The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 934: Man's promise

"Qinglong team, win!"

On the stage.

The five people of the Qinglong team swept their opponents in less than half a minute, and all of them were heavy-duty and did not give the opponent any chance to resist.


They also ruined their chance to turn over. There was no more support for a team substitute. Once the main force was completely disabled, the team would lose the possibility of turning over.

When I stepped down the ring.

The captain of the Qinglong team stared coldly at Song Qianqian.

The eyes are cold.

"It's so strong."

"I don't want to fight for the first team. It takes only half a minute to solve the battle. It is just a ruin."

"This year's championship is hot, and the Qinglong team will definitely continue to win the championship."

"That's also okay, there are three other martial arts teams, and this year's mad dragon team has sprung up, maybe there is a chance."

"The mad dragon team is really strong. Everyone has a unique strength, but you seem to forget that Longfei is still playing the alchemy game. If he can't play, the mad dragon team is definitely not the opponent of the Qinglong team."

"The analysis is good."


It was at this time.

"Xuanwu battle team, win!"

The Xuanwu team and the Qinglong team were different. The Qinglong team took half a minute to win, but the Xuanwu team spent an hour.

But the results are the same.

The opponent was disfigured, the Qinglong team was to wreck the opponent, but the Xuanwu team was the opponent who himself was disabled, they defended against the attack.

Directly killing each other.

"Suzaku team, win!"

"Go into the next round."

The members of the Suzaku team came out of the ring, and their eyes also looked at Song Qianqian's mad dragon team, with a playful expression in his eyes.

More than four hours later.

"Tomorrow's top four teams are coming out."

"The Qinglong team scores 9 points, the whole body record!"

"The Suzaku team scored 8 points and gave up one."

"The Xuanwu team scored 7 points and gave up two games."

"The mad dragon team scored 6 points and gave up three games."

"Four teams will be tomorrow finals, we are looking forward to tomorrow's final." The referee announced loudly.

In the special account of Longfei, the Dragon Dragon team gave up three games.

They are against the three teams of Xuanwu, Suzaku and Qinglong. The other games are all winning. It is not that Longfei does not want to play with them.


The strength of the mad dragon team is not enough to defeat them.

The strength of Chen Tianfei has not recovered, and his defense of the gods is difficult to play.

However, these are not problems, as long as you can enter the semi-finals, you will not be afraid of the finals.


What makes everyone worth noting is that every member of the Dragons team will take two things during the game, one is the nucleus and the other is an remedy.

After the two things entered, their repairs suddenly rose.

Under the deliberate guidance of Fu Xishan, many people are talking about what they are taking?

"The kind of thing seems to be very special, like a battle remedy."

"Instantly improve, it's too strong."

"What kind of remedy is it?"

"Is there such a drug?"


The discussion is getting stronger and stronger. Whether it is a consortium, a family, or some warriors, even the disciples of the Emperor's College are also asking what the people who are battling the mad dragon team are eating?

Everything is going on according to Longfei’s expected plan.

Fu Xishan also used the influence of Longfei to start crazy speculation and build momentum.

at the same time.

The elders of the medicinal family follow the ‘reverse alchemy technique’ taught by Longfei in the crazy refining of the ‘sea Haidan’, and a medicinal herb that changes the fate of Tianwu’s mainland will appear.


"Dragon flies, enters the finals!"

The sound fell.

The audience was in awe.

"Sure enough!"

"It is simply the strongest king in alchemy."

"The worst of his refining remedies is the best quality."

"The first alchemy in Tianwu is strong."


Just when everyone talked about this, Longfei’s voice sank and said loudly: “You are all guessing what the medicinal dragon medicine is taking?”


"Tomorrow, I will refine it in the finals. This remedy will change the fate of Tianwu mainland!"

"Let's wait."


Longfei did not explain much. This kind of thing left suspense best, and there will be room for imagination, which will make people feel itchy.

Change the fate of Tianwu mainland fate?

This is too big.

Many alchemy masters disdain, and Longfei refining Zulongdan, above the Kowloon Dan, did not say that the fate of Tianwu mainland was changed.

Is there any other medicine that can be more powerful than Jiulong?

The words of Longfei caused an uproar.

The discussion on ‘Life Haidan’ has become more and more intense. Many people doubt Longfei’s words. Many people believe that more people are guessing what kind of medicinal medicine should Longfei be refining?

Emperor's College.

The Emperor's City, and even the entire Xianyu people are talking about it. What kind of medicinal medicine should Longfei be refining tomorrow?

"How about the preparation of Haidan, my sister?"

One day of the test ended, Fu Xishan they must return to the Imperial City.

Long Fei dared to ask before they went down the mountain.

Fu Xishan whispered: "Everything is going on according to your plan, all victory."

"it is good!"

"Tomorrow's game, you are coming." Longfei suddenly made a decision and turned to the black knife: "Uncle Black Sword, tomorrow's game is over, the Pan family will definitely launch a attack on you first, you will stay to protect Fengyuan. Business alliance, whoever dares to move you a word, kill!"

The black knife focuses on the head and says: "Understand!"

Longfei knows very well that the Pan family has always been in the dark, and he must do a good job.

There must be no flaws.

This time...

He wants to uproot the Panjia, and want to explode the Pangu Axe!

Yun Erdao: "Long Fei brother, then you have to be careful."

Longfei gently touched Yun’s head and smiled. “Yun, don’t worry, Longfei’s brother is invincible. When I handle the things of the Emperor’s College, I will try my best to cure your eyes. ”

This is Longfei's promise of black knife.

Even if the black knife is not his knives, the dragon will do the same.


This is a man's commitment to men!

Even if you die, Longfei will finish it.

Yuner smiled and said: "Longfei brother, I am used to it, I am fine, you can do your peace of mind."

She is very optimistic.

Once the flowers and trees, blue sky and white clouds are invisible, who can get used to it in the dark world?

Even if you are used to it, who is not eager to see the light?

Longfei smiled softly. "Yun's eyes are more important than anything else. Yuner, even if I change your eyes to you, I will let you see the light again."

The black knife is a heavy fist, and there is no expression on his face, but his heart is extremely touched.


Chapter Four,

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