The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 917: Broken enchantment

While Longfei was bombarded and disappeared into the sky, it was in the enchantment.

Xiong Feng stepped out and looked at Song Qianqian and five of them. He smiled and said: "Longfei is a brain waste. He does not know that the stronger the enchantment is, the stronger the anti-phasing force will be."

"Now it's your turn, hahaha..." Xiong Feng laughed loudly.

Except for the mandala, the clothes on the person were somewhat torn apart.

Also at this time.

The mandala suddenly came out and said, "I am ready!"

Song Qianqian’s heart was loose, and he exhaled a heavy breath. Then he took a step back and said: “Then I will see you below.”

Han Xueji reminded: "You must let them lose immediately. I am worried that Longfei will really open the enchantment. At this time, the trial will be regarded as our loss."

Sakura also said: "Miss, hurry."

If Longfei really blasts the enchantment into the ring, he will definitely run away. The Jedi will unscrew the head of Xiong Feng. At that time, even if they win, they will be convicted.

Because it is a team game.

It is a five-player team game. If Longfei comes, it is six people.

They don't doubt that Longfei can break the enchantment, it's just a matter of time!

Just at this time.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Look at heaven!"

"The shadow of the dragon!"

"what is that?"

"It's a knife, and, there is, there is another person."

Many people looked up and looked at the past.

A dragon-shaped knife wrapped the dragon's knife, and the dragon knife quickly shuttled, breaking everything, and followed a person not far behind the dragon knife.

The golden fists above the double fists, this is the brilliance of the artifact.

Variation Kings Gloves!

Plus the peak power of the mountain punch.

"The man is a dragon!"

"I rely, actually not dead yet?"

"The anti-seismic forces that have just been enchanted can make any warrior in the realm of false immortals dying out. He is still not dead."

"He hasn't given up yet?"

"This man is really stupid. Why is it competing with an unbreakable enchantment? Doesn't he know that the stronger the bombardment power, the stronger the strength of the earthquake?"

"It’s a brain."


Above the sky, a knife, one person, impacted vertically.


Linglong said: "The brother is coming, hurry up."

Xiong Feng sneered and said: "Brothers, it's time, take all their clothes down, let us all see their naked body, hahaha..."

Five people rushed out.

There is a word in the mouth of the mandala. She has a special breath, and the atmosphere is colorless, tasteless and invisible, but it is like a ghostly madness rushing into the breath of Xiong Feng.

"Ghost door open!"

"The dead is falling!"

"Give me the devour of it." The mandala's eyes suddenly changed, and the power of the poisonous spirits of the body rushed out to control the toxins inhaled by Xiong Feng.

at this moment.

In an instant, the body of Xiongfeng’s five people suddenly sinks. Xiong Feng squats directly on the ground, his hands are covering his throat, his body is twisted, his face is black, his mouth is blowing, his mouth is blowing, his eyes are blowing black smoke. The eyelids are swallowed and turned into black holes. "Ah, ah, ah... no, no..."

Crazy screams.

It's like seeing the most horrible picture in the world.

In just two seconds, the original invincible Xiong Feng body returned to the human body, curled into a ball, trembling a few times, dead!

The same is true of the remaining four.


At this time, the body of the mandala was soft, the whole face was pale, and the body fell backwards and fainted.


Sakura immediately helped.

It’s too strange.

In less than three seconds, Xiongfeng’s five people will be killed in seconds. This is the time that Song Qianqian and Qiang strive for the mandala, and that the mandala will explode all the power.

Her poison is very deadly.


The whole game was a shock, and Ouyang’s face was very ugly.


Longfei did not notice this.

"Can't you break it?"

"I will see how strong you are." He did not notice that the five bears were solved by the poison of the mandala, and continued to be fierce.


Just like a comet in the sky.

Everyone on the show floor is dumbfounded.

"Oops, the boss doesn't know the situation in the enchantment, this is the next..."

"It's over!"

"This time he released more powerful forces, and the power of enchantment is more powerful, and he will definitely be killed by the earthquake."

"Insane, really **** crazy."


Looking at the dragon's heavy crushing, some people were shocked, but some people were laughing.

Such as the battle.

For example, Ouyang Zhan and more than a dozen deans, the elders are laughing.

Everyone knows that the stronger the force of bombardment and enchantment, the stronger the strength of the enchantment will come back. The only thing that Longfei is so powerful and powerful is that there is only one consequence.


Looking at the dragon flying from the sky, Song Qianqian's face changed greatly, the loud voice: "Longfei, we won, we won..."

"Brother, don't bombard the enchantment."

Longfei could not hear their voice.

Even if he hears, he has no way to recover his strength. Once he forces his strength back, the power of the earthquake will be even more fierce.

It is stronger than the power of enchantment.


"Give me broken!" Longfei roared and the power was released.

The dragon slashed the knife over the enchantment.

Ouyang war laughed involuntarily, "stupid."


"It’s going to die soon."

The power of enchantment cannot be broken. The enchantment on the platform is to prevent the powerful force from leaking out and hurting the disciples around, so its defense is very powerful.

The unbreakable existence.

Just when they were watching Longfei jokes, when they all thought that Longfei was stupid, it was when they all laughed proudly.


A crack appeared in the enchantment, and the dragon's knife tip pierced the enchantment slightly.

The black dragon ancestors in the Dragon Sword snarled and the Dragon Slayer ate another half.


A series of cracks in the ice layer sounded, but did not completely break the enchantment. At this moment, Longfei shocked.

His fists are surging.

"Emperor fist!"

The variation of the emperor's boxing, the force is doubled and bombarded, and the heavy punching of the boxing is on the handle of the dragon's knives. "Give me a break!!"

One order!

Longfei’s double fists slammed.

The dragon knives are like a broken bamboo, and the entire blade is pierced directly into the enchantment. At this moment, the enchantment barrier presents a crack in the spider web.


In just half a second, the enchantment is broken.

A bang disappeared.

At this moment, Longfei rushed down. "The woman who moved Laozi, I killed you."

The scene is too shocking.

The shocking can't be added, the whole performance of the battlefield is quiet, and all look like a monster watching Longfei...


Chapter two,

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