedi will have to uproot him!"

"for sure!"

The battle has been decided.

The battle was respectful: "Four Uncle, this time you have worked hard, you have a good rest, I will handle the next thing, I will definitely let Longfei pay the price."


The battle quickly left.

Since there are super strong people to help, he also has to do some equipment.


Tongtianxian Temple, too in the mirror.

Taizun smiled coldly. "The four main players are seriously injured. The mad dragon team has basically been abolished."

"Dragon, how do you get the first place in the team?"

"How do you score Super God?"

"Ha ha ha..." Taizun does not want to see that Longfei is too powerful, and he does not want to see Longfei train his own power. This is the last thing he wants to see.

Taizun looked at the disciples around him, and said slightly: "Pan Sheng, you can't be disobedient like him."

Pansheng immediately said: "The disciple does not dare."

"Don't dare!"

Too smirked and said: "If you practice for another year, you can go down the mountain. You are a demon slayer. You should remove the demon from Tianwu, and provoke a heavy burden. Do you understand?"

Pan Shengdao: "The disciple understands."

Too faint smile, said: "Well, you go to practice."

Pan Sheng immediately withdrew, and his heart was secretly moving. "Why did the master want me to see something in the virtual mirror? Is it... he is not defending the dragon?"

"If this is the case..." Pan Sheng’s mouth was excited and excited. "Long Fei, see if you can’t play this time."


He quickly returned to his residence to send someone to send a letter to the house.

The mad dragon team is frustrated, don't worry, and you can crush it.


Let everyone in the mad dragon team die in the ring!

"How good is it to find out the secrets of the Dragon Field. Why do you want to participate in any big ratio? What new military court is being built? Are you asking for trouble?" Taizun smiled coldly.

He did not have the opportunity to rise to the dragon battle.

When he knew that the Dragon Wars could not open the Dragon Field, he did not fight directly and smashed him into the abyss.

For him, Longfei is the last chance for Gutongtian.

Although he does not want to control Longfei as much as he controls the dragon, he does not want the strength of Longfei to grow.


Taizun understands very well that the dragon family has a unique power that can make people swear to death.

He will never let Longfei's power grow!


Chapter two,

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