The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 910: Challenge the entire Ling Dan martial arts

The words of Longfei made the audience shock.

At this time, the elder was a glimpse, but he still had to look at the medicinal medicine that Longfei refines. When he sensed the quality of Yilindan, he was shaking.

Long Feiyin smiled coldly and said: "Is this the spirit of Dan?"

"Give me the chair!"

Sun Datou’s head rushed up and directly brought the chair up.

Longfei scorned and smiled: "I ate it now!"

The voice suddenly became angry and burst into a burst, "Give me food!"

The audience was quiet, especially the disciples of the Ling Dan martial arts. They were like a slap in the face of the dragon, and the grass bag was the thing they did.

It is now released to the public, which is a reputational blow to the Ling Dan Academy.

At this moment.

Xu Tianhe gave a slight drink, said: "Long Fei, since you know that it is not the spirit grass of Yi Ling Dan, why don't you start? You have now refining Yi Ling Dan, why do you say that these grasses are not refining Yi Ling Dan? material?"

"Dragon fly."

"You are smashing the reputation of my Ling Dan martial arts. I want you to apologize to the Ling Dan martial arts. If you dare not blame me, I am welcome." Xu Tianhe is strong.

Ouyang wars a heart, and secretly said: "Xu Tianhe really has a set, not bad!"

It was at this time.

Longfei smiled coldly, picked up the chair next to him and slammed it down the head of the elder, and sipped, "Give me something."


The elder was beaten by the head.

Longfei stared at Xu Tianhe: "You are welcome to give Laozi a look!"


Directly bursting out a thick mouth, the heart stirred up, the anger of Longfei's heart has been suppressed, he has been controlling not to let it directly vent.

But now.

He can't help it!

Chen Tianfei was attacked, the mad dragon team was targeted, all kinds of unfairness, and everywhere was squeezed out. The more the dragon flies, the more they find the Ouyang war.

"Because you are welcome, then you will come to Laozi."

"If you don't die today, Lao Tzu will overturn your ancestors for the 18th generation tomorrow."


Longfei roared, his eyes were killed, his eyes fixed on Xu Tianhe. "I don't want to be a sick cat when I am sick?"

"Oh shit!"

The anger is raging.

Directly press Xu Tianhe down.

Xu Tianhe’s face was also extremely ugly, and he couldn’t speak for a while.

It was at this time.

Longfei picked up the stick scattered on the chair and smashed it down. "Give it to Laozi. If you don't eat this chair today, I will kill you."

It doesn't matter if he says that he can't do it!

The elder was so frightened that he couldn’t even put a fart, and grabbed the wood chips on the ground to eat it, for fear that Longfei would kill him.

Xu Tianhe screamed and sighed: "Dragon, don't be too arrogant."


"I am so arrogant, there is a kind of you who bite me down, or that sentence, today if you can't kill me, I will overturn you tomorrow."

It’s just like this, it’s just like this.

Not satisfied?

I won't accept you to kill me.

Xu Tianhe clenched his fists and smoked his head. He was crushed by a disciple. The dean of the Lingdan martial arts was the first time. Which made him face?

How to mix in the future?

Xu Tianhe was angry.

Extremely angry, Xu Tianhe’s eyebrows sighed and he said: “Where are the disciples of Ling Dan’s military academy?”


All the disciples of the Lingdan martial arts on the entire martial arts field stood up and brushed up and sang together, "in!"

Xu Tianhe stared at Longfeidao: "The old man sees how you can be arrogant today."

It was at this time.

Longfei’s eyes swept away, and he smiled coldly: “The last time I used the force to **** your Lingdan martial arts. You have no force in the alchemy waste.”

"Today is the college, then I will challenge your entire Ling Dan martial arts."

"Exactly, you are the so-called alchemy geniuses, the elders, the dean are there, and Lao Tzu is overturning you today."

Longfei is extremely domineering.

It’s useless, come directly to the real, and talk over it!

Challenge the entire Ling Dan martial arts! !

And it is challenged in the way of alchemy.

Most of the alchemy trials were disciples of the Lingdan martial arts. This time, Longfei not only singled out them, but also the elders of the entire Lingdan martial arts, even Xu Tianhe, the first alchemist of the Emperor's College.

Longfei’s eyes swept the audience. “Don’t talk nonsense with Laozi, ask if you dare!”

"Today, you have solved all of them, and the province's Rory is awkward." This is what Longfei wants to do, and the strength of the Dragon Dragon team is increasingly exposed.

Sakura's violence.

The poison of the mandala, these will be quickly exposed.

By the time.

They certainly can't support a few games. In this way, Longfei is not as good as one-time alchemy, and all of them are turned over!

The audience was shocked.

"Is this man crazy?"

“Refining the spirit of the spirit and the challenge to the real spirit of the Danwuyuan?”

"What is thinking in his mind?"

"This is too arrogant? Take the Ling Dan martial arts as a dog?"


A lot of people are talking about the uproar on the martial arts field.

Linglong did not understand: "Why should the brothers anger the entire Ling Dan martial arts? He can clearly enter the next round, no need to pay attention."

Song Qianqian’s eyebrows are dark and wrinkled. “He is worried about us and wants to end the alchemy ratio ahead of time.”

Mandala micro-channel: "Longfei is like this, everything is considered for others, he never considers himself, so stupid, how can there be such a stupid man."

The hearts of the girls are not a taste.

Ouyang war fell down one step and grabbed Xu Tianhe: "Xu brother, don't take his place."

He also knows what Longfei wants to do.

He just wants to anger Xu Tianhe, and ended the alchemy Dabi before.

Xu Tianhe was already angry and did not listen to advice. He said: "You let go. Today, if I don't give this kid a color, I have no face in the Emperor's College."

"It’s too much to deceive!"

Ouyang warfare: "Xu brother, you calm down, Longfei is deliberately irritating you."

Several other deans have also fallen, saying: "Dr. Xu, the overall situation is heavy."

"Calm a little, how do you get angry with a small waste?"

The people persuaded.

Xu Tianhe also calmed down a bit.


Longfei laughed coldly. "What **** Ling Danwuyuan, a group of garbage, dare to say that Laozi does not understand alchemy. I don’t know how to fight back when you ride on your head, Lingdanwuyuan?"


"Ha ha ha..."

His words were like oil on the fire. Xu Tianhe, who was a little calm, instantly became angry. His body sank and jumped, and he fell heavily on the platform of Dou Dan. His eyes were fixed on Longfeidao: "Boy, come on."

"I will let you know what is called alchemy, what is death!"

Longfei smiled coldly.

Eighteen martial arts, eighteen bosses, just start from you!


Chapter 5, thank you for your support.

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