The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 952: Take control of the world's throat

He can't calm down.

In Tongtianxian Temple, he is also an alchemy teacher.

In addition to Longfei refining Zulongdan, all the medicinal herbs are not disfigured, including Xu Tianhe refining Jiulong, he dismissed.


He can produce stronger medicinal herbs.

When he came to power, he just wanted to know what is special about Longfei's refining medicinal herbs. It has no other meaning.


When he took the medicinal medicine, the whole person was like an electric shock.

Two eyes roared, and I was so excited that I stared at Longfeidao: "You are this medicine..."

"First wait!"

He broke through the knees and his body swelled and swelled, forming a powerful airflow vortex.

After a few seconds.


A loud noise, a heavy thunderous voice in his body, the whole person was unbeatable excitement, suddenly got up and rushed to the front of Longfei, his eyes filled with worship and respect, said: "Why, why, why? What is the effect of this transformation?"

The Elder of the Temple broke through!

The Elder of the Temple broke through!

Ouyang war's face is blue, Xiao Tianwu's face is ugly, and the elders of the Lingdan martial arts, the disciples face each other like a few hundred slaps of people using slippers, it becomes extremely ugly.

The most joy they just laughed at, but now.

The elders of the Temple have broken through and gave them a loud slap in the face.

Longfei said faintly: "Because this is a drug that changes the world."

"change the world……"

The elders of Xiandian suddenly trembled in their hearts and said to themselves: "Dan Tian has changed, he has changed his mind, and his talent has changed. This is indeed a drug that can change the world."


"Kids, medicinal herbs change the world, this is the dream of our alchemy master, you really did, really, you really did." Saying that the elders of the fairy tales have tears.

Dan Pharmacist is indeed respectable.

However, he is only a Dan pharmacist. He can only refine some medicinal herbs to assist in cultivation. The real thing is to rely on himself. Every alchemy teacher wants to refine the medicine that changes the time.

But this dream is out of reach.

just now.

Longfei did it.

He was extremely excited, and while he was excited, the entire performance field also boiled.

"What is the drug?"

"Even the elders of Xian Dian broke through in an instant, what effect does this medicinal medicine have?"

The disciples of the Eighteenth Military Academy stood up.

The remaining seven elders of the Temple also stood up at the same time.

Their expressions are extremely shocking.

Just when they were shocked, Longfei smiled and looked at the elder of the Temple, saying: "Alchemy is just my hobby."


Do you want to let those alchemists live?

It’s just too terrible.

The elders of the Temple directly said: "Long Fei, give up the next game, I will take you to the Tianxian Temple, you will become the first alchemy teacher in the whole continent, and any of your medicinal herbs will be worth a million dollars."

He knows what will happen in the next game.

But now he can't manage that much, he can't let a talented alchemy teacher fall like this.

He can't let the remedy that changed the world disappear like this.

Longfei gave a slight glimpse and smiled: "Thank you for your kindness. I just said that alchemy is just a hobby. My main post is still a warrior."

The elders of Xian Dian had a tight eyebrow and said: "Long Fei, you listen to me and admit to giving up personal rankings, which is definitely good for you."

He already said it very well.

Personal qualifying is dangerous and incomparable.

Longfei is not a fool. He naturally stopped. He said: "There has never been the word 'abandon' in the dictionary of my dragon family. Thanks to the elders, I will step on them no matter what challenges I encounter."

"How can you not listen to this kid?"

"You will die if you are in a personal qualifying position." Elder Xian Xian said anxiously, he really didn't see the scene for the reason, it didn't matter at first, but now that Longfei has completed his dream that I didn't finish, he didn't want to see the dragon. Fly to die.

What kind of existence is Pan Sheng?

The first demon.

This is only the second, and the more important thing is that his cultivation is the realm, the body he has realized, and the most important thing is the instruction of too respectful!

Even if you can win everything, can Longfei win?

Even if you win the Pansheng, can Longfei win the Taizun adults who are dominated by Xiandian?

Giving up is the only choice for Longfei.

It was at this time.

The three elders of the fairy hall fell and sipped, "Li elder, you said too much."

Before he reacted, the two elders left his body and left the Doudan.

Another elder looked at Longfei and said: "You must participate in personal qualifying. If you dare not participate, everything you get today will become nothing."


"All the people around you will die!"

"My person hates others and threatens me." Longfei's mouth is staring at the elders in front of him. The elder is Oya's father-in-law, and Longfei smiles coldly. "You can rest assured that today, even if the sky falls, I will In the battle for one person, no one can stop me from flying."


"You can't!"

The elder of the fairy hall smiled coldly, and looked at Long Fei with a playful look. He said in his eyes, "I don't know how high the sky is. When you wait, you know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is."

Li Chang is still a big voice: "Long Fei, give up the game, go with me to the fairy hall, Tongtianxian Temple will make your medicinal medicine worth thousands of dollars, listen to me."


One of them slammed into the abdomen of Elder Li, and the other voice sighed and said: "You dare to say more, ask for your life!"

Longfei looked at his eyes, and his heart was full of doubts. "Which masters of personal rankings will appear? No one of the students of the Imperial College is my opponent."

"Is it a strong man?"

Long Fei couldn’t understand who among the disciples of Shendi College was his opponent?


"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth." Longfei said in his heart, faintly said: "I don't need the value of money to refine the medicine."

At the viewing group, a consortium leader stood up and said: "Long Fei adults, what is the name of your medicinal medicine, what is the price, if you can, I want to buy out the exclusive right."

"The price is free to open."

Once this drug enters the drug market, it will sweep across the continent.

The medicinal herbs can change the time, but winning the exclusive right is tantamount to curbing the throat of the world and controlling the entire continent.


All the consorts of the consortium in the consortium stood up and said: "Longfei adults, the price you open casually, as long as you open, we must find a way."

Controlling this remedy is tantamount to controlling the world.

Longfei looked at them one by one. If Haidan was in their hands, it was not the world that changed, but they made them rich.

This is not the purpose of Longfei.

Longfei smiled lightly and said: "This medicinal herb is called 'South Tiandan', the only selling point of Tianwu mainland, Fengyuan Business Alliance."

"As for the price, one hundred and two silver will do!"


Chapter two,

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