The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 915: Seven levels are unparalleled, open! ! !

I really can't stand it.

The heart of Longfei has not yet cultivated to the realm of breaking the seven emotions and six desires.

Seeing that his woman is suffering and being humiliated, his whole person is in a state of violent walking, which is very difficult to accept and can’t be said to be uncomfortable.

Danhuo has lost its balance, and the Xiancao Ling liquid in the Dan furnace has begun to be squeezed out of each other uncontrollably, so that it will fail if it goes down for half a minute.


"Dragon, you have to be calm!"

"Boss, calm down, calm down."


They are all anxious.

The more dragons are anxious, the more happy they are in Ouyang.

"Xion Feng, let all their clothes go down, let us all see the women on the beauty list, hahaha..."

"You look at their skin, you see their little waist, too much life."

"Ha ha ha... If I were their man, don't say that I am in alchemy, even if I am in hell, I will climb up and rush."

"Even women can't guard their own, and they watched as they were bullied. This is a fart man. It’s dead early."


A variety of disdainful sounds against Longfei were heard around the stands.

The inner anger of Longfei is more and more unbearable.

The strong murderous atmosphere once and for all hit the defense line of Jinlong's ancestors. This is the strength of Longfei's own, even if the Jinlong ancestors can't resist it.

Jin Long said with a hard time: "Big Dragon, I am going to die, I can't stop it."

"The boss will go into flames in this way, he will be controlled by the murderous heart."

"Blue Dragon Brother, think about it."

Hailong Wang angered: "His grandmother, these dogs are so juggling us, we rushed out and crushed all these scum."

He is a temper.

He can't stand it.

The poison dragon ancestors and the blood dragon ancestors quickly echoed: "I agree, don't give these people some color, really **** that our boss is bullied."

Don't wait for them to finish.

Qinglong's ancestors screamed, "You don't want to mess, there is no step. Once we appear, the whole fairyland will be chaotic, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"Don't forget the consequences of our trip to Tianwu, we can't kill and kill."


"This level can only be his own." Qinglong ancestors will drink the dragons, once again loudly: "Boss, calm, calm, the only thing you have to do now is to calm down."

Longfei said in his heart: "Calm? You calm down and calm down, you calm down and give Laozi a look."

"Oh shit!"

"do my best."

Longfei’s heart was angry, he couldn’t manage so much, and even his own woman couldn’t guard it. What kind of man is this?

What qualifications are living in this world?

What is the establishment of the martial arts, is your dragon domain, what catastrophe, if even your own woman can not protect, even if the world can be?

Longfei’s heart broke out once and for all.

In the moment he made the decision.


A force that he had never felt before fell on his mind, just like a nectar of rain, and the anger of his heart was instantly extinguished.


The madness of his heart was instantly ruined.

This kind of power is too strong. You must know that Longfei may have to go into flames at any time. He can't control himself. This power can actually control it.

In the heart of Longfei, the anger of the heart is extinguished.

Yuner’s body is extremely weak and murmured, saying: “Longfei brother, you have to cheer.”


Her whole person was in a coma, her eyes were a sinking, the black knife gently hugged her, his tears surged, and he was familiar with Yun’s strength.


When he went into flames, Yuner saved him back with the power of her body. It was also the time to start... Yuner’s eyes became invisible.

The black knife kept the cloud tightly, and he said nothing, and he couldn’t make a sound.


Longfei seems to be alive again. His eyes are sinking. Xianli immediately controls himself. He sighs in his heart: "Qinglong, now it is your turn."

Qinglong’s ancestors’ face was tight, saying: “Boss, you just invested in fourteen magical grasses, you can’t control it. If our strength is integrated, I’m worried about you...”

"There is no time."

"You give me a little faster." Longfei didn't have time to drag on. He had to refine the medicinal herbs in the shortest possible time.


Longfei has a heavy glimpse.

Qinglong ancestors drank, said: "Boss, then you control, we have to start!"

The voice fell.


The sky above the head of Longfei suddenly sank, and a huge dragon humming sounded. "Is Jiulong Dan?"

"I let you see what is called Long Zudan!"

"Green Dragon, Fall!"


The dragon roared, the thunder was falling, and the heavy bombardment was in the Qinglong Dingding. The spirit liquid in Danding began to boil, and the eruption continued, just as countless evil spirits had to break through the control of Longfei, where is it, Roaring.

The spirit of Longfei is tight to the limit, and the power of alchemy is brought to the extreme.

"Hailong ancestors, give me a fall!"


A roar, a huge wave patted the shore, a force bombarded vertically, heavy bombardment in the Dan furnace, the power inside the Dan furnace is more turbulent.

Very difficult to control.

"Blood dragon, fall!"

"Golden Dragon, Fall!"


"Boom, bang, bang..." A sound of the roar of the dragon rang, and the force of the thunder was bombarded. The Qinglong Ding was like a crater. The magma inside rolled, and every force fell like a cast in it. Like a blockbuster, a frenzied surge erupts.

Longfei sweats like rain and is soaked.


His lips are white, his teeth are biting, his spirit is about to collapse, and he has broken through the limits again and again.


"Black Dragon finale, give me a fall!" Longfei screamed heavily.

The black dragon ancestors snarled, his power is more fierce, because it is the last force that must play a key role.

The black dragon ancestors moved and said: "Boss, I am coming!"


Longfei’s arm sank, Qinglong Danding seemed to have the weight of hundreds of millions of pounds, and could not bear it. Longfei’s body was also shaking.

With the last Dragon ancestors falling.

Longfei’s heart is a glimpse of “the seven-level unparalleled, open to me!!”


The unparalleled has reached the seventh level, and the property power of one hundred and twenty-eight has been emanating in the body of Longfei. At this moment, his body seems to be torn by strength.

Longfei is red in the body, and his power is like white steam. He is also in control of the power of the body, and he controls the spirit of Qinglong Danding.

Just a few seconds later.

The full strength of Longfei has poured into Qinglong Dingding, "Give me!!"

The system sounds a tone!



The fifth chapter, the day after tomorrow violent!

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